Chapter 113 parted ways, and the two broke off completely!!


Rolling thunder and explosion outside, and the rain in the air became bigger and bigger.

Sitting in the café, Ma Tianyun’s heart has never been heavier.

Ever since the last time Jiang Chen ignored his advice and insisted on dealing with the four major special combat teams, a certain sense of foreboding had been haunting him.

Perhaps the thing he feared the most was going to happen after all.

Now Ma Tianyun regrets it quite a lot.

Why did he choose Jiang Chen to become an undercover agent under him in the first place? Isn’t that lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot?

But who is to blame for all this? Isn’t he to blame for himself?

He didn’t expect Jiang Chen to take the initiative to ask him out today.

Ma Tianyun was curious, what was the reason why Jiang Chen asked him to come over? I don’t know how long it took before he heard footsteps in his ears.

It was a private room with only the two of them inside.

If it is not a guest, the waiter will definitely not let him close.

“You came on time.”

It was still a familiar voice, but now Jiang Chen’s tone of voice was much more indifferent than before.

He came to the table opposite him and sat down, and Ma Tianyun smiled and asked, “What do you want to drink?” ”

“Just plain water.”

He hesitated for a moment and poured Jiang Chen a glass of boiled water 09.

A long silence followed between the two.

No one spoke.

The atmosphere at the scene was particularly depressing.

Finally, it was Ma Tianyun who took the lead in asking, “What are you coming to me for?” ”

“Do you know Chen Xiaoyu?”

Ma Tianyun was slightly stunned and said, “Of course you know what’s wrong?” ”

“Just know.”

Jiang Chen spoke: “Not long ago, a seventeen-year-old girl was spoiled by Chen Xiaoyu, and many people know about this matter. ”

“His parents also once told you, why didn’t you arrest him?”

Ma Tianyun was a little surprised, it turned out that Jiang Chen was looking for him for this matter?

He said with a wry smile: “Don’t get excited, I will answer one by one, first of all, I will clearly tell you that we have investigated Chen Xiaoyu.” ”

However, there was no conclusive evidence, and the next day someone turned himself in, saying that he had insulted the girl. There was surveillance footage, along with a host of other pieces of evidence that he wasn’t lying. ”

As soon as he slapped the table, Jiang Chen stood up and said, “I don’t believe you don’t know, that’s the person that Brother Chen Xinghe found to top the bag?” ”

“Of course I know.”

He drank a cup of coffee and said a little helplessly: “But I know what can be done?” What are we paying attention to? Do you understand the evidence? ”

“If we arrest and kill people for no reason, then what is the difference between us and you?”

“The law protects the rights of each of us, so must we be critical? Do you understand that there are no omissions? ”

Jiang Chen felt a little funny and asked, “What about me?” ”

“You keep saying that you need evidence to convict a person? Then why did Fan Xiaoyong kill me without evidence? ”

“Why not answer my question?”


Ma Tianyun froze directly.

He couldn’t answer.

“Why don’t you talk?”

Jiang Chen approached Ma Tianyun and asked, “Can’t answer, right?” ”

He let out a long sigh and said helplessly: “Things are not what you think? Fan Xiaoyong, they also followed the rules before, but…”

“But what? But I couldn’t find my evidence several times, so I didn’t follow the rules? What a crooked truth is this. ”

Ma Tianyun did not speak, he admitted that he was indeed unreasonable.

A moment later, Ma Tianyun said again: “In addition to evidence, there is another article that is also quite important. ”

“Say it quickly.”

Ma Tianyun was silent for a long time and replied, “Chen Xiaoyu is only seventeen years old this year, and he still doesn’t have the ability to take responsibility?” There are relevant laws to protect him. ”

“Coupled with the fact that his father is a well-known local entrepreneur and can be granted bail, all of these are in accordance with the procedure.”


Ma Tianyun was particularly helpless.

He is definitely a good cop who enforces the law impartially, and every decision he makes is done according to the rules and regulations.

However, rules are not always completely good sometimes.

“So based on the above two reasons, although everyone knows that Chen Xiaoyu is behind the scenes, no one has done it, right?”

He hesitated for a moment and nodded and said, “At least it looks like this on the surface.” ”

“We made great efforts to bring Chen Xiaoyu to justice, but in the end it failed.”

Jiang Chen let out a long sigh, and a helpless look appeared in his eyes and said, “Okay, I understand.” ”

“Jiang Chen, all I said is the truth.”

Ma Tianyun smiled bitterly and said, “Chen Xinghe’s influence in the local area is only comparable to yours. ”

Of course, he understood what Ma Tianyun meant, and Chen Xinghe, as an entrepreneur, made much greater contributions than he Jiang Chen.

Influence and status are naturally higher.

“Since you can’t solve the problem in your way, can I solve it in my way?”

Hearing this, Ma Tianyun was frightened.

What does Jiang Chen want to do?

Could it be that he was ready to directly attack the people of the Chen family?

“Jiang Chen.”

Ma Tianyun said: “I tell you this matter, you must not mess around, if you really do something to them, I’m afraid…”

“Shut up!”

Jiang Chen interrupted Ma Tianyun and said, “There are some things that cannot be solved with rules, so take methods beyond the rules.” ”

“Everyone knows that he Chen Xiaoyu deserves to die, I am just doing what I 717 thinks is right.”

Ma Tianyun finally couldn’t help it.

After experiencing what happened last time, Jiang Chen repeatedly contradicted himself, not taking him as the boss in his eyes at all.

He suddenly slapped the table and said, “Jiang Chen, are you really going to break with me? ”

“If you don’t talk about evidence for me, you have to talk about evidence for Chen Xiaoyu?”

Jiang Chen asked with a gloomy face, “I want to ask, even if I really break with you, what can I do?” ”


What Jiang Chen said just now made him tremble with anger, and he gritted his teeth and said: “Jiang Chen, can you think clearly, if you really come to this step with me, you are an undercover thing, and there will never be a day when it will be made public?” ”

“You want to understand that I am the only one who knows your undercover identity?”

“If you really do that, I’m afraid…”

Jiang Chen interrupted the other party and said, “I didn’t do anything wrong, Chen Xiaoyu actually made a mistake, even if he had to pay for his evil deeds.” ”

“Karma reincarnation is not happy, don’t you even know this?”

Looking at the angry Jiang Chen, Ma Tianyun didn’t know how to answer for a while.

He closed his eyes, and grief appeared in God’s invitation.

Ma Tianyun knew that Jiang Chen had done nothing wrong.

Do you say…

Are they really going to go their separate ways on the road of no return?

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