Chapter 114 Righteous indignation, the whole network supports Jiang Chen!!

The air in the room was particularly anxious.

The rain outside the window is getting heavier.

Even the entire city seemed to be completely submerged.

Ma Tianyun looked at Jiang Chen, who was standing in front of him, trembling with anger, and didn’t know what to say for a while.

His anger dissipated a lot, and if you think about it, he is indeed a little ashamed of Jiang Chen.

“I apologize to you for what Fan Xiaoyong did before, but I don’t want to do anything to Dong Xiaoyu.”

Jiang Chen sneered, “Do you think I’m more damned than Chen Xiaoyu?” How many seventeen or eighteen-year-old girls did he kick, you don’t know? ”

“Just because he’s not old yet? So you turn a blind eye? ”

“Don’t you understand that many people were found by his father?”

“Leave me to do what you don’t do.”

His attitude was quite resolute, and Duan had any land to be removed from the peace association.

Ma Tianyun asked after a long time, “Are you sure you want this?” ”

“Of course.”

He knew that he couldn’t change Jiang Chen’s decision, and the other party was a rather stubborn person.

He had learned this a long time ago.

Ma Tianyun sighed and said, “I know I can’t persuade you, not to mention I’m not qualified to persuade you.” ”

“But I’m going to put the ugliness ahead. If you really kill Chen Xiaoyu, then you will indeed no longer be my undercover agent. ”

“No problem.”

He said categorically: “Manly husband, do something, do something!” ”

“In the face of that little fart child, if I don’t do anything, I won’t be Jiang He dropped this sentence and turned around and left the room directly.”


Before leaving, he slammed the door.

There was a loud noise in the room.

The rolling thunder above his head almost tore apart the endless black firmament.

He let out a long sigh of relief, he was very worried every day before this happened.

When everything actually happened, he was relieved.

Just now, Ma Tianyun was just saying cruel things to Jiang Chen.

Hopefully, he won’t make a mistake again and again.

If he really made a move on Chen Xiaoyu, it is estimated that the nature would be different.

“Jiang Chen, I hope you are good to yourself.”

Jiang Chen chose to make a move on Chen Xiaoyu, not to say how kind he was.

It’s just that his father, Chen Xinghe, betrayed his brothers and let them get hurt, not to mention, that important batch of goods was also robbed.

It just so happened that his son was not a thing, so Jiang Chen could logically give them a pot.

His son must die.

After returning home, Jiang Chen turned on his computer and found that a video was circulating wildly on the Internet.

The number of retweets in a day is actually as many as five million times.

What is it?

Jiang Chen was a little curious and clicked in to watch for a moment.

The video is not particularly clear, but you can still see a rough idea.

There was a middle-aged couple, probably in their forties, standing in front of them was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy.

The little boy was also surrounded by a group of black-clothed bodyguards, all of whom were physically strong.

“You’re a bastard.”

The middle-aged man pointed at the child and scolded: “Hurry up, you beast, where did you get my daughter?” ”

The child clasped his hands in front of his chest and said quite proudly: “Are you right, your daughter was taken away by me?” ”

“What can you do with me? Have the ability to come over and bite Lao Tzu now? I can see your daughter, that’s her blessing. ”

“Who knew that he didn’t have long eyes and was ready to do something to me? Of course I killed her after I turned her upside down? ”

“Not convinced, huh? Come and beat me if you’re not convinced? ”

The middle-aged man trembled with anger, and the woman next to him couldn’t withstand such a huge blow and almost fell to the ground.

“You’re a bastard!”

The middle-aged man rushed towards the little boy with a wooden stick next to him, and the few bodyguards around him would definitely not stand idly by.

One by one, they rushed forward and directly wanted to fall to the ground, and the wooden sticks began to greet the middle-aged man.

Not long after, the middle-aged man was also knocked down, the ground was covered with blood, and several teeth were missing.

The boy walked up to the middle-aged man, stepped on his face, and spat and said: “Laozi told you that you are also such a big person, you should figure out what can be said and what cannot be said?” ”

“If you can’t manage your mouth, then you should know what the price will be?”

The middle-aged man struggled with all his strength, and his eyes were almost cracked, and his eyes were red and bloodshot.

But both of his hands and legs had been broken and he couldn’t move at all.

They could only stare at each other with resentment.

“Let’s go.”

When the words fell, the little boy turned to leave with a few people around him.

The comments below the video are all scolding.

“Groove! It’s a lie, Made! Is Chen Xinghe’s son also too much? ”

“Although Lao Tzu has long known that Chen Xiaoyu is not a thing, he didn’t expect that what he did this time was so unhuman?”

“Why didn’t × arrest him? What if he wasn’t an adult? This kind of dog thing dies early and lives early? ”

“That’s right, Lao Tzu can’t wait to go over and chop Chen Xiaoyu now!”

“Pity that little girl, my daughter is her classmate. It is said that she has excellent character and is helpful in school, and everyone likes her. It’s only seventeen years old, and that’s how it turned out…”

Most people hated Chen Xiaoyu’s incident.

But they also have more than enough energy.

Although everyone knows it, Chen Xiaoyu is the real murderer.

However, Chen Xinghe was very smart and fought the personal top compatriot in advance.

Even if everyone hates it so much, it can’t change anything at all.

Seeing such a fierce disturbance in the comment area, Jiang Chen knew that it was time to add a fire

He pondered for a moment, typed a line, and passed it directly.

“I also want Chen Xiaoyu to die!”

When Jiang Chen’s ID made this comment, everyone froze.

Many people are wondering if it is an illusion.

Is that person the real Jiang Chen?

Many people on the Internet have asked questions in unison.

“Groove! Am I reading it wrong? Is that really Jiang Chen’s ID? ”

“It should be a fake Jiang Chen, right? Is Jiang Chen really willing to meddle in this matter? ”

“If Jiang Chen really makes a move, I have reason to doubt that he can slaughter Chen Xiaoyu!”

“Is it really Jiang Chen?”

The majority of netizens are quite excited to see this news.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen smiled lightly and affirmed everyone’s conjecture in the comment area.

“I am Jiang Chen, who just replaced the fat Jiang Chen not long ago!”

“I said I would let Chen Xiaoyu die!”

The attitude is resolute, and every word is sonorous.

Like a bombshell, it sets off terrifying waves.

At this moment, the whole network was horrified!

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