Chapter 115 Jiang Chen became a hero, admired by the whole people!!

“Groove! It’s not that someone is impersonating him, it’s really Jiang Chen. ”

“I really didn’t expect that even Jiang Chen couldn’t see it, I believe that if he shot that bastard, he would definitely die a miserable death.”

“We support Jiang Chen unconditionally! If he can really kill Chen Xiaoyu, then he will be our hero in Jiangbei. ”

“Chen Xinghe’s father and son deceive people too much, they are two beasts!”

Jiang Chen’s comment exploded in the shortest possible time, and the number of retweets on the whole network reached more than three million times.

Many netizens were quite excited and excited, and they left messages under Jiang Chen’s comments, expressing their support for him.

I hope he can kill Chen Xiaoyu.

This matter quickly fermented and quickly topped the hot search list.

Let countless netizens get excited.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I finally found a person who can do justice.

Who would have thought that it would be Jiang Chen who was willing to bring Chen Xiaoyu to justice in the end?

Jiang Chen, who made many people frightened at the beginning?……



Chen Xiaoyu rushed into his father’s room, his voice trembling slightly with fear on his handsome face, and he also understood Jiang Chen’s strength clearly.

That’s a rather scary existence.

In just one or two months, he changed the entire Jiangbei Ge 997 Bureau, and he is a genius worthy of the name of a demon.

If he really wants to do it to himself, it is estimated that there will be less murder at that time.

“What for?”

Chen Xinghe has been busy with the company’s affairs and neglected to discipline his son, and it is precisely because of this layer that he has done a lot of bad things outside.

Chen Xiaoyu was full of fear and said: “Didn’t you go online?” That Wang Baegg, named Jiang Chen, openly shouted on the Internet, saying that he would come and slaughter me tomorrow night. ”

“What did you say?”

Chen Xinghe stood up suddenly, obviously he also knew Jiang Chen’s power and means.

“Is he really going to do something to you?”

Chen Xiaoyu nodded lightly and said: “How can I lie to you, if you don’t believe it, go online and take a look yourself?” ”

“Word has already spread about this.”

Chen Xinghe logged in to the computer, and the situation was exactly the same as his son said.

All the discussions on the Internet were all about this matter, and everyone was clapping their hands in celebration, proud of the decision Jiang Chen had made.

In their opinion, Jiang Chen should be like this.

Chen Xiaoyu damn it.


Chen Xinghe stood up, slapped his son in the face, pointed at his nose and scolded: “What did Laozi tell you before?” ”

“Let you usually learn to converge a little, can I protect you for a while, can I not protect you for a lifetime? Why didn’t you listen to me then? ”

“Now you know you regret it, don’t you?”

People like Jiang Chen are actually more terrifying than Ma Tianyun.

Ma Tianyun, no matter how jealous they are, they will at least do things within the rules, and they will definitely not take a step beyond Lei Chi.

But Jiang Chen is different.

If he really wants to kill you, he will absolutely stop at nothing and have no time or energy to talk to you about the so-called rules.

You can’t even block it?

He only knew that his son had done bad things, but he didn’t know, and he actually found the woman’s parents afterwards.

This guy… It’s really crooked.

Chen Xiaoyu’s voice trembled and said: “Dad, I know that I will definitely change it if I am wrong, but can you help me escape this crisis?” ”

He knew very well that if Jiang Chen really killed him this time, he estimated that he would be finished.

“Don’t worry, I’ll go over and talk to him in the afternoon.”

Chen Xinghe was silent for a moment and said: “I hope that little brother Jiang Chen can give me this face, in case he is really unwilling to give it at that time, then I have to take a risk.” ”

“Thank you Dad.”


The sunset is full and the sun is setting.

“Boss, Boss Chen is looking for you.”

Jiang Chen put down the pen in his hand, raised his head and said lightly: “I really didn’t expect the speed to be quite fast?” Let him come first. ”


Not long after the door was pushed open, Chen Xinghe walked in from outside the door, carrying two boxes in his hands and a smile on his face.

After entering the room, he first put the gift he brought over on the side, and without Jiang Chen’s permission, Chen Xinghe did not dare to sit down at all.

He said with a smile: “Brother Jiang Chen has not been seen for a few days, don’t come unharmed.” ”

“There is something to say quickly, and there is a fart to release quickly.”

He doesn’t like to waste time with treacherous people.

Chen Xinghe smiled awkwardly and said, “The news you said on the Internet should not be true, right?” ”

“What news?”

He hurriedly said, “About my son? ”

“Do you think your son doesn’t deserve to die?”


Chen Xinghe couldn’t answer.

He knows better than anyone how many bad things his son has done outside.

But thinking that the other party is his only son, and his family has a big business, he can completely help the latter settle all problems, so he turned a blind eye.

He never thought that one day, that uncontending son could provoke Jiang Chen’s head.

“Why not answer my question?”

Jiang Chen gloomy face said, “Do you think your son doesn’t deserve to die?” ”

“No, it’s not.”

Chen Xinghe shook his head lightly and said, “Those bad things he did, even if he died ten times, it was not enough. ”

“Since you know, who gave your face to persuade me?”

Chen Xinghe gritted his teeth, took out a bank card and put it in front of Jiang Chen and said: “The five hundred million in this is a little tea money, and I hope you can accept it.” ”

“Want to buy me?”

Jiang Chen sneered, “You really think I’m so good to talk to? Five hundred million can I do anything? ”

Chen Xinghe plucked up his courage and said, “Aren’t you the most moral? We are partners, in case you do this is a bit unmoral! ”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but smile.

Who gave him a face, and dared to mention this matter to his own face? If he didn’t say that Jiang Chen wasn’t so angry?

“You shut up Lao Tzu!”

Slapping the table with his hand, Jiang Chen scolded, “Are you still embarrassed to tell me about this?” You and Yang Tianlong seized my goods, and I haven’t bothered you yet. ”


Now Chen Xinghe’s face was full of confusion.

When did he seize his goods?

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