Chapter 116 for tat, Jiang Chen War Ma Tianyun!!

Chen Xinghe said blankly: “Brother Jiang Chen, did you misunderstand something? ”

“I haven’t seen your shipment at all, so how can I seize it?”

Jiang Chen frowned and said, “You still want to lie to me now? The shipment I shipped, no one else knows about it except you know. ”

“Not long ago, he was just snatched away by the people of the Jianghe Organization, you said that it was not the news that you betrayed, then you answered me ~ who did it?”

So that’s what happened.

He quickly shook his head and said to Jiang Chen: “Brother, you heard me say that this matter really has nothing to do with me, if you hadn’t told me just now, I wouldn’t have known that your batch of goods was robbed and left.” ”

“Not you, who is that?”

Chen Xinghe thought for a while and hurriedly said: “It must have been Yang Tianlong who let him do it, if you think about it, last time you offended him, he definitely wanted to take revenge on you.” ”

“He also has a lot of eyeliner in the Jiangbei area, and it should be very simple to find out the location of your goods. Now he has a lot of things to do, and he doesn’t want to personally take action, so let the people of the Jianghe organization do it. ”

The other party’s analysis is quite reasonable.

Touching his chin with his hand, Jiang Chen said, “I feel that you are quite right.” ”

Hearing this, Chen Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, in his opinion, the main reason why Jiang Chen targeted himself was inseparable from that shipment.

Since now he knows that the goods were not lost because of him? Is that possible not to hurt his son?

“Then can you spare Xiaoyu?”


Jiang Chen replied categorically.


Chen Xinghe couldn’t help it, he gritted his teeth and glared at Jiang Chen viciously and said, “I’m enough to give you face now?” I tell you, you don’t toast and don’t eat and punish wine? ”

“Do you really think I’m going to kill Chen Xiaoyu just for my shipment?”

“Since you can’t discipline your son well, then I’ll help you discipline him? He didn’t just insult an innocent girl, you know it, but he didn’t pay attention to it? ”

“I’m a kind guy and want to help you remake him? If you don’t thank me, forget it, and still chirp with me here? ”



He didn’t talk nonsense with the other party, slapped Chen Xinghe’s face and scolded: “Roll me immediately!” ”

“I’ll give you three seconds, and if you don’t let me go, I’ll kill you first.”

Chen Xinghe’s face turned pale.

He knew that he couldn’t talk about the conditions in front of Jiang Chen, and if he talked to him again, it was estimated that he would really kill him.

It seems that if you want Chen Xiaoyu to survive, you must think of other ways.

Half an hour later, he drove back home and saw his son waiting in front of the villa from a distance.

As soon as he opened the car door, Chen Xiaoyu ran over full of eagerness.

He swallowed very nervously and asked, “How about Dad?” Is Jiang Chen willing to spare me? ”

Looking at his son’s expression, Chen Xinghe’s body trembled with anger, and his backhand was two slaps on his face, and he gave him two kicks fiercely.

When his mother saw it, she couldn’t help but rush out of the room, hugged her son, protected her behind her and shouted, “What are you beating him for?” ”

“What did I hit him for?”

Chen Xinghe pointed at the woman’s nose and scolded: “Mother Duo’er is talking about you, how do I tell you on weekdays?” Let you discipline him well? ”

“You just didn’t listen, and now he’s finally in trouble, right?”

The woman was also very aggrieved and said: “Why do you shift all the responsibility on me? Xiaoyu became what he is today, don’t you have responsibility? ”

“I only know work every day, have you ever taken care of things at home?”

“Now it’s okay, blame me for everything?”

“By what?”

Chen Xiaoyu is indeed scared and stupid now.

Since he was ten years old, he has been fighting for his father’s influence, and he has done a lot of bad things in Jiangbei.

However, although everyone was dissatisfied with him before, they all turned a blind eye, and for Chen Xinghe, wiping his ass was only a small problem.

But no matter what, he didn’t expect that this time he would actually provoke Jiang Chen’s head.

That veritable living Yan King in the Jiangbei region.

A terrifying existence that makes many people feel terrified as soon as they mention his name.

Why did he do it to himself?


Chen Xiaoyu was very scared and said: “I really know that I am wrong, but I don’t want to die now, I believe that you are so powerful that you will definitely find a way to save me, right?” ”

Chen Xinghe contained his anger, he knew that it was useless to hold his son accountable now, and he had to quickly find a way to solve the problem.

“I’ll go find Ma Tianyun later.”

Chen Xinghe rubbed his forehead and said, “I hope he can help think of a way.” ”


“Mr. Chen.”

Ma Tianyun sat on the sofa, his face a little cold and said: “Have you misunderstood the nature of our profession?” Our purpose is to maintain social order, not to be your bodyguard? ”

“If you think…”

“Captain Horse.”

Chen Xinghe interrupted Ma Tianyun and said: “You don’t have to worry, I am definitely a rule-based person, and the benefits you deserve, I will not lose a penny.” ”

Ma Tianyun’s attitude was even more indifferent, and a trace of anger flashed in his expression and said: “President Chen, what do you think of us? ”

“Besides, please forgive me for speaking badly, Chen Xiaoyu was originally to blame today. If we hadn’t found definitive evidence that it was the girls he hurt, I’m afraid he would have been locked up long ago. ”

“I hate your son more than Jiang Chen, and I have long wanted to bring him to justice.”

“As a result, you still want me to protect him now? I see there’s nothing wrong with your head, right? ”


Chen Xinghe trembled with anger when he heard this, and he suddenly stood up and said, “Ma Tianyun, don’t you forget how much I have contributed to Jiangbei? ”

“But that’s not an excuse for your son to do something wrong and you don’t care?”

Chen Xinghe gritted his teeth and said, “Well, you don’t want to protect my son, are you?” ”

“Then I’ll look for the people above you, have you forgotten that my son has done something unreasonable.” But you don’t have enough evidence to support this? ”

“So my son is still innocent, then you have the responsibility and obligation to protect his personal safety.”

“You can’t sit idly by.”

“If you don’t believe me, I’ll go to Captain Zhou now?”

Ma Tianyun didn’t speak.

Chen Xinghe was not messing around just now, what he said did make sense.

If there is evidence that Chen Xiaoyu is indeed the culprit who insulted those girls, they can ignore it.

But now on the surface, it appears that those murderers have pleaded guilty.

They have a responsibility to protect Chen Xiaoyu.

This is their obligation.

“I’ll go to Lao Zhou right away, I’m sure he will give me a reasonable explanation.”

When the words fell, Chen Xinghe left the room…

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