Chapter 117 Head-on War, Jiang Chen crushes Ma Tianyun!!

Looking at the other party’s back disappearing in the torrential rain, Ma Tianyun’s mood was sad and heavy.

He knew that after Captain Zhou learned the news, he would definitely not stand idly by, and he must let them protect Chen Xiaoyu.

Captain Zhou is just righteous and a very principled person.

Since the murderer on the surface has been found, even if he knows that Chen Xiaoyu is behind the scenes, he will definitely not care.

At least from the legal level, Chen Xiaoyu is still innocent.

If they are watching from the sidelines, what is the difference between using terrorists who kill people? Facing ordinary people and not saving them is not their style at all.

Sure enough, after more than half an hour, Ma Tianyun’s mobile phone rang, and after receiving it, there was the voice of Captain Zhou over there.

“Ma Tianyun.”

Captain Zhou was angry and said loudly, “I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation?” Mr. Chen came and asked you to protect his son, why didn’t you listen? ”

“That guy Jiang Chen, now in the underground world of Jiangbei, how much influence do you know?”

“He has done so many bad things, and he is still ready to do something to Mr. Chen’s son, you can obviously manage it, but you have to stand idly by?”

“I don’t think you want to do it, do you?”

Ma Tianyun’s voice trembled and said, “Captain, don’t you know how many innocent girls Chen Xiaoyu has hurt? ”

“Of course I know, but I want you to make it clear that we are not talking about feelings but about laws.”

Captain Zhou said: “In this case, if you are emotional, it is simply stupid. ”

“I won’t allow you to do that? Do you understand? ”

Since Ma Tianyun became the captain of the armed police, he has always enforced the law impartially, and he has never bent the law for personal gain, and everything is done in accordance with the rules and regulations.

He always thought he was right.

But what happened today made him can’t help but start to doubt his principles.

It is clear that Chen Xiaoyu is heinous, but because there is no evidence, he still wants to protect him?

Isn’t that ridiculous?

Even if he really broke with Jiang Chen, he was really willing to support Jiang Chen in terms of subjective emotions about this matter.

Chen Xiaoyu deserved to die.

“Why don’t you talk?”

Captain Zhou said: “Ma Tianyun, please don’t forget the dress you are wearing, it is a duty. ”

“I understand what you have in mind, and I admit that there are still many loopholes and bad things in our rules.”

“But in general, it’s fine, all we have to do is maintain the authority of the rules.”

“If you don’t do anything now, do you think others will believe you in the future?”

“Because of the rules, we are willing to protect even the heinous beasts, and we will definitely protect those who are kind.”

“You don’t understand?”

Ma Tianyun was silent for a long time, no matter how reluctant he was, he could only agree in the end.


That night, Ma Tianyun told the news to his armed police soldiers, and everyone behaved and reacted as much as he expected after learning about the incident.

People’s emotions were quite excited, no matter who they didn’t expect, not only could they not arrest Chen Xiaoyu, but they actually had to protect him?

It’s a very ironic thing.

That night, this extremely heavy news also spread on the Internet and set off terrifying waves in the shortest possible time.

Many people regret it after they know it.

Everyone was indignant and couldn’t understand Ma Tianyun’s decision.

“Can anyone tell me what’s going on? Ma Tianyun, shouldn’t they go and grab Chen Xiaozi? ”

“This world is really magical, Jiang Chen went to kill Chen Xiaoyu, but Ma Tianyun and they want to protect each other? Can anyone give me a reasonable explanation? ”

“I’m getting confused about who is a good person?”

In the face of the misunderstanding of others on the Internet, Ma Tianyun has always remained silent.

Who could know the pain in his heart?

When he learned what Chen Xiaoyu had done, he dreamed of arresting him and seeking justice for the dead girls.

But he couldn’t.

Since he wears this outfit, he must follow the rules.

He even prayed in his heart that Jiang Chen could really kill Chen Xiaoyu, the bastard.

So that the girls who died can get justice.

In the past few days, the entire Jiangbei has been discussing this matter, and everyone is very curious to know Jiang Chen now, do they dare to make a move on Chen Xiaoyu?

If he really dared, it would mean that he was openly shouting with Ma Tianyun? At that time, the people above want to make a move on Jiang Chen, and they will be completely famous.

But if you don’t do it…

Do you really want to let Chen Xiaoyudao go unpunished?

Many people on the Internet are expressing their worries.

“I feel that this time Brother Jiang Chen will probably not do it.”

“Do you still need to ask? The current situation is quite dangerous, if Jiang Chen dares to come forward, he will definitely be targeted, and it is estimated that he will not be able to mix in Jiangbei in the future. ”

“Even if Jiang Chen is under pressure and unwilling to make a move on Chen Xiaoyu, I still admire him, he is a man.”

“I won’t blame him if he doesn’t do it, after all, once Jiang Chen goes to the Chen family the day after tomorrow, it is estimated that Ma Tianyun will have evidence from them, and he will be miserable at that time.” As if to confirm the speculation of netizens, Jiang Chen has never given a positive response on his account. ”

Many netizens left messages in his comment area, trying to figure out Jiang Chen’s next plan.

“Mr. Jiang, will you do it?”

“Mr. Jiang, when Chen Xiaoyu knew that you wouldn’t do it, didn’t you know how crazy he was?”

“Mr. Jiang, don’t listen to them, I think your life safety is the most important thing, if you don’t go, you won’t go.”

Seeing that Jiang Chen never dared to speak, Chen Xiaoyu did not have the slightest bit of original fear, and his face was full of pride.

He even took a video and posted it on the Internet to openly provoke Jiang Chen.

However, when he shot this video, he definitely did not let Chen Xinghe know

Otherwise his dad would never let him send it out?

Chen Xiaoyu in the video is full of pride, which makes people grit their teeth with hatred.

“Jiang Chen, what did you say a few days ago? Didn’t you say that you must do something to me, you must kill me? ”

“Tomorrow the time is coming, Lao Tzu will stay at home, not going anywhere, I want to know if you dare to come and do something to me?”

“You’re a trash, you just know how to talk big! Lao Tzu told you that my father is here, don’t you want to touch a single hair of me? ”

After netizens saw his provocation, they were all angry to the extreme.

Ma Tianyun is now eager to rush in and kill Chen Xiaoyu.

This guy is simply crazy!

That night, Jiang Chen still did not respond to the video.

Early the next morning, Jiang Chen appeared again in the comment area of the video, making the majority of netizens almost go crazy.

“Eight o’clock tonight is your time of death, and the Heavenly King Laozi can’t save you!”

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