Chapter 118 The steel armor is now here, and Jiang Chen is mighty in all directions!!

The moment Jiang Chen’s news came out, the whole network first fell into some strange silence.

No matter who it was, there were no comments.

In the comment area that led to the video, there was only one comment from Jiang Chen, which was particularly eye-catching.

The number of likes reached a staggering one million.

The likes of his comments far exceeded the likes of the video itself.

Many people are skeptical.

Is Jiang Chen so rigid?

Now that Ma Tianyun had sent someone to protect Chen Xiaoyu, once Jiang Chen showed up, he gave them a good handle.

Isn’t Jiang Chen jumping into the fire pit by himself at that time? He’s crazy, isn’t he?

No one could figure out what Jiang Chen really thought? Is he serious or is he joking?

No one dared to arch the fire in the comment area like before, let Jiang Chen move, and after another half an hour, Jiang Chen issued a comment again.

“When I let you die, you have to die, and everyone should pay for their mistakes!”

Such a wild and unruly tone was indeed exactly the same as Jiang Chen’s acting style

After it was determined that Jiang Chen would start tonight, everyone fell into a crazy carnival.

“From now on, if anyone dares to say that Brother Jiang Chen 09 is a bad person, I will fight with him!”

“That big brother upstairs is small, right? I tell you the truth, I never felt that Brother Jiang Chen was a bad person, and I decided to join his club tomorrow. ”

“I’m going to join his club tomorrow too!”

“Brother Jiang Chen is mighty, let us wipe the moon at eight o’clock tomorrow.”

Some people were amazed and glad at what Jiang Chen did, and of course, some people poured cold water on it.

“You guys are really stupid, what do you believe when Jiang Chen says? Even if Chen Xiaoyu did something excessive, it didn’t provoke him? ”

“Do you think Jiang Chen will go against Ma Tianyun for the sake of a strange girl? He is not stupid, how is this possible. ”

“I guess he’s just bragging, and he definitely won’t really do it.”

“That’s right! Jiang Chen is essentially just a person from an underground society, how dare he confront Ma Tianyun head-on? Unless he doesn’t want to live! ”

“Can’t do anything else, Jiang Chen bragged that few people really can compare.”

Those who supported Jiang Chen and opposed Jiang Chen launched a rather fierce scolding war on the Internet, and spit was rampant.

Most people still believe that Jiang Chen can’t be a giant who can’t speak, and the dwarf who acts is still a part of it that spares no effort to mock.

Devalued Jiang Chen to nothing.

Jiang Chen didn’t pay attention to their opinions at all, in his opinion, they were all trivial things.

He browsed the content in the comment area, and he couldn’t help it.

At this moment, I heard Zhang Huaqiang’s voice behind him.


Zhang Huaqiang asked, “Are you really going to do something to Chen Xiaoyu?” ”

“In a word, the horse is difficult to chase.”

Zhang Huaqiang hesitated for a moment and said, “But you should know that if you show up in person, what will happen then?” ”

“Who told you that I need to show up in person?”

Zhang Huaqiang didn’t answer and said, “But if you don’t show up in person, how will everyone know that you did it?” ”

“I’ll show you a baby.”

Since Jiang Chen obtained the ability of Iron Man two days ago, he has created a set of steel armor overnight.

I have to admit that the system is powerful, and the developed armor is extremely powerful and extraordinary for you.

Jiang Chen was even able to control it directly remotely.

“What baby?”

Jiang Chen asked, “Have you seen the movie Iron Man?” ”

“What Iron Man?”

Hearing Zhang Huaqiang’s answer, Jiang Chen remembered that he was currently crossing a parallel world.

It turns out that many entertainment products in their own world are not available in the current world.

It’s normal for him not to know that Iron Man is also normal.

“Come with me.”

Zhang Huaqiang followed behind Jiang Chen, his eyes full of curiosity, what was he going to do?

The two came to the basement, Jiang Chen opened the door, and there was a silver machine not far ahead.

His principle is similar to that of the Iron Man armor, but Jiang Chen made some filling in it, turning him into a robot that can be controlled remotely.

Whether in the sky, land or water, he can exert strong combat power.

“What is it?”

Jiang Chen smiled and said, “Do you still need to ask?” Of course, it is a magic weapon to defeat the enemy. ”

Then Jiang Chen took out the remote control, and blue flames suddenly shot out from under the steel robot, flying into the air with lightning speed.

Not long after, he fell in front of Jiang Chen again, kneeling on his knees, like his servant.

The speed just now had almost reached the speed of sound, which was jaw-dropping and unbelievable.

Most importantly, the shells that Jiang Chen fired in an instant were almost able to destroy a building.

The combat power of the robot is terrifying to the point of stunning.


Jiang Chen calmly said: “With such a secret weapon, even if I don’t show my face in person, I can still kill Chen Xiaoyu.” ”

Zhang Huaqiang did not answer Jiang Chen’s question, he was still immersed in the shock and surprise that the other party brought him.

I don’t know how long it took, Zhang Huaqiang finally swallowed and asked: “Boss, did you invent this terrifying robot?” ”

“Supposedly, right?”

I wipe…

Hearing this answer, he was stunned.

What kind of devil is his boss?

To be able to develop such a terrible thing 697.

It’s terrifying.

Fortunately, Zhang Huaqiang made a wise decision and chose to follow Jiang Chen.

If he really became his enemy, it would probably be the most painful and desperate thing in his life.

“Boss, how do you grow this head? Is there anything in the world that you wouldn’t? ”

Jiang Chen thought about it very seriously and said, “I think there should be nothing?” ”

Zhang Huaqiang really wanted to kneel for Jiang Chen. He’s just too strong.


It’s extraordinary.

“It seems that tonight, Chen Xiaoyu has a hard time.”

After slapped his son twice in a row, Chen Xinghe said angrily: “What did Laozi tell you before?” Let you not provoke Jiang Chen? ”

“Why did you post that video online?”

Although Chen Xiaoyu was a little aggrieved now, he said without any fear: “Afraid of what? Anyway, now that someone is protecting us, I don’t believe that Jiang Chen really dares to come and kill me?” ”

“Unless he doesn’t want to live?”


Chen Xinghe now wants to shoot his son to death.

How did you give birth to such an unconscious thing?

“Forget it, husband.”

The woman also followed and said, “I can guarantee that Jiang Chen will definitely not dare to come over tonight, he is not stupid to the point of that?” ”

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