Chapter 119 Steel Warframe Strikes, Destroys the Heavens and the Earth!!

Chen Xinghe looked at the mother and son, and his heart was extremely resentful.

The two of them are really stupid.

Isn’t it clear how terrifying Jiang Chen’s means really are?

The hell prison is so guarded that Jiang Chen can come and go invisibly and save Wang Shaohua.

Why did they think that with Ma Tianyun’s protection, Jiang Chen would not dare to make a move on him Chen Xiaoyu?

He really wanted to slap his son to death twice.

How did he give birth to such a beast?

“I tell you, you can look down on anyone, but you must not underestimate Jiang Chen.”

Chen Xinghe’s voice trembled when he said this, and his eyes were full of fear.

He started from scratch for many years and met many fearsome opponents, but none of them could really make him fearful.

Jiang Chen was the only exception.

Just standing in front of him, even if he didn’t do anything, the terrifying momentum that erupted on the other party’s body would make Chen Xinghe unable to breathe.

Before he told him a thousand times, no matter what, he asked his son not to provoke Jiang Chen to promise in front of him, but he forgot it in a blink of an eye?

“Afraid of what?”

The woman said with a proud face: “Don’t worry, even if Jiang Chen beats Ma Tianyun and them, he will definitely not dare to make a move.” ”

“Otherwise, the nature of the problem will change then, and he will definitely do this…”

“Shut up!”

Chen Xinghe interrupted his wife and said, “You don’t know anything about Jiang Chen’s methods, I’ll call a private helicopter later.” ”

“Let people land on the roof, and when it is about eight o’clock in the evening, I will directly ask people to start the helicopter and take you to a safe place.”

Chen Xiaoyu was dissatisfied with the decision made by his father.

He looked up and said, “Dad, I don’t think it’s necessary.” ”

“Now that Ma Tianyun is protecting us, I believe Jiang Chen will not…”

“Shut up!”

Chen Xinghe roared, “He can protect you for a while, can he protect you for a lifetime?” ”

“At eight o’clock in the evening, I will send you out on time, don’t force Lai Lai with me again, you must not mess around again in these few hours.”

“Otherwise, I won’t need Jiang Chen, and I will kill you myself.”

In the face of his father’s warning, Chen Xiaoyu was noncommittal and did not pay attention to it at all.

He pouted and said nonchalantly, “Got it, Dad.” ”


Outside the villa.

There was a rumbling sound overhead, and Ma Tianyun and the others were attracted to it.

They looked up into the air and a helicopter landed on top of the villa.

“It’s ridiculous that we actually want to protect people who can afford to watch a private helicopter?”

“Who says it isn’t? I want to rush in and kill Chen Xiaoyu now. ”

“I wish Jiang Chen could come over today.”

Ma Tianyun looked serious and said, “You all pay attention to a little influence, and don’t speak without words.” ”

Everyone was a little upset, and said to Ma Tianyun: “Captain, are you really willing to protect that beast?” ”

Ma Tianyun was not speaking.

What if you don’t want to? This is his duty.

Ma Tianyun said: “Everyone don’t care so much, just give me quiet.” ”

With his eyes level ahead, Ma Tianyun also faintly had a hint of expectation in his heart

He also hoped that Jiang Chen could come over…

A few minutes later, Chen Xiaoyu and his mother got into a helicopter.

Their bodyguards were already in the pilot’s seat and could drive the helicopter out of the place at any moment.

With Ma Tianyun as the first layer of protection, helicopters can take them all over the country, even abroad.

Even if Jiang Chen really had wings, he couldn’t treat him Chen Xiaoyu today

Thinking about the fear and oppression that Jiang Chen brought him two days ago, Chen Xiaoyu couldn’t get angry.

Aren’t you Jiang Chen powerful?

Didn’t you say that I won’t live until eight o’clock tonight? Then Lao Tzu will let you know that all those words you say are farts.

He took out his mobile phone and even started the live broadcast directly on his official account.

“Dear netizens, do you really want to see Jiang Chen kill me?”

Chen Xiaoyu’s face was full of pride, and he said with a loud smile: “I’m really sorry, I will definitely disappoint you today.” ”

“I’ll show you the situation below.”

Chen Xiaoyu turned the camera around, and Ma Tianyun and the others were waiting for the situation was immediately broadcast by him.

“Did you see that? Captain Ma led his brothers to protect me day and night, protecting my personal safety. ”

“No matter how powerful Jiang Chen is, dare to go against Captain Ma? Unless all the dung in his head is in it, he dares to mess around? ”

The live broadcast room was full of scolding, and many people were cursing Chen Xiaobao.

However, when he saw those messages, instead of being angry, he became more rampant and proud.

“You scold!”

Chen Xiaoyu said with a smile: “What I like the most is your look that you can’t get used to me, and you can’t take me down?” ”

“You must be thinking that with Jiang Chen’s means, even if you don’t show up, you are likely to cross the defense line of Captain Ma and kill me!”

“Don’t worry, I have another surprise for you to see, I’m on my family’s private helicopter right now.”

“By about eight o’clock in the evening, our bodyguards can take us by helicopter to the whole country, from anywhere in the world.”

“How will Jiang Chen kill me then? I’ve said that everything he says is fart. ”

“Jiang Chen, Laozi is waiting for you at eight o’clock tonight.”

After watching his live broadcast, netizens were even more angry, but they couldn’t restrain their strong worries and trepidation.

Chen Xiaoyu does have rampant capital, with Ma Tianyun, their copper walls and iron walls, and his family’s helicopter as a retreat.

Jiang Chen wanted to take Chen Xiaoyu, and the difficulty was indeed not small.

“It’s over, is it true that no one can get him?”

“I estimate that it is indeed very mysterious, if even the Jiang Chen brothers can’t deal with it, it is estimated that no one can make a move.”

“I hope Chen Xiaoyu dies quickly!”

“That’s just hope after all.”


The Internet is full of singing.

Only Jiang Chen himself never responded.

The time passed by minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye, only the last three minutes remained at 7:57 p.m.

Everyone was full of anticipation, and at the same time a suspense appeared in their hearts.

Will Jiang Chen make a move in the end?

Another two minutes passed.

There was only one last minute left before the time Jiang Chen had said.

“See? Now Jiang Chen hasn’t even taken his head, he doesn’t dare to come over at all! ”

“He’s a shrunken-headed turtle who only knows how to brag, a useless coward!”

After speaking, Chen Xiaoyu laughed in the live broadcast room.

When everyone saw this scene, they were all so angry that they were eager to try.

Across the screen, I wanted to beat him up.

The time begins to enter the countdown.

There are fifteen seconds left.

The surroundings are still quite quiet.

Many have given up hope.

Jiang Chen probably won’t come.

However, even if he really doesn’t come, everyone won’t blame him.

It is human instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm.

There are three seconds left.

The dark clouds overhead slowly rushed over, covering the original moonlight.

Now everyone’s conjecture has been implemented.

Jiang Chen was not seen within a radius of more than ten miles.

How could he still come.

“See? Eight o’clock had arrived, and Jiang Chen would not come over at all. ”

The majority of netizens also shook their heads in disappointment.

This seventeen-year-old demon is really going to go unpunished, and no one can judge him?


The sound in the air was loud, like rolling thunder.

“I disappointed you!”

Everyone was excited, and they suddenly looked up at Sun.

This…… What’s going on?

Everyone’s eyes were full of shock…

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