Chapter 120 Crazy Jiang Chen, everything was crushed!!

The moonlight above is vast, like a silver tide rushing between heaven and earth.

Everyone’s eyes converged in one place, and under the light of the cold moonlight, a fiery red robot burned in the air like a roaring flame.

Blue flames sprayed from the soles of his feet, suspended in mid-air, tall and mighty, domineering.

The robot erupted with a powerful and terrifying momentum.

Jiang Chen’s voice just now came from the robot’s mouth.

People froze when they saw it, and their eyes were full of surprise.

What just happened?

“Brothers, I seem to hear that robot make Jiang Chen’s voice!”

“We heard it too.”

“Could it be that that robot was made by Jiang Chen?”

“Impossible! At present, with the technology of our dragon country, it is simply impossible to manufacture such a powerful robot. ”

“But if he didn’t make it, what’s going on?”

Whoever was shocked by the conquest of this miraculous scene in front of them

Although few people knew what was going on, everything that happened in front of them made them worship.

Chen Xiaoyu, who was originally proud, the smile on his face disappeared in an instant, his body stiffened in the car, and his expression was extremely pale.

Now Chen Xiaoyu did not dare to speak at all.

The two- or three-meter-tall robot in the air gave him a strong deterrent, “Captain.” ”

The people below raised their heads, stared blankly at the red robot in the air and asked, “What’s going on?” ”

“How do I know?”

Ma Tianyun was also a little unable to answer, the other party’s question, said: “I have never seen this thing before.” ”

Just when people were confused by this, the robot made Jiang Chen’s voice again.

“Chen Xiaoyu.”

The robot said loudly: “Today is your time to die, and no one can save you.” ”

Chen Xinghe below saw this scene, quite frightened, he quickly ran to Ma Tianyun and said: “Captain Ma, what are you still doing here, can’t you see it?” That bastard, now ready to hurt my son? ”

“Don’t waste your time, hurry up.”

No matter how reluctant Ma Tianyun was, they had to do their duty.

They were all quite conscious, raised the gun in their hands, pulled the trigger on the robot suspended in mid-air, and bullet after bullet flew towards him.

However, nothing worked at all.

The bullet landed on the robot, as if it was tickling him.

Everyone who saw this scene exclaimed one by one.

“Groove, this robot is really awesome!”

“I have never seen this kind of robot anywhere in the world, maybe it is really Jiang Chen’s independent invention.”

“If it’s true, then Jiang Chen is too powerful! From now on, I will follow his red robot slowly approaching the helicopter, and Chen Xiaozhai was directly frightened and did not dare to move when he saw it. ”

“What are you still doing here?”

Chen Xiaoyu’s mother quickly reacted, he was very angry, and scolded the bodyguard: “Hurry up and drive the plane away, if my son has a three long and two short, see how I clean you up?” ”

“Well… Not…… No problem. ”

The bodyguard finally reacted from his fear, and he quickly drove the helicopter, seeing that he was about to leave the ground and fly.

The robot’s powerful right hand actually directly skimmed off the propeller of the helicopter from the middle.

In a sudden force, the helicopter was smashed to the ground.

White smoke filled the air, obscuring everyone’s view.

The terrifying combat power of the red robot erupted and made them all terrified.

Many onlookers below were cheering for him loudly.

“Kill that bastard!”

“Chen Xiaoyu is a beast, and something like him should not live in the world.”

“That’s right, you must kill Chen Xiaoyu!”

“Kill Chen Xiaoyu and get justice for those innocent girls who lost.”

Seeing the robot approaching his son, Chen Xinghe looked pale with fright, he was full of worry, ran to Ma Tianyun and shouted: “Captain Ma, don’t waste time, hurry up?” ”

“You think we’re his opponents?”

Captain Ma said with a serious expression: “You also saw the situation just now, it’s not that we are standing idly by, it’s just that his strength is too strong, even if we want to fight him, we have more than enough strength and lack strength.” ”

“You guys…”

He stretched out his right hand and pointed at the captain of the horse, not wanting to believe what he said, and cursed loudly: “You just don’t want to save my son? ”

“Fuck your shit!”

Ma Tianyun scolded directly: “If we really don’t want to save your son, we will waste time at home?” ”

“You force Lai Lai with us less day by day, otherwise Hugh blames us for not being polite to you.”

Chen Xinghe knew that his only hope was pinned on Ma Tianyun and others, and seeing that the robot was about to kill his son, his tone of voice eased a lot.

“Please, Captain Horse.”

Chen Xinghe said, “Can’t you save my son? Is he innocent? ”

As soon as he finished saying this, he heard a scream from the roof, and suddenly looked up to see that his son had been choked by the robot.

His wife collapsed in fear.

Chen Xinghe was struck by lightning after seeing it, and he almost fell to the ground.

The robot’s power is so terrifying, it is definitely easier to kill his son than to pinch an ant to death.


Immediately after that, his fiery red body smashed to the ground, and the robot threw Chen Xiaoyu on the ground like garbage.

Ma Tianyun and the others quickly shot at the robot.

The result is still the same as before, like tickling.

Everyone couldn’t move him at all.


Chen Xinghe hurriedly pulled his son to kneel in front of the robot.

“Brother Jiang Chen, I know that you are manipulating the robot.”

“I admit that my son did something bad, but now he knows it’s wrong,” he said. ”

“He promised in my face before that he would correct it no matter what!”

“Will you give him another chance?” Is he just a kid? ”

Hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but be a little handsome.

It was this kind of rhetoric that he hated the most.

What if he’s a child?

Just because he’s a child, he can’t do it.


Jiang Chen said: “I don’t tell anyone about the conditions, I said before, I will come and take his life at eight o’clock tonight, if I remember correctly, he provoked me later, right?” ”

Now Chen Xiaoyu even has the heart to die.

He already knew that this uncle was so powerful, how could he say such a thing that he did not know whether he was alive or dead.

“I don’t tell anyone about conditions!”

The robot said coldly: “Your son must die!” Of course, you won’t live today. ”


His heavy and powerful fist smashed on Chen Xiaoyu’s body like Mount Tai…

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