Chapter 121 The whole network cheered, all of them must follow Jiang Chen!!

Chen Xiaoyu’s thin body was simply vulnerable in front of the huge iron fist

In an instant, his body turned into a pile of blood mist.

There was simply no time to escape, or even to react.

Red blood flowed on the ground, and even the bones were shattered into slag.

Blood burst onto Chen Xinghe’s body, and he let out a sharp and violent scream.

The whole person was so frightened that he retreated one after another, and the huge pain was like a raging tide drowning him.


Chen Xinghe shouted while crying: “Don’t scare your father, okay?” ”

Chen Xiaoyu, who was lying on the ground, had become a cold corpse, and he couldn’t answer him at all.

The anger of hatred in his heart burned, and he suddenly stood up from the ground.

There was a wooden stick on the ground, although Chen Xinghe knew that this could not hurt the robot in front of him at all.

But he was really unwilling, did nothing, and hit the robot’s leg fiercely.

“Find death!”


The tall red robot couldn’t help but kick him directly in the chest, and a loud noise came from his body hitting the wall.

Several ribs were also broken, and blood from his mouth spewed out.

Chen Xinghe also fainted.

Ma Tianyun and the others standing beside him didn’t mention how cool they were in their hearts.

However, they cannot show it on the face.

“Jiang Chen, you are too much.”

Chen Xinghe was quite angry and pointed a gun at the robot and shot.

Others still have to make a appearance, and they all choose to imitate it again and again, and pull the trigger again and again.

However, the damage caused to Jiang Chen was completely negligible.

This is a remote control robot in itself, and Jiang Chen himself is not in it at all.

Even if they really blew up the robot, Jiang Chen would be safe and sound.

Ten thousand steps back, even if Jiang Chen really stayed inside the machine armor, he didn’t have to pay attention to it at all.

“Everyone should pay for their mistakes, and Chen Xiaoyu should not go unpunished.”

“Today everything is deserved by him!”

Many onlookers next to them were secretly excited when they heard what Jiang Chen just said.

Whoever it was, agreed with his point of view.

At this moment, Jiang Chen’s status and prestige became infinitely lofty in everyone’s minds.

He’s an amazing hero.

What others dare not do, he Jiang Chen dares to do, and he can still do what others can’t do.

Now everyone has no fear and fear of Jiang Chen before, and everyone understands that he is different from the fat biao before.

It will never bully others, let alone do things that hurt nature.

In some ways, Jiang Chen is more like a good person than a good person.

In front of everyone’s eyes, the tall steel armor quickly soared and disappeared from their field of vision with lightning speed.

The speed is even faster than the sound travels.

Only the shocked people remained, still standing in place dumbfounded, unable to react from the surprise.

No one expected that Jiang Chen’s ability to independently develop would be so terrifying

With the current level of science and technology that the Dragon Kingdom has, I am afraid that it is far from being able to develop such a cool mecha just now.

But he did.

Wizards, he’s really a wizard.

Ma Tianyun looked up at the sky, feeling quite melancholy.

This can be regarded as the first time he and Jiang Chen have fought in a strict sense, he felt Jiang Chen’s strength and terror, and with his Ma Tianyun’s strength, he was not his opponent at all.

However, this time he did not do anything harmful to nature, hoping that he would not deviate from his nature.

Such a terrifying existence, if you really want to make a career in the underground world, it is absolutely easy.

No one will be able to stop him.

After only ten minutes, this rather explosive video quickly circulated on the Internet.

Like a bombshell falling on the surface of the lake, it set off terrifying waves in the shortest possible time, making all netizens almost crazy.

No matter who it was, everyone was stunned, originally everyone thought that Chen Xiaoyu could get away with it this time.

Even if it was Jiang Chen, I am afraid that there was no way to take him down, but who would have thought that at the last moment, Jiang Chen would once again appear strongly.

Using his unparalleled genius, he showed everyone his unexpected background.

Jiang Chen is really too strong.

All the praise on the Internet was about Jiang Chen.

No matter who it is, they all bow to Jiang Chen.

“In my mind, Jiang Chen is the strongest!”

“He’s the greatest and best hero I’ve ever seen in my life.”

“Made! Lao Tzu was still hesitating yesterday, whether to join Jiang Chen’s society, but now it seems that there is no need to think about it, I will report tomorrow. ”

“Count me in, I’m going tomorrow too.”

Regarding Jiang Chen’s killing of Chen Xiaoyu, the popularity remained high, quickly climbing to the top of the hot search list, and even breaking the local popularity record.

It shocked many people’s hearts.

Some old neighborhood.

The middle-aged woman described herself as haggard, sitting on the sofa with bloodshot eyes.

Holding a black-and-white photograph in his hand, his eyes full of grief and resentment.

It has been a week since her daughter’s death, her tears have dried, and her eyes are red and swollen from crying.

She really wanted to avenge her daughter, but the middle-aged woman knew that she could not be the Chen family’s opponent.

The news that Jiang Chen announced on the Internet also made the woman excited for an instant

But that kind of blood also cooled in an instant.

The woman knew very well that Jiang Chen would not choose to go against the Chen family for the sake of such a stranger as them, which was a rather unwise decision.

Even if he could really go, what could he do?

Does he really have that kind of strength to kill Chen Xiaoyu? Can you still retreat from the whole body?

She didn’t dare to think and didn’t want to think.


At this moment, the door outside was knocked open, and her husband ran in full of excitement.

The middle-aged woman saw that he was almost about to jump in front of her.

It seems that something particularly happy happened?

The middle-aged woman looked at him indifferently.

“Tomorrow I will join Jiang Chen’s society.”

The middle-aged man clenched his fists, and he seemed to have made a lot of determination and said, “No matter who it is, don’t try to stop me from following Jiang Chen in the future?” ”

“What happened?”

The middle-aged woman said with a cold and puzzled attitude: “Jiang Chen, he…”

“He’s a man of his word and really does what he says. He avenged our daughter and killed Chen Xiaoyu, the bastard! ”

“You, what you said is true?”

The middle-aged woman suddenly stood up from the bed with a moment of excitement, and said with a swallow: “That bastard is dead, isn’t it?” ”


The man nodded vigorously and said, “It’s true that that bastard really paid the price he deserved. ”

“Little brother Jiang Chen helped us kill him three.”

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