Chapter 122 The video spread, and Boss Yang was scared stupid!!


The middle-aged woman burst into tears, and she gently stared at her daughter’s photo and said: “Daughter, finally someone has avenged you.” ”

The middle-aged man clenched his fists and said, “We don’t have much money in our family, tomorrow I will go to find Jiang Chen, and from now on, my life will be his.” ”

“I’ll do whatever he tells me to do.”

The woman did not deny it, but also nodded in front of the man and said, “We really should do this.” ”

“The most important thing to be a person is to learn to know the Entu Newspaper.”



Armed Police Corps.

“What are you doing one by one?”

Captain Zhou’s old body was trembling, he was very angry, pointed at Ma Tianyun’s nose and scolded: “How did you look at my face yesterday and promise?” ”

“Did you say that you would be able to protect his personal safety?” Is this what you promised me? ”

Ma Tianyun lowered his head and said, “I’m sorry Captain, everything was going well, but they underestimated the opponent they encountered this time. ”

“His means are really terrifying!”

He took a deep breath and said, “I don’t care what method you take now, I must arrest Jiang Chen.” ”


Ma Tianyun hurriedly said: “Don’t be kidding, okay?” ”

“Didn’t you stress it to our face before? The most important thing for us to arrest people is to pay attention to evidence? But now they have no evidence at all. ”

“Isn’t it a little inappropriate to arrest people for no reason?”

Captain Zhou was quite angry and scolded: “I see that you are just farting, you actually said that we have no evidence?” Didn’t that robot say that he was Jiang Chen? ”

Ma Tianyun touched his head, deliberately pretending to be quite embarrassed and said, “Captain, you just said everything?” ”

“What we see is that robot, but is it not the real Jiang Chen? Besides, if you believe what the robot says, isn’t that some…”

“What do you mean?”

Hearing the other party say this, Captain Zhou was very angry and roared loudly: “You just don’t want to do anything to Jiang Chen, right?” ”

“No, of course not.”

He quickly shook his head and said, “Captain, what kind of person am I, don’t you still understand?” ”

“I have always been upright, jealous as hatred, Xiang Jiang Chen such a bastard, I dreamed of killing him.”

“It’s just that I think you also know that the most important thing in our line of work is the word evidence. If there is no evidence to arrest someone for no reason, he will be released again at that time. ”

“Aren’t we going to run for nothing?”

“The most important thing is that Jiang Chen now has a particularly high prestige, and if he does it directly, I am afraid that many people below will be particularly unconvinced.”

“And I hope you can think carefully and think twice?”

Although Captain Zhou was very angry, he also thought in his heart that all the words said by the other party were fallacies.


It still seems to make sense.


Captain Zhou said dissatisfied: “Then you will listen to Lao Tzu now, the most important thing you have to do next is to give me the evidence of Jiang Chen’s crime.” ”

“I don’t care what way you go, you have to figure it out for me.”

“Now how much influence Jiang Chen has, you don’t need me to say that you also know, if you don’t kill him again, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

“Do you understand?”


Without definitive evidence that Jiang Chen had done a lot of bad things, they couldn’t use a large-scale team to deal with Jiang Chen.

The most important thing is that the teacher is unknown, and in the last resort, they can only collect evidence first.

It’s also purely a no-brainer…


The next morning, Jiang Chen was still sleeping, and he heard Zhang Huaqiang’s voice outside the door.

“What for?”

Jiang Chen opened his eyes with a slight displeasure, lifted the quilt, jumped down from the bed and said, “Is there something wrong with me?” ”

“It’s only five o’clock in the morning, so don’t let people rest?”

Zhang Huaqiang said a little apologetically: “Sorry boss, someone outside came to you to say that there was something very important, and I had to disturb you.” ”

“Something important?”

Jiang Chen said in confusion, “What is important?” ”

“Just go out and see for yourself.”


Jiang Chen simply cleaned up, came down from upstairs, and saw a middle-aged man below who described the withered, and when he saw Jiang Chen, his eyes lit up and showed a different brilliance.

“Are you…?”

Looking at the man in front of him, Jiang Chen said with a hint of confusion in his eyes: “What’s the matter with looking for me?” ”


Without speaking, he knelt down directly in front of Jiang Chen, and a pair of knees smashed on the ground.

The attitude is unusually sincere.

“Mr. Jiang.”

The middle-aged man said in a loud voice: “From now on, my life will be yours, and I will do whatever you ask me to do.” ”

“Even if you want me to die now, I don’t feel like my eyes blinking.” Everyone else froze when they saw it. ”

Who the hell is this guy?

How did he come to Jiang Chen for no reason to show loyalty.

“Don’t worry, say it slowly.”

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said, “I don’t like it when others kneel with me, you stand up first.” ”


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