Chapter 123 Boss Yang almost begged for mercy, and Jiang Chen shook the high-level!!

The middle-aged man did not speak, and stood up silently.

Although he described him as quite haggard and the clothes he wore were a little shabby, he still couldn’t hide the meaning of the clouds between his eyebrows.

A middle-aged person is not completely smoothed out by life, which is not easy in itself.

There aren’t many like him left.

The middle-aged man didn’t say a word, he was quietly listening to Jiang Chen’s arrangement.

“You really want to repay me?”

The middle-aged man said: “If it weren’t for you, maybe I wouldn’t be able to avenge my daughter in my life, and the most important thing to be a human being is to know the Entu report.” ”

“I hope you will give me this opportunity.”

Seeing the middle-aged man’s sincere appearance, he touched a smile on his face and said, “No problem, I promise your conditions.” ”

“From tomorrow, you will come over, help me deal with some things, and I will pay you.”

“I don’t need money.”

The middle-aged man said, “As long as you can let me do something for you, everything is enough.” ”

“No problem, come and report at nine o’clock tomorrow morning.”


When he exited the room, Zhang Huaqiang didn’t understand, looked at Jiang Chen 09 and said: “Boss, I remember that you taught us before that you shouldn’t give grace to be a person?” Why do you…”

“Why don’t I follow the rules myself, don’t I?”

Zhang Huaqiang did not speak, he just silently bowed his head, it was obvious that this was what he had in mind.

“You don’t know people like him at all.”

Jiang Chen stood up and said slowly: “There is a kind of person in the world who especially does not like to owe favors to others. ”

“If he owes a small favor and can’t repay it, he will not sleep at night, and if he owes a lot of favor and still can’t repay it, it is estimated that he will live in self-blame for the rest of his life.”

“By agreeing to his request, I was actually helping him.”

Zhang Huaqiang thought for a moment and said, “Then you mean that he is the kind of person you say he is?” ”


Zhang Huaqiang nodded, and continued without tangling about the matter just now: “I understand, boss, by the way, there is another important matter, you haven’t given instructions yet?” ”

“What’s going on?”

Zhang Huaqiang said: “The incident in which the Jianghe Organization seized our goods, didn’t you say before, if they don’t return things within three days, you will…”

“They’re still not moving, are they?”

Zhang Huaqiang nodded and said: “It seems that they are preparing to play scoundrels, and most of the goods will not be returned.” ”

“I see.”

Jiang Chen calmly said: “Since they are not willing to return the goods, then I will make another trip tomorrow.” ”

“I’m going to let all the people in the Jianghe Organization branch die!”

The sound is not too loud, but it is sonorous and powerful.

Zhang Huaqiang said tentatively: “Boss, could it be that you are ready to go alone again?” ”

“Why do you think something is wrong?”

Zhang Huaqiang hesitated for a moment and said: “Don’t misunderstand, I didn’t mean that, I just think that in the face of the people of the Jianghe Organization, will it be too risky for you to go alone?” ”

That group of guys is more ruthless than one, and the means are also quite crazy.

If Jiang Chen passed, I was afraid that he would be fierce.

Even if he has developed a relatively powerful combat robot now, the Jianghe Organization also has a lot of black technology.

They can become a killer organization with relatively great influence in the whole country, and it is self-evident how their comprehensive strength is.

“Afraid of what?”

Jiang Chen spoke: “Don’t say destroy a small Jianghe Organization branch, even if it is to deal with the Jianghe Organization headquarters, I won’t blink his eyes.” ”

“I gave them a chance, and since they don’t want it, then I don’t mind sending them to Hell Yellow Spring.”

When he said this, a powerful and terrifying murderous aura erupted from his body.

Zhang Huaqiang was a little afraid to look directly.

His own boss is too terrifying.

“You said that this red robot was invented by Jiang Chen?”

Boss Yang looked at the video that went viral on the Internet, and the whole person’s face was quite ugly, and cold sweat unconsciously broke out on his forehead.

His body was also trembling slightly.

The subordinate next to him said: “That’s right, Boss Yang… All indications are that this powerful robot comes from Jiang Chen’s hands. ”

Even Yang Tianlong, who had seen a lot of the world, was truly shocked at this moment.

He sat dumbly in his chair, as if he had lost all consciousness, and his eyes were full of horror and fear.

He really couldn’t understand how Jiang Chen did it.

Not to mention the technology of the Dragon Country, even the scientists of the Star-Spangled Country are impossible to develop such a powerful robot.

At this moment, Boss Yang especially regretted it, he already knew that Jiang Chen had such a talent against the sky, and if he lent him a few hundred dares at that time, he would not completely break with Jiang Chen.

This made him lose a talent, not to mention, but also invisibly added an enemy.

But fortunately, his Boss Yang’s own heritage is still relatively rich.

Or it’s really unthinkable.


The old butler swallowed and said, “What do you think about this matter?” ”

“What do you think?”

The old butler smiled awkwardly and said, “You definitely didn’t take Jiang Chen to heart before, thinking that he wasn’t enough to pose a threat to us, right?” ”

“Isn’t that nonsense? Do you still need to ask? ”

Even now Yang Tianlong is unwilling to admit that he is not as good as Jiang Chen, otherwise it would not be too humiliating.

He now has hundreds of thousands of people under his command.847 He is following his arrangements.

If Yang Tianlong and Jiang Chen went head-to-head, his brothers would spit on each other, and it was no exaggeration to say that they could drown him.

The old housekeeper hesitated for a moment and said, “Don’t worry too much about it first, I have a way to solve the current dilemma now.” ”

“Tell me about it?”

Yang Tianlong leaned back in his chair and said, “If your suggestion is reasonable, maybe I will adopt it.” ”

“Why don’t we apologize to Jiang Chen and directly make him our hall master, so that I can send him to be a jade?”

“In the future, we will find a way to slowly set out his technology to make this robot, which will definitely be able to further the influence of our Tianlong Group.”

“What do you think?”


What the old housekeeper said just now made Yang Tianlong very angry, originally thought that he had come up with some brilliant idea, but he didn’t expect such a stupid method.

It’s good to ask for credit in front of him.

He directly slapped the other party’s face, pointed at his nose and scolded: “Want Laozi to beg Jiang Chen for mercy?” ”

“I see that you are simply dreaming, now that Jiang Chen has not even settled the Jianghe Organization, why do you think I will be afraid of him?”

“If you dare to come up with such an unreliable method for me again, see how I clean you up?”

The old butler was very aggrieved and did not dare to speak again…

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