Chapter 124 The high-level shock is shocked, and the Jiang Chen Society is expanding wildly!!

When the old butler saw this scene, he felt particularly aggrieved.

It is clear that he let himself say it, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was slapped?

Who can stand this?


The old butler said cautiously: “Since you think my method is not good, can you tell me what good ideas you have?” ”

Doesn’t it mean that I don’t have the ability? So how do you come up with some ideas?

Don’t keep throwing fire on me?

“Do you think that my Tianlong Group can have such a status today, relying on really just a fist?”

The old housekeeper was directly stunned when he heard this, he didn’t understand why the other party said this?

“I don’t understand, do I?”

The old butler nodded blankly.

“If you don’t understand, it’s right.”

Yang Tianlong said: “You just need to remember that a small Jiang Chen is simply not enough to attract our attention. ”

“Everything is under my control now, except for the red robot.”

“It looks really cool and the ability is not bad. But if you think we can’t figure it out, you’re wrong. ”

He looked at Yang Tianlong with a shocked face, and he couldn’t believe everything he had just heard?

Could it be that their Tianlong Group can also develop that kind of thing? No way?

When did their Tianlong Group become so awesome?

“I know you don’t want to believe it.”

Yang Tianlong said: “In the future, you will understand why I said that, and besides, there are still Jiang He organizations that can help us to test how strong Jiang Chen’s strength is.” ”

“You don’t even need me to do it to him myself.”


The old butler nodded in front of Yang Tianlong and did not say anything more.

“I’ll go down first.”


When the old butler left the room, Yang Tianlong put his hands behind his back, and he stood in front of the window, his gaze falling into the distance.

“Jiang Chen, things are getting more and more interesting, I really want to know how many hole cards you still haven’t taken out?”

The night is deep.

Dragon Kingdom Academy of Weapons.

Professor Zhang looked at the drawings in front of him and rubbed his forehead with his hand, they had been working day and night for half a year.

However, no breakthrough has been made in weapons research.

In a while, there will be the Global Military Games, and this year countries are not only comparing individual combat capabilities, but also science and technology.

However, this is the current shortcoming of their Dragon Kingdom.

Therefore, the people above urgently issued an order that they must develop a completely new and powerful combat weapon within a year.

Professor Zhang is a core member of the study.

He has worked very hard, but he has never gained anything.

This made Professor Zhang’s heart very heavy.

There is only one last month left, which is the day of the Military Games.

In case he hasn’t been able to come up with a decent weapon, once the people above hold him accountable, it is estimated that…

The consequences are unimaginable.

“Lao Zhang.”

Professor Chen next to him said: “If I want to say, don’t be busy, let’s go back and rest early.” ”


Professor Zhang said resolutely: “We only have the last month left, we have to work overtime, no matter what, we must succeed.” ”

“Lao Zhang.”

Coming to Professor Zhang’s side, Professor Chen said: “Sometimes people don’t accept old age, and we all have to admit that we are not as good as before. ”

“Why do you have to fight yourself, don’t you? It is impossible for us to develop what really effective thermal weapons. ”

“Now that all weapons have entered a saturated state, how can we have new breakthroughs?”

Although Professor Zhang knew that what Professor Chen had just said was indeed good, he just couldn’t accept it.

At this moment, there was a violent knock on the door outside, and Professor Zhang was quite curious when he heard it, he stepped forward to open the door and found that it was one of his students.

“Found it, found it!”

His student panted and said, “Professor, I have finally found a completely new weapon. ”

The two of them looked at each other, their eyes showing deep confusion.

It is clear that he does not want to believe what the students say.

If new weapons are really developed so easily, will they still not have the slightest answer if they want to break their heads?

“Less with me in this poor mouth.”

Seeing that they didn’t believe the students, he said, “I don’t have a poor mouth, I’m telling the truth, if you don’t believe yourself.” ”

He took out the computer and placed it in front of them, and immediately watched and played the video of Jiang Chen doing something to Chen Xiaobao.

After they finished reading it, both of their faces were full of shock, and they couldn’t react for a long time.

I didn’t expect that there really were such terrifying weapons in the world.

I don’t know how many times more powerful than a fighter.

It can fly almost as fast as the sound, or even faster.

The destructive power is also extremely powerful.

Most importantly, the appearance is perfect.

“Who invented this weapon?”

The student hesitated for a moment and said, “It seems that he invented a terrorist, no, no, no, to be precise, it should be the boss of an underground society?” ”

“His name is…”

“What’s it called?”

Professor Zhang was very anxious, put his right hand on the student’s shoulder and said, “Hurry up and answer my question?” ”

“His name seems to be Jiang Chen.”

“Jiang Chen?”

Professor Zhang and Professor Chen looked at each other, and their expressions were full of unparalleled shock.

“And he’s only in his early twenties this year?”


Both of them were deeply impressed and couldn’t help but gasp.

Is there such a talent in the world?

“Hurry up and contact him, no matter what, we must reach an agreement with him, and we must learn from him the manufacturing technology of this weapon?”


The students also agreed quite cheerfully.

After what happened last time, Jiang Chen’s prestige and status went further in the entire Jiangbei.

Becoming incomparably noble, many people took the initiative to consciously join Jiang Chen’s society.

Although Jiang Chen asked Zhang Huaqiang to clearly say that there were not many people under him, he still couldn’t stop everyone’s enthusiasm.

Everyone went forward and tried to join Jiang Chen’s society, which made him a little crying and laughing.

Originally, the society only had more than 1,000 people, but in two days the number increased to more than 7,000.

And it is still growing at an uncontrolled rate.

This is still the result of Jiang Chen’s rather strict screening, if the comers do not refuse, it is estimated that the number can exceed tens of thousands.

This is something that is unimaginable in other societies.

There are even many families who have taken the initiative to let their children join Jiang Chen’s society.

It is honored to follow Jiang Chen to fight the world.

It’s a bit of a magic buy.


Zhang Huaqiang cried and laughed and said: “You have to quickly think of a way, there are too many people who want to join us?” ”

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