Chapter 125 Breaking the Record, Jiang Chen Fights the River Organization!!

Even Jiang Chen himself was a little surprised, but he didn’t expect that his inadvertent actions last time actually attracted the attention of so many people.

Originally, he was in the Jiangbei area, and his reputation was definitely not very good.

Although not everyone shouted at him, most people rejected him.

When I hear his name, I instinctively fear.

As a result, now that he has slaughtered Chen Xiaoyu, everyone regards him as a hero? It’s kind of magical to think about.


Jiang Chen was not interested in being a hero.

He didn’t kill Chen Xiaoyu out of any justice, but simply couldn’t get used to it.

“Tell them that if they want to join our team, each person must take at least 100,000.”

In Jiang Chen’s opinion, most people chose to follow him, or instinctively thought that they could get some benefits from him.

If Jiang Chen directly let them pay for it, it is estimated that everyone’s enthusiasm will be reduced by half.

Zhang Huaqiang’s eyes lit up, this is indeed a good way.

“No problem.”

He hurriedly said, “I’ll announce the news.” ”


Zhang Huaqiang was full of confidence and posted this statement on their company’s official account.

I thought that it would definitely work in the afternoon, and the number of people who came to sign up and wanted to join the club should decrease rapidly.


The actual situation made him 337 confused?

The comments of netizens in the comment area directly surprised him?

“Is there a mistake? You only need 100,000 yuan to join your club? Do you look down on us and think we have no money? I have to give 110,000! ”

“I want to give 150,000, as long as I can mix with the Jiang Chen brothers, no matter how much money I give, it’s no problem.”

“Do we care about money? We just appreciate the character of the Jiang Chen brothers who dare to think and do! ”

“Not bad, not bad, I am willing to give 200,000!”

Zhang Huaqiang was directly shocked, and he was completely dumbfounded when he saw this scene.


Are people so willful now? In order to follow Jiang Chen, he did not hesitate to throw ten thousand gold? Two hundred thousand without even blinking an eye? It’s not easy, it’s really not easy.

More and more people began to take the initiative to deposit money into the company’s account.

Jiang Chen’s mobile phone text messages would ring every time about ten seconds apart.

To be honest, even he himself was a little dumbfounded.

No matter what, Jiang Chen did not expect that so many people would sincerely want to follow him.


Zhang Huaqiang stood in front of Jiang Chen and said: “It seems that the method you came up with does not work at all, and it is completely unable to resist everyone’s enthusiasm?” ”

“What the hell are you supposed to do?”

Now Jiang Chen didn’t answer right away, he was a little crying and laughing.


Is it true that he underestimated this group of brothers?

“Then let those who are really willing to pay join us.”

Zhang Huaqiang’s eyes lit up and said, “Really? ”

“Of course it’s true.”

“No problem.”

In the afternoon of the same day, Jiang Chen implemented and implemented the method proposed by Jiang Chen, and as a result, the number of people in their association increased rapidly.

It took only one day to reach 12,000 people.

Two days later it was 15,000.

In three days, the total number of members of their association expanded to 20,000.

An underground society can have more than 20,000 people, which is definitely an astronomical number, which makes many people dare not think about it.

The larger the number of their associations, the greater the target, and the greater the likelihood of being targeted at that time.

Zhang Huaqiang knew that he could not continue like this, so he could only quickly stop the expansion of the number of people in the association.

Even so, there are still many people who take the initiative to increase the price, just to follow Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen is so cool!

Beyond the rules, you can do what is righteous as you like.

Thinking about it, Jiang Chen was indeed better than all the bosses of the underground community in Jiangbei before, and he did not condone the people under him to do bad things.

Young and handsome and capable, perfect in all respects, with almost no shortcomings.

How can such a person not be liked? Armed Police Corps.


Ma Tianyun’s subordinates stood in front of him, and said with a trembling voice: “Now Jiang Chen’s underground society has more than 20,000 people? ”

“What did you say?”

Ma Tianyun, who learned the news, was also greatly shocked, and he couldn’t believe it for a while.

He stood up abruptly and said, “Is the news reliable? ”

An underground community of 20,000 people, this is definitely a record, not to mention that in the entire Jiangbei, even if you look at Jianghe Province, it is estimated that you can’t find the existence of such a terrifying means.

“Absolutely reliable.”

The subordinate replied cautiously: “And this is still the result of Jiang Chen stopping recruiting, many people are willing to give Jiang Chen 500,000, just want to follow him?” ”

“They’re all crazy, aren’t they?”

Ma Tianyun never imagined that there would be so many people who were enthusiastic about the underground society.

The subordinate hesitated for a moment and said, “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what they’re doing?” ”

To be honest, last time when they were ordered to protect Chen Xiaoyu, many people were also very envious of Jiang Chen.

At the same time, you can also take revenge quickly, completely disregarding the rules, and do whatever you want.

I don’t know how many people aspire to the life.

They even thought of following Jiang Chen.

“Shut up for me.”

He interrupted his subordinates and scolded, “You hurry up and issue me an announcement statement to give me a good warning, those who want to follow Jiang Chen.” ”

“Make them aware of the seriousness of the consequences, this kind of thing must not be a joke.”

“If anyone dares to follow Jiang Chen in a daze, we will definitely deal with it strictly.”

The subordinate said nonchalantly: “Captain, they just followed Jiang Chen, and they didn’t do anything bad?” ”

“Isn’t it a little unreasonable for us to do it casually?”

“Shut up.”

Ma Tianyun interrupted the other party and said, “I know what I’m doing, please don’t forget this dress you’re wearing?” ”

“Got it.”

The subordinates were a little helpless, so they could only turn around and leave the room.

After he left, Ma Tianyun stood in front of the window, looking at the night gradually rushing outside, his heart was a little heavy and melancholy.

Even at a certain moment, Ma Tianyun was wondering whether he made the right decision or not?

Why do the principles he adheres to simply not apply in the face of many things?

On the contrary, Jiang Chen’s freewheeling, can he achieve the goal better?

When a person’s principles are ruthlessly attacked in the face of reality, his ideals will also be shaken.

This is the case with Ma Tianyun now.

“Forget it.”

He let out a long sigh and said, “Why do I think about this? ”

River Organization Division.

“What’s going on?”

Jiang Xiaokun was very angry and said: “It’s been two or three days, and Jiang Chen hasn’t given a response yet?” ”

“What the hell is he trying to do? Did he take our words to heart? ”

Jiang Xiaokun’s younger brother Jiang Xiaoshan said: “Big brother don’t need to worry, I have a way to guarantee that Jiang Chen will come over tomorrow.” ”

“What way?”

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