Chapter 133 High-level visit, the whole country was shocked!!

Ma Tianyun was a little surprised, looking at the old man standing in front of him, a hint of confusion flashed in his eyes?

What was the other party just saying?

Want to let himself introduce Jiang Chen for him? Serious or joking?

Now Ma Tianyun and Jiang Chen have basically cut off their friendship, and the two are like water and fire, although they have not completely started a frontal war to tear their faces.

However, he Ma Tianyun also knew quite well that that day would come sooner or later.

You can find anyone to introduce him, let him Ma Tianyun go over…

“Professor Zhang.”

Ma Tianyun said: “The relationship between me and Jiang Chen is not very good, and you may not know him as a person, he is currently the boss of our Jiangbei underground society, and the means are very terrifying. ”

“If you keep close contact with him, I’m afraid…”

“Captain Horse.”

Before Ma Tianyun finished speaking, Professor Zhang interrupted him categorically and said, “I know everything about what you just said. ”

“If we don’t know what kind of person Jiang Chen really is, do you think we will come over?”

“You just need to take me to meet him.”

His attitude is very firm, and there is no room for compromise.

After Ma Tianyun listened to what 09 said, confusion appeared in his eyes and said: “Professor Zhang, can you tell me why you want to see him?” ”

In his opinion, Jiang Chen was an extremely ruthless person, and the means were extremely terrifying, and ordinary people could not stop him at all.

In case of…… Jiang Chen couldn’t think about it for a while, and he made a move on Professor Zhang, and it was difficult for them to save him.

“Don’t you know that robot that Jiang Chen developed?”

The moment Professor Zhang mentioned the robot, his eyes couldn’t help but light up.

It was as if he saw the hope that could make the weapons of the Dragon Kingdom go to the world.

He studied weapons for decades, but never got any breakthrough

But the appearance of Jiang Chen’s tall robot opened the door to a new world for him.

“Of course I know.”

Ma Tianyun thought for a while and said: “That robot does have some skills, but it shouldn’t be as exaggerated as you say?” ”

After listening to what Ma Tianyun said, Professor Zhang couldn’t help but sigh secretly and said, “Didn’t you say that?” ”

“The layman looks lively, the insider watches the doorway. I don’t exaggerate to tell you that Jiang Chen’s kind of combat robot, once put into large-scale use, will definitely give our dragon country a wide influence in the world. ”

“Really, really?”

Ma Tianyun stood there dumbfounded, his eyes showing shock and surprise that could not be concealed.

What the other party just said made him suffer a lot of shock.

Although Ma Tianyun had long known that the robotic means that Jiang Chen had studied was absolutely terrifying, he had never thought that it could reach such a point.

“Of course it’s true.”

He said in a natural tone: “Do you think that I will lie to you about this kind of thing?” ”

Ma Tianyun was not speaking.

He suddenly regretted that he really shouldn’t have sent an excellent talent like Jiang Chen to be an undercover agent.

As a result, he was put on a path of no return.

He has such an intelligent mind that he can go on the road of scientific research.

It is estimated that the achievements can only be looked up to for many people for the rest of their lives.

Unfortunately, it’s too late to say anything.

Seeing that Ma Tianyun did not speak, Professor Zhang was quite impatient, and directly urged: “Captain Ma, are you willing to agree to my conditions?” ”

“No, no problem.”

Captain Ma thought for a long time and said, “I’ll take you over now.” ”

“I knew Captain Horse was a smart man.”


Zhang Huaqiang stood outside the door and shouted: “Ma Tianyun is just outside the door, he said that he has something very important to discuss with you.” ”

“Let him in?”

Jiang Chen put down the pen and paper in his hand, and he felt a little surprised.

What did Ma Tianyun come over for no reason?

Could it be that you want to blame him for what happened before? He shouldn’t have failed to follow the rules and killed Chen Xiaoyu.

If the two of them hadn’t broken up a few days ago, Jiang Chen might have some scruples, but now what qualifications did Ma Tianyun have to point fingers at him?

As soon as he came out of the room, Ma Tianyun quickly stepped forward, still smiling on his face, as if he had forgotten the unpleasantness of the two before.

“Brother Jiang Chen.”

Ma Tianyun said with a smile: “I haven’t seen you for so long, don’t come unharmed?” ”

“Captain Ma, shouldn’t you be here today to tell me about these insignificant things?”

He didn’t talk to Jiang Chen either, nodded with a smile and replied: “The little brother is really a smart person, to tell you the truth, I came to you today because I got Professor Zhang’s instructions.” ”

“I don’t know Professor Zhang.”

The old man standing behind Ma Tianyun had a somewhat unnatural smile, and he stepped forward with a slight embarrassment and said: “Little brother, surnamed Zhang, whose name is Zhang Shulin, is a special professor of the Dragon Kingdom Weapons Research Institute. ”

“I am very interested in the intelligent robot you have developed, I wonder if you are willing to reach a deal with us?”

“You don’t know my identity?”

Although Chen Xiaoyu’s incident last time, Jiang Chen did gain a lot of fans.

However, most people still harbor jealousy, fear, and even strong disgust towards him.

Unwilling to get too close to Jiang Chen.

After all, his identity is there.

The boss of the underground community in Jiangbei has tens of thousands of people under his control.

Getting too close to such a person will inevitably lead to some pressure.

I didn’t expect that the people who went to 540 noodles actually took the initiative to come to the door? Still want to work with him?

There was something he couldn’t imagine.

“Of course I know.”

He gave a very cheerful answer and said: “But little brother, to me, those things are just small things, even if you really kill people and set fires, I will definitely not take them to heart.” ”

He answered quite sincerely, Jiang Chen could feel that the other party was not pretending, and everything he said was true.

“Since I am studying weapons, then I am only interested in weapons.”

What Professor Zhang said just now made Ma Tianyun’s expression sank.

Having such thoughts is only somewhat dangerous.

This made Jiang Chen quite unexpected, really did not expect that the Dragon Kingdom Weapons Research Institute actually had such open-minded people?

“Little brother.”

Professor Zhang asked cautiously, “I wonder if you are willing to agree?” ”

“It’s okay to agree to your conditions, but you have to meet my request.”

Although the steel armor robot was given to him by the system, Jiang Chen would definitely not give it up so easily.

“What requirements?”

He hurriedly asked: “If it is in terms of money, you can rest assured that it is good to say, within my ability, it is no problem to give you two to three hundred million.” ”

“It’s nothing to do with money.”

Ma Tianyun was stunned.

There is only one thing more tempting than money… Right!

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