Chapter 134 Pioneered, Jiang Chen Society Received High-level Recognition!!

As the boss of the underground society, Jiang Chen was originally regarded as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh by the high-level.

If all he wants is money, I’m afraid no one will do anything to him.

But if he stretches his hand too long, he wants to interfere with power… Then I’m afraid he is not far from death.

No matter how powerful Jiang Chen’s means are, what can he do?

At most, he also has a certain influence in the Jiangbei region, and he can’t be on the table at all when looking at the whole country.

What he just did was simply playing with fire?

Obviously, Professor Zhang also detected Jiang Chen’s voice, the smile on his old face was stiff, and the whole person’s expression was a little embarrassed.

“Brother Jiang Chen.”

Professor Zhang smiled bitterly and said, “If you let me do something else, no problem, of course I can, after all, this is within my rights and responsibilities.” ”

“It’s okay to let me take more money for this kind of thing.”

Jiang Chen listened quietly.

Professor Zhang continued: “But if it is something higher, I’m afraid…”

“Don’t get me wrong.”

Jiang Chen said, “I know you’re worried that I’m interested in power, aren’t you? ”

Professor Zhang smiled awkwardly, all he cared about was this matter.

“Sorry, you guys thought wrong.”

Jiang Chen shook his head and said, “I’m staying well in the underground world, why should I go to intrigue?” Money and power are not what I want. ”

“So what do you want?”

Hearing Jiang Chen say this, he was even more confused and incomprehensible and asked, “Little brother, can you give me a reasonable explanation?” ”

“I want my underground society to be rationalized so that I can formally cooperate with the top in the future? Our well water does not violate the river water, what do you think? ”

Ma Tianyun directly turned pale.

He scolded Jiang Chen quite angrily: “I see that you are a madman, you don’t want to live, do you?” ”

“Trying to rationalize your underground community is simply wishful thinking, impossible in this life.”

Seeing his face full of anger, Jiang Chen was still the same, the cloud was light and breezy, and he calmly said: “How advanced my weapon technology is, Professor Zhang should know very well, it is karma.” ”

“If we can completely put this thing into production and large-scale use, it will definitely further improve the military strength of our Dragon Kingdom?”

“I just want to rationalize my community, it’s not demanding at all.”

Professor Zhang didn’t speak.

How powerful Jiang Chen’s steel armor was, as an expert in weapon research, he definitely knew it well.

What is really powerful is not only Jiang Chen’s steel armor, but also the brilliant technology behind it.

If you get the armor in your hands that can’t be rushed, you can follow the vine and study the technology behind it.

The improvement that brought to the Dragon Kingdom was absolutely immeasurable and unprecedented.

This was the fundamental reason why he wanted to cooperate with Jiang Chen at all costs.

“Professor Zhang.”

Since Jiang Chen and Professor Zhang had already opened up the transaction, Jiang Chen no longer had to hide and continue: “How about you come with me?” ”

“What for?”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “I have more powerful weapons, which can be on par with the steel armor.” ”


A simple sentence made both Professor Zhang and Ma Tianyu froze.

A powerful weapon that can compete with steel armor?

Is what Jiang Chen said serious? Are you sure you didn’t amuse them?

“Little brother.”

He said to Jiang Chen cautiously, “Is this true? ”

“Just come with me.”

The impact of the steel armor on Professor Zhang was absolutely unprecedented, reshaping his three views and cognition.

In Professor Zhang’s mind, one of the most advanced and powerful scientific weapons in all mankind is the steel battleship.

Jiang Chen could also find something that was above the steel armor, and his value was immeasurable.

Acknowledging the rationalization of his community does not seem to be inadequate.

“No problem.”

Professor Zhang hurriedly said: “Please also ask the little brother to lead the way, and then let me see it for a long time.” ”


Ma Tianyun couldn’t hold back the curiosity in his heart, and he really wanted to see what kind of powerful weapon Jiang Chen had invented?

But who knew that as soon as he took two steps, Jiang Chen stopped and said, “I said, just let Professor Zhang come with me, you…”

Ma Tianyun gritted his teeth, and although he felt particularly unhappy in his heart, he finally stopped.

After walking behind Jiang Chen, after walking for more than half an hour, Professor Zhang finally arrived at his destination.

The moment he saw the steel armor, the whole person trembled with excitement, and his expression was full of excitement.

A few days ago, when Professor Zhang saw the steel armor, he felt the urge to take him for himself.

Now that he finally saw it with his own eyes, how could he feel unhappy?

“Little brother.”

Professor Zhang hurriedly asked, “Can I touch the armor next to you?” ”

“No problem.”

Professor Zhang stroked the lines of the steel armor, closed his eyes, his face was full of intoxication, and now he was completely immersed in it.

The joy and excitement in his heart made Professor Zhang’s body tremble.

I don’t know how long it took before Professor Zhang finally opened his eyes and asked reluctantly: “Little brother, can you help me demonstrate the steel armor?” ”

In Professor Zhang’s cognition, the steel armor should be Jiang Chen’s most powerful weapon.


He flatly rejected Professor Zhang.


Professor Zhang was a little disappointed and asked, “Don’t you want to cooperate with us?” ”

“I said, there are more powerful weapons next to the steel armor.”

It was clear that Professor Zhang didn’t want to believe it and asked, “Why didn’t I see it?” ”

“Did you see that gun?”

Professor Zhang’s gaze fell, and he was quite surprised when he saw the gun.

He touched his chin with his hand and asked, “This is the more powerful weapon you said?” ”

“I still lied to you?”

Professor Zhang held the gun in his hand and looked at it carefully, he shook his head and said, “Isn’t it just an ordinary gun?” ”

“I don’t believe he can match the power of the Steel Warframe?”

After Jiang Chen signed in to the ability of Iron Man, he used the knowledge in his mind to develop the weapon he developed.

The destructive power is quite amazing.

Although the bullets fired are not much different from normal bullets, the destructive power is quite terrifying, and they are completely small explosive weapons.

Even a mountain can be leveled.

“Don’t believe it?”

After listening to what he said just now, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but say, “If you don’t believe it, how about we go out and take a look?” ”


He readily agreed in front of his mother, and his eyes were full of curiosity, not knowing how terrifying this gun could be.

After more than an hour, they came to a forest in the wild, and there happened to be a small hill not far ahead.

It is about six or seven meters high, and there are many trees growing on it, which is lush.

“I can level that hill in front of me with a single bullet, don’t you believe it?”

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