Chapter 135 Shock! A weapon more terrifying than a steel armor!!

Professor Zhang carefully looked at the gun in Jiang Chen’s hand, and he touched his chin with his hand, with obvious suspicion in his eyes.

No matter how you look at it, there is nothing special about his gun, it is no different from ordinary guns.

Although the destructive power of guns is quite amazing, it has always played a very important role in thermal weapons.

However, with just one bullet, it is absolutely impossible to move the hill in front of you to the ground.

Although the small mountain bag does not look tall, the internal structure is quite thick.

Professor Zhang didn’t want to dampen Jiang Chen’s self-confidence and enthusiasm, so he just smiled and didn’t say anything.

“Looks like you don’t believe me?”

Professor Zhang said: “Brother Jiang Chen, don’t misunderstand, I’m not doubting you, but what you just said is really unbelievable. ”

“I hope you will show understanding.”

Jiang Chen didn’t want to waste time with Professor Zhang to take the gun, and directly pulled the trigger after loading.


A blue light quickly shot out and landed on a small hill not far ahead.


A series of explosions came, billowing smoke and dust covered Professor Zhang’s vision, he couldn’t help coughing violently, the whole person’s body continued to retreat, almost fell 777 to sit on the ground.

The entire ground was constantly trembling, and the oncoming smoke and dust made Professor Zhang a little afraid to look directly.

Several large trees were also broken from the middle in an instant.

I don’t know how long it lasted before it slowly stopped?

Professor Zhang’s heart was full of shock, even if Jiang Chen hadn’t moved the mountain to level just now, but…

An ordinary gun can burst out with such terrifying power, and it is indeed admirable from the heart.

I don’t know how long it took, but the surrounding smoke finally cleared little by little.

The scene not far ahead was clearly presented in front of Professor Zhang.

When he saw it clearly, the whole person was completely dumbfounded.


Professor Zhang coughed violently, he pinched his thigh with his hand, and the pain came from it, and then told him that he was not dreaming.

Everything is true.

A single bullet turned the hill into a ruin.

What appeared in front of him was a big pit.

Professor Zhang looked at Jiang Chen blankly, and couldn’t calm down for a long time and said, “What is your bullet made of?” ”

“Why is the destructive power so terrible?”

Jiang Chen smiled lightly and said: “Just use quite ordinary things, it’s not a big deal.” ”

In the face of what Jiang Chen said just now, Professor Zhang didn’t even believe half a word, what kind of joke was he making?

If it’s really just an ordinary gun, how can it be so fierce?

“I don’t believe it.”

Jiang Chen didn’t want to talk to him either: “If you don’t want to believe it, forget it, I’ll ask you, can the gun in my hand plus the steel armor rationalize my underground society?” ”

Chen Xiaoyu’s incident last time left a very deep impression on Jiang Chen, which made him feel a lot of shock in his heart, which also made him have an idea.

He wants to establish his own order.

No matter where you are, you need to have two sets of order, one on the surface and one on the back.

If Jiang Chen could not rationalize the society, then his order could only be implemented in Jiangbei, and could not be further expanded.


If the community is completely rationalized, the situation will be different, and he will be able to establish his own power throughout the country.

Even further, the whole world trembled under his society.

That’s his true ambition.

Professor Zhang did not speak, and now he is in a deep embarrassment.

The weapons that Jiang Chen provided to him indeed allowed Professor Zhang to open the door to a new world and let him see the countless possibilities of weapons.

However, the rationalization of underground societies is indeed somewhat unrealistic in the current Dragon Kingdom.

If he really wants to achieve his goal, he must also apply to the people above.

“I can think about it.”

Professor Zhang said, “How about I give you an answer in two days?” ”

“No problem.”

Jiang Chen agreed cheerfully and said, “Professor Zhang, I’m waiting for you.” ”

“Okay then.”

He nodded in front of Jiang Chen and said, “Little brother, I will come to you in three days, hoping that we can start a happy cooperation.” ”

Now that the advanced high-tech weapons of the Dragon Kingdom are still a little weak in front of the world, Jiang Chen’s steel armor and that magical gun may be able to make them raise their eyebrows.

Professor Zhang came out of the room, and Ma Tianyun quickly ran forward and asked with concern: “How about Professor Zhang, is that smelly boy…”

“I think he’s a genius.”

Professor Zhang interrupted Ma Tianyun and said, “I will apply to the people above for any request he puts forward, and strive to meet it unconditionally.” ”

“You, what did you say?”

Ma Tianyun looked at Professor Zhang, and now he was really stunned, and he couldn’t believe everything he heard.

There’s nothing wrong with his head, right?

“Are you serious?”

The rationalization of the society was undoubtedly a huge provocation to them, originally he thought that the other party’s mind was normal, and he should not be moved by Jiang Chen’s words.

Who would have thought that Professor Zhang would make such a decision.

“Of course seriously.”

Professor Zhang was full of admiration and said, “You don’t even know what Jiang Chen’s weapon means? He is the gospel of our entire dragon nation. ”

“Such a capable and excellent talent, why can’t we give him a precedent?”

When he listened to Professor Zhang’s words, the whole person was completely dumbfounded.

“Aren’t you kidding? Professor Zhang? ”

He spoke: “Captain Ma, such a big thing, I still have the mind to joke with you?” ”

“I have to find Chief Liu right away and ask for his opinion.”

After saying this, the horse captain quickly left.

Looking at the other party’s disappearing back, he stood in place for a while, actually forgetting to react.

I really don’t understand, what did Jiang Chen show him that could make Professor Zhang ghostly fascinated?

Six hours later.

“Have the ability to say it again?”

Chief Liu suddenly stood up from his chair and said in disbelief to Professor Zhang’s words: “You actually want to rationalize the Jiangbei underground society? ”

“Don’t you know what the underground community means to our Dragon Kingdom?”

Feeling Chief Liu’s anger, Professor Zhang was not worried at all, and he quickly said: “Liu Changguan, do you think that a small Jiangbei is important, or is our entire Dragon Kingdom more important?” ”

“Aren’t you talking nonsense?”

Chief Liu said with some impatience: “Of course, the entire Dragon Kingdom is more important. ”

“Then you have to agree to my conditions.”

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