Chapter 136 The high-level was shocked to learn Jiang Chen’s undercover identity!!


Professor Zhang’s words just now made Chief Liu very angry.

He suddenly slammed his palm on the table and said, “I don’t believe that the boss of an underground society can still be related to the rise and fall of our dragon country?” ”

With a wry smile at the corner of his mouth, Professor Zhang said: “Sir, don’t be angry first, I started thinking the same as ~ you.” ”

“I don’t think Jiang Chen deserves attention, no matter how powerful he is, I am a person from the underground society?”

“I’ll show you two videos now, and maybe you’ll understand why I take him so seriously?”

Seeing the other party so solemn, curiosity appeared in his eyes.

Chief Liu knows very well what kind of person Professor Zhang is?

He shouldn’t be kidding himself.

When Jiang Chen’s steel armor robot, as well as the destructive power of that pistol, showed itself in front of him for a moment.

The latter abruptly stood up from his chair.

His eyes widened to the limit, staring blankly at the computer screen, and the whole person held his breath.

“This, this is true?”

He coughed violently twice and said, “Our Dragon Kingdom still has such a terrible weapon? ”

Of course, Chief Liu knew better than anyone how weak their Dragon Kingdom was in terms of weapons now?

If that kind of advanced thing can really be displayed on the world stage, it can definitely further enhance the status of their Dragon Kingdom.

He stared at the computer screen, and after a long time he was still thinking about the conditions proposed by Professor Zhang.

Let Jiang Chen’s underground society be rationalized in the Jiangbei area.

In fact……

It doesn’t sound very difficult.

The requirements are not too excessive.

Compared to the contribution that Jiang Chen could bring, the conditions he proposed were nothing at all.


Professor Zhang asked cautiously, “Do you still think I was exaggerating just now?” ”

“These two weapons are really powerful.”

Chief Liu said with admiration from the bottom of his heart: “At least at present, in our Dragon Country, no, no, no, to be precise, the whole world, we can’t find a more advanced weapon than them. ”

“But I have another question?”

“What problem?”

Chief Liu said again: “Who invented them? ”

“It doesn’t matter who invented it.”

He said to Chief Liu, “The important thing is whether you are willing to try it or not?” ”


Chief Liu said: “This matter is quite important, I must personally interview Jiang Chen, if the discussion is appropriate, I can agree to his request.” ”

“Well, without further ado, let’s hurry up.”



[Ding! ]

Jiang Chen’s mind once again heard the cold mechanical voice of the system.

He hadn’t checked in for a long time.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully checking in and getting 10,000 plasma cannon flying vehicles!] Hmm???

The system check-in stuff is really getting more and more awesome.

It began to gradually become high-tech.

Whether it is the previous steel armor or the current plasma cannon flying combat vehicle, the comprehensive strength is quite a terrifying existence.

A plasma cannon flying combat vehicle, if announced internationally, is estimated to shock many people.

Not to mention tens of thousands of plasma cannon flying combat vehicles.

Just thinking about it, Jiang Chen was a little excited.

Now Jiang Chen has a more ambitious goal.

He certainly could not limit his career to the whole of Jiangbei but the whole world

Although the status of the Dragon Kingdom is steadily improving, it is still a line away from the world’s top powers.

Jiang Chen wanted to rationalize the community in order to secretly help the Dragon Kingdom and improve his status.

There must be two sets of order in any place, one of which is indispensable.

Jiang Chen believed that if Commander Liu knew about his good intentions, he would not refuse his request.

Moreover, Jiang Chen was willing to give his steel armor and plasma gun to Chief Liu.

He really couldn’t think of any reason for the other party not to consider his conditions and requirements.


Zhang Huaqiang shouted outside the door: “Someone outside is looking for you, he said what is his name Chief Liu?” ”

“Coming so fast?”

Jiang Chen was a little surprised and said, “No problem, let him quickly come in from outside.” ”


A few minutes later, the door of the room was pushed open, and Chief Liu slowly walked in from outside the door with a smile on his face.

“Your Excellency is Jiang Chen’s little brother?”

The moment Chief Liu saw Jiang Chen, his body couldn’t help but be slightly stunned.

I really didn’t expect the other party to be so young.

Only in his twenties, the steel armor developed by him, such a terrifying and powerful weapon, is really shocking.


Chief Liu sat down on the table in front of Jiang Chen and said, “I have seen your weapon, and the destructive power is indeed very huge. ”

“If it can be put into mass production, it will not harm us to the Dragon Kingdom.”

“However, I have to carefully consider your request.”

Chief Liu’s current concerns Jiang Chen particularly understood.

The underground community itself is in a gray area, if it is really rationalized, once it looks at the precedent, I am afraid that the follow-up will be out of control.

Even if Jiang Chen’s contribution was huge, it was absolutely impossible for them to agree rashly.

This caution is very necessary.

“You’re worried… Will I do it in the future? ”

Chief Liu said: “To be honest, this is exactly where my scruples lie. ”

“You can go and inquire, have I done anything harmful to nature since I founded the society?”

Chief Liu nodded and said, “It is precisely because you have not done anything harmful to heaven and reason that the two of us can sit here and negotiate peacefully.” ”

“If you really did something bad, I’m afraid I’m not the only one here now.”

He was not threatening Jiang Chen, but he was very serious about what he was thinking.

“You have a point.”

Chief Liu continued to ask, “Sometimes the rules are more important than anything else, little brother… In addition to those two weapons, I hope you can give me a more powerful explanation. ”

“Let me allow your community to rationalize!”

Jiang Chen drank a glass of water.

“You really want a reason?”

Chief Liu said: “Of course, this kind of thing does not allow jokes. ”

He slowly stood up and narrowed the distance between him and Chief Liu.

Jiang Chen knew about this, and it was necessary to tell him to Chief Liu.

Of course, believe it or not, whatever he wants.

If you believe that the two of them have a happy cooperation, of course, no problem.

If Chief Liu insisted on going his own way, Jiang Chen would not take it to heart.

The road is facing the sky, so go one side on each side.

“Actually, I have two identities.”

Jiang Chen calmly said: “On the surface, it seems that I am the boss of the Jiangbei underground society, but in fact… I am an undercover agent placed by Ma Tianyun next to Fei Biao. ”

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