Chapter 137 The high-level was shocked, the two sets of order that were about to be formed!!

The chief was completely stunned when he heard this.

He frowned slightly, looking at Jiang Chen incredulously? Apparently, the chief did not believe what he said?

Isn’t that a joke?

He hasn’t seen any undercover agent who can be as terrifying as Jiang Chen, and in less than a month, he will directly destroy his undercover society?

And that still need undercover?

Wouldn’t it be enough to just push them horizontally?

Chief Liu said, “You are indeed a smart person, but what you just said… It is estimated that not only me, but also others will not believe it. ”

“You can go and ask Ma Tianyun.”

Jiang Chen said: “Believe in the chief, besides… Will I tell such a boring lie? ”

Although Jiang Chen and Ma Tianyun had broken off, he had not forgotten his mission.

Jiang Chen can’t really just be the boss of an underground society, he also has his own grand ambitions.

After listening to what Jiang Chen just said, he fell into a long silence and did not react for a long time.

Chief Liu thought about it carefully, and the information he investigated about Jiang Chen and found that most of the information did show that Jiang Chen had not done anything bad.

He took the matter extremely seriously.


Finally, Chief Liu said: “I believe what you say, and I can also allow your association to be rationalized.” ”

“But I have two more requests that I hope you will meet. As long as you can do it, let alone in the Jiangbei region, even the entire Dragon Kingdom, I can let you rationalize it?” ”

Unexpectedly, the conditions offered by Chief Liu were so favorable, and Jiang Chen immediately said cheerfully: “No problem, what conditions did Chief Liu say?” ”

“First, I hope that in the future, the way you will make money is through formal channels, and those three things must not be touched.”

Jiang Chen replied cheerfully: “No problem, I don’t know much about those three things.” ”


Then he continued: “Second, just two weapons, the number is indeed a little small, I know that your ability is very strong, ordinary people are definitely not comparable to you, I don’t know…”

What the other party meant just now, Jiang Chen could see at a glance, and he calmly asked, “You want me to provide more weapons, don’t you?” ”

“Yes, yes, yes.”

Chief Liu said, “Just one more weapon?” ”

“No problem.”

He promised cheerfully and said to Chief Liu: “It just so happens that I still have a new weapon, I want to show it to Chief Liu?” ”

Now that once Jiang Chen’s society is rationalized, he has signed up so many terrifying and powerful weapons, and Jiang Chen has every reason to believe that at that time… He can push all the way.

Let all the societies of the Dragon Kingdom tremble under his hands.


Chief Liu was quite curious and asked, “Can you take me to see it?” ”

The steel armor and plasma laser gun, the terrifying destructive power displayed made him admire and admire from the bottom of his heart.

I don’t know what kind of existence Jiang Chen’s new type of weapon is?

“No problem.”

Jiang Chen nodded in front of him, and it didn’t take long for him to take Chief Liu to the basement.

“System, extract a flying chariot?”

[No problem, dear host. ]

After the system agreed, Jiang Chen saw that there was one less flying chariot on the reward page.

It looks like he has appeared in the basement.

Behind Jiang Chen, Chief Liu was quite cautious, after all, he didn’t know enough about Jiang Chen now, so it was always right to be careful.

After they came to the basement, Jiang Chen stretched out his right hand and pointed ahead and said, “That’s the third weapon I have researched?” ”

His gaze fell, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes? Is that a weapon?

Jiang Chen wasn’t joking, right?

It looks like a fairly ordinary car, or the kind with a very average price.

“Little brother.”

He said seriously: “Let’s not joke about this kind of thing, okay?” ”

“What I told you is serious, I would like to see it, and I sincerely cooperate with you on your latest weapons.”

“We are all from the Dragon Kingdom, as long as those weapons of yours are provided to us and adopted, you can rest assured, we will definitely benefit from you.”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “I’m not kidding you, this is indeed a brand new weapon I have developed.” ”

“It’s quite destructive, not only can it fly in the air, it’s extremely fast, and more importantly… It can also shoot plasma rays, which is terrifyingly destructive? ”

What Jiang Chen just said was like a fantasy to Chief Liu, and he really couldn’t believe it and said, “Little brother, aren’t you kidding? ”

“Would you like to try it?”


After Jiang Chen opened the car door and jumped on, Chief Liu hesitated for a moment, and they all followed.

It didn’t take long for the top of the sedan to be opened and it turned into a simple convertible.

To be honest, when Chief Liu saw the terrifying destructive power of Jiang Chen’s two weapons on the computer screen, he was really deeply shocked.

But this did not prevent him from being disappointed in the car in front of him.

In Chief Liu’s view, what Jiang Chen said just now was bragging.

“Sit down!”

Jiang Chen said to Chief Liu: “Next, I will take you to experience the power of this flying chariot. ”


As soon as his voice fell, a clear sound came randomly.

Chief Liu felt that the car he was sitting on began to gradually float in midair.

At first, he thought it was his hallucination, but as the car went higher and higher, he gradually realized…

Everything is true?

Chief Liu looked at Jiang Chen blankly, and his mood was shocked beyond belief.

Can’t say a word for a long time!

Flying cars… Can he figure it out? What kind of talent is he?

The means are strong and terrifying, and now there is such a strong scientific research ability? Not to mention in the Dragon Country, even in the whole world, it is estimated to be unique.

Originally, Chief Liu still had a certain degree of doubt about whether Jiang Chen was undercover.

But now…

He had already decided in his heart that Jiang Chen was definitely undercover.

Otherwise, he has such an ability, he really wants to mess around, and it is estimated that he has already set off a storm in the country.

Now look at the Tianlong Group, it’s not worth mentioning in front of him at all? It’s completely off the table.

The car shot into the air quickly, and the bright light became even more dazzling under the moonlight.



Jiang Chen’s words fell, and a bright light quickly shot out and landed in the vast forest not far ahead.


The sound of explosions came one after another, and the roaring flames rose into the sky, and the big trees in the forest were broken in two from the middle in an instant.

Chief Liu was shocked to the extreme!

With such a terrifying and powerful weapon, he was still worried about the military games in half a month?

He believes… Jiang Chen’s powerful weapon will definitely be able to exert extraordinary effects…

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