Chapter 138 made an exception for Jiang Chen, the only society in the Dragon Kingdom!!

He had only been in contact with Jiang Chen for two hours, but he was completely shocked by the genius young man beside him.

His terrifying strength and unparalleled detached wisdom made him admire from the bottom of his heart.

Jiang Chen is indeed very good.

This flying combat vehicle, when the time comes, will play a role and power, I am afraid that it is even more powerful than a fighter.

He seemed to be able to imagine how Professor Zhang would feel when he knew that Jiang Chen still had such a black technology?

Chief Liu was quite curious and said to Jiang Chen, “Little brother, I have a question for you?” ”

“Chief Liu, please say.”

He thought for a moment and asked seriously: “With your ingenuity and wisdom that makes many people shame, you can completely make yourself live a rich and noble life.” ”

“Why come undercover? And most importantly… Still deserving so successfully? ”

If Jiang Chen hadn’t told him personally, Chief Liu wouldn’t have been able to believe that the strange man who turned Jiangbei upside down in just one month was actually an undercover agent arranged by them!

It’s just weird.

Jiang Chen pondered, “Chief Liu, how many sets of order do you think this world needs? ”

“I don’t quite understand what you’re talking about?”

Jiang Chen continued to reply: “I think we need two different orders, only in this way can we truly maintain the normal operation of our current peasant country. ”

“The people on the bright side are handed over to you to deal with the people on the bright side, and as for those people behind the scenes, it is not convenient for you to solve them, but they really deserve to die, so let me do it.”

Hearing this, Chief Liu seemed to understand something, and he frowned and said, “You mean to say… From the beginning, your purpose as an undercover agent was to establish ten new sets of rules? ”


He no longer concealed his intentions in front of Chief Liu, and replied cheerfully: “This is my real purpose.” ”

He looked at Jiang Chen blankly, his eyes full of shock.

The other party’s pattern is far bigger than he thought.

Jiang Chen is really an amazing talent.


Patting him on the shoulder, Chief Liu said, “Don’t worry, I will definitely try my best to promote the rules you want to make.” ”

“I will stop at nothing to persuade them to agree to your request.”

“Thank you, Chief Liu!”

Chief Liu smiled and said, “Thank what?” The three weapons you have provided us with are so powerful that if they are announced in front of the whole world, they will definitely cause shocks. ”

“A great genius like you, no matter what requirements are made, we should meet them.”


Chief Liu continued, “But there is one more thing I want to remind you. ”

“What’s going on?”

Chief Liu continued: “It’s very simple, if you encounter those people in the underground world in the future, don’t show mercy to your subordinates. ”

“I’m going to let you crush them completely at any cost!”

Even if Chief Liu didn’t say it, Jiang Chen had that idea.

“Don’t worry, within three months, I will leave only one name in the underground world of the Dragon Kingdom.”

Hearing this, Chief Liu’s face changed slightly!

“You mean…”


Jiang Chen spoke, “Within three months, all the terrorist groups in the Dragon Kingdom will be completely destroyed. ”

“Only my Jiang Chen’s name is allowed to exist.”

After listening to what Jiang Chen just said, Chief Liu nodded again and again and said in admiration: “Very good, what I am waiting for is your words.” ”

“I hope we have a happy cooperation!”

“Nice to work with.”

Fan Xiaoyong and He Tianya and the others, staying in the office and looking at each other, they are all somewhat impatient now.

Everyone really couldn’t figure it out, it was already past ten o’clock in the evening, and Chief Liu still gathered them, what the hell was he going to do?


Fan Xiaoyong asked: “Dr. Lin said, are we going to go all out to prepare for the Military Games recently?” But why do I always feel that the people above don’t seem to pay much attention to this matter? ”

“I don’t know.”

He Tianya originally thought that regarding the matter of the Military Games, Commander Liu would definitely exert a lot of pressure.

However, everything that happened afterwards was indeed very different from his expectations.

Chief Liu, they did not strictly demand this.

Could it be that they know that no matter how hard they work at the Military Games, they will not be able to make outstanding contributions?

Just break the jar and break it? Probably not?

A moment later, the door to the outer room was pushed open.

It was Chief Liu who walked in.

“I’ve seen the sir!”


Chief Liu nodded in front of everyone, he took the chair and sat down, and said, “Everyone, do you know what I called you here for?” ”

“Please also ask Chief Liu to make it clear.”

Chief Liu said solemnly, “Presumably, you should have been in Jiangbei a lot before, dealing with a man named Jiang Chen, right? ”

Everyone was even more surprised when they heard it, but they didn’t expect that Jiang Chen’s affairs would even be known to Chief Liu?

“Don’t worry, sir!”

Fan Xiaoyong clenched his fists and said, “When we finish the affairs of the Military Games, we will definitely take Jiang Chen down in the shortest possible time.” ”

“Guaranteed to live up to your expectations.”

Glancing at Fan Xiaoyong, Chief Liu said, “Who told you to do something to Jiang Chen?” ”

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this.

Everyone looked at each other, and their eyes were full of incredulity.

What did Chief Liu mean just now?

Could it be that he wasn’t ready to make a move on Jiang Chen?

That guy is a big cancer, and the harm he will bring to the Dragon Kingdom in the future is even greater than that of Yang Tianlong.

“Chief Liu.”

Fan Xiaoyong said carefully: “This is not the time for jokes, could it be that you are ready not to hold Jiang Chen accountable?” ”


Chief Liu said: “Not only will I not hold Jiang Chen accountable, I will also rationalize his underground society, so tell you that you don’t understand?” ”


When everyone heard these words, they were all stunned, and their faces were full of shock.

Their expressions were full of incredulity.

Everyone is completely confused? Did I make a mistake? Could he be a madman?

The underground community has always been like fire and water with them.

As a result, Chief Liu actually wanted to rationalize Jiang Chen’s association? What exactly did he think?

“Chief Liu!”

He Tianya said with some excitement: “Once the underground society is rationalized, it will definitely bring a lot of impact to our Dragon Kingdom, and you must not be impulsive. ”

“Who told you that the underground community will be rationalized?”

Chief Liu squinted his eyes and said, “I mean, just to rationalize Jiang Chen’s society, so tell you, do you understand?” ”


For them, this is even more blockbuster news.

Chief Liu actually specially opened the back door for Jiang Chen?

Because Jiang Chen… And against the rules and guidelines they set? What did he think?

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