Chapter 139 The news was announced, and the whole country was shocked!!


Fan Xiaoyong clenched his fists and said, “How can you do this? ”

“You haven’t seen Jiang Chen, and you don’t know what kind of person he is, why… So indulgent him in every way? ”

“You don’t understand the horror of this guy, in case he really grows up one day, it is estimated that even the Tianlong Group is not his opponent.”

Seeing Fan Xiaoyong’s indignant look, Chief Liu was just a little curious, and he couldn’t help but ask, “Have you seen Jiang Chen do bad things?” ”

“Has he ever killed innocent people? Are you selling things you shouldn’t? Were women from good families forced to take up occupations they did not want to pursue? ”

“Are there any of these things?”


Fan Xiaoyong was directly stunned, he really didn’t know how to answer the other party’s question.

Thinking carefully about what he just said was correct, Jiang Chen had never done those vicious things.

“He, he didn’t.”

Chief Liu said: “Since you all said that he did not, why should you put a terrorist hat on him?” ”

“Just because he built his own community? I don’t think there’s anything about it, is the existence of the community heinous? ”

In the face of Chief Liu’s questioning word by word, Fan Xiaoyong couldn’t answer a word.


He gritted his teeth and said, “But that bastard Jiang Chen does often fight against us, how can we sit idly by?” ”

“Anyway, I don’t agree with you to rationalize his community.”

Chief Liu couldn’t help but be a little stoic, he came to Fan Xiaoyong and asked word by word, “What are you?” ”

“I need to ask for your opinion on the decisions I made?”

“I called you over today just to inform you.”

“You can’t take care of anything else!”


After listening to Chief Liu’s words, Fan Xiaoyong and they all turned pale.

No one could figure out why he was so partial to Jiang Chen? What did Jiang Chen do to make him so obsessed?

“I’m leaving.”

When his words fell, he turned and left the room.

Looking at the other party’s disappearing back, Fan Xiaoyong and Tianya were all stunned.

All of them were stunned, they really couldn’t understand what was going on with him?


Gao Datian also asked, “Once this rule is implemented, does it mean that we will no longer be able to do anything to Jiang Chen in the future?” ”


He replied cheerfully and said, “We really can’t do anything about Jiang Chen in the future, otherwise… Chief Liu will not let us go. ”


Fan Xiaoyong was so angry that he slammed his fist on the table and scolded: “Jiang Chen, this bastard, when I find evidence of his crime one day, I will definitely not spare him.” ”

In the face of Fan Xiaoyong’s anger, He Tianya expressed special understanding, and he patted his shoulder and said: “Forget it, Chief Liu naturally has his reasons for doing this. ”

Today’s Fan Xiaoyong can only comfort himself with such words.

The night is dark.

Ma Tianyun, who stayed in the room, was still concentrating on processing documents.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang.

After connecting the phone, Ma Tianyun found that it was Fan Xiaoyong who called.

“Old Fan, why are you free to call me today?”

Fan Xiaoyong’s voice was a little choked, he seemed to have received a great grievance, and he actually sobbed slightly on the phone.

Ma Tianyun frowned when he heard this, he was quite confused, and couldn’t help but ask: “What did I say about you?” Why not speak? ”

“We can never do anything to Jiang Chen.”


Ma Tianyun put down the pen in his hand, if he had learned the news a week ago, he would have been particularly excited.

He no longer had to rack his brains, but he concealed information about Jiang Chen.

But what happened now made him can’t help but be a little worried?

The other side of the phone said: “The person above today called us to a meeting and announced a rather important news. ”

“They want to rationalize Jiang Chen’s community, that is, it can exist like a normal company and other groups, and we have no right to interfere.”

“How does this work?”

Ma Tianyun was angry and scolded: “Who promulgated this rule?” Isn’t it clear to him what it means to do that? ”

“It will definitely fuel Jiang Chen’s arrogance, originally he is very invincible now, so he has to say so?”

In the face of Ma Tianyun’s anger, Fan Xiaoyong on the other side of the phone understood very well and said, “We also told Chief Liu this at the time, but he didn’t agree with us at all?” ”

Ma Tianyun shuddered a little, he really couldn’t imagine what a terrifying means Jiang Chen had.

Can it actually reach such a heaven-defying point?

Even Chief Liu was bought by him in a few words, and was willing to agree to his conditions?

This undercover agent of his own makes him more and more incomprehensible?

A certain sense of foreboding suddenly came to mind, Ma Tianyun hesitated for a long time, and said: “Then what do you think?” ”

“I don’t want to pass up the opportunity.”

Fan Xiaoyong scolded: “Jiang Chen must die no matter what, how can an underground society exist reasonably?” ”

Ma Tianyun fell silent.

“Now the only person I can turn to is you!”

Seeing that he didn’t speak, Fan Xiaoyong asked with some excitement: “Don’t tell me, you don’t want to cooperate with my actions?” ”

“It’s not.”

Ma Tianyun asked, “It’s just that this matter is too important, and I have to think carefully before I can give you an answer.” ”

“After all, the relationship is very involved, once there are three long and two short, none of us can afford such a responsibility, don’t you say?”

Fan Xiaoyong was silent for a moment, thought carefully, and what Ma Tianyun just said spoke: “Your concern is also reasonable, I can give you two days to think.” ”

“Give me an answer in two days.”

“No problem.”

After hanging up the phone, Ma Tianyun sat in front of the computer dumbly, with a solemn and serious expression.

Is Jiang Chen really a magical existence?

Rationalizing the underground community was absolutely unimaginable before that, and it was a fantasy.

When Jiang Chen put forward his own idea in front of Professor Zhang that day, Ma Tianyun also mercilessly launched his mockery of Jiang Chen.

I didn’t believe half a word of what he said.

But who would have thought…

And in the end, he managed to do it?

“Jiang Chen, what do you want to do?”

Now Jiang Chen has become an extremely terrifying and quite special existence in Ma Tianyun’s eyes.


Zhang Huaqiang yawned, he stayed up too late last night, he didn’t sleep until after three o’clock, and he had to get up again to work at about eight o’clock, he was very sleepy.

Just turned on the computer, and the news that popped up made Zhang Huaqiang blinded.

What’s going on?

His face was full of surprise and shock, how could Zhang Huaqiang not expect that overnight, their society had actually changed so much?

Who did it?

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