Chapter 140 The whole country is hotly discussed, and Boss Yang is sprayed with blood!!

The overwhelming number of posts on the Internet is all related to their community.

The majority of netizens are having extremely heated discussions on the Jiang Chen Society.

As for the main core of the heated discussion, is whether their community rationalization should be or not?

Most people have a negative attitude towards this matter and directly curse online.

Some of them were people who supported Jiang Chen in the first place.

In their eyes, the underground community is an underground society after all, even if Jiang Chen has not done anything bad, it should not be a reasonable existence.

If Jiang Chen’s community is really reasonable, doesn’t it mean that they will encounter a crisis in the future and be protected by the people above?

Zhang Huaqiang looked at the posts posted by major netizens, and his mood could not be calm for a long time.

What kind of terrifying demon is Jiang Chen?

The rationalization of the underground community was actually realized in his hands.

In just one month, Jiang Chen let many rules that he could not shake make way for him, and he did a lot of things…

It is estimated that others can only look up to them for a lifetime, and they dare not even think about it.


It’s really impressive!

That is to say, now Ma Tianyun, as well as Fan Xiaoyong, if they make a move on Jiang Chen again, it is estimated that he does not need to do anything personally…

Chief Liu will also hold them accountable.

It’s cool to think about.

Half an hour later, Zhang Huaqiang came to Jiang Chen’s office.


Zhang Huaqiang asked excitedly, “Can you tell me how you did it?” ”

Jiang Chen looked out the window and said lightly: “You mean the rationalization of the community?” ”


Now Zhang Huaqiang is on the ground for the five bodies that Jiang Chen admires, and even wants to kneel for him, he is definitely the best and most powerful person he has ever seen in his life

Too many miracles were created on him.

Jiang Chen said: “The heavenly machine must not be leaked! ”

Seeing the other party’s mysterious appearance, Zhang Huaqiang hesitated for a moment and did not continue to ask.

He was well aware of Jiang Chen’s temperament, and if he didn’t want to say certain things, it was not interesting to be entangled all the time.

“Is there any movement in the river organization?”

Last time, Jiang Chen killed the people of the Jianghe Organization branch, and also spread that video wildly on the Internet, but if the people in the Jianghe Organization headquarters were a little bloody, they would never be able to stand idly by and watch this matter.

May retaliate against Jiang Chen at any time?

“Boss, the river organization has been surprisingly quiet during this time, and we don’t know what’s going on?”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “Surprisingly quiet? ”


He replied leisurely: “If I guessed correctly, it should be the calm before the storm, and the counteroffensive organized by the river should be about to begin.” ”

“Boss, then let’s go next…”

“Do you think the river organization is necessary to exist?”

A simple sentence made his face change slightly, and he immediately understood the meaning of Jiang Chen’s words, and Zhang Huaqiang said: “Are you preparing to make the Jianghe Organization disappear forever?” ”

“Now is a harmonious society in the twenty-first century, do you think it is necessary for the killer organization to exist?”

He was stunned for a moment and nodded and said: “Understood, don’t worry, boss, as long as there is news from the Jianghe Organization, I will definitely tell you in the shortest possible time.” ”


Waving his hand, Jiang Chen said, “It’s nothing, you go down first.” ”

“Yes, boss!”

When the words fell, Zhang Huaqiang exited the room.

Jiang Chen came to the map, his gaze fell on Jianghe City, and he whispered, “It’s time for your Jianghe Organization to disappear permanently.” ”

Yang Tianlong was completely dumbfounded.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is almost crazy now.

Did I make a mistake?

Jiang Chen’s community was actually rationalized?

People who have been in the black world for a long time are quite strict with the rules of their own society.

No matter who it is, they don’t have the guts and courage to go head-to-head with the people above the Dragon Kingdom.

Therefore, for his own safety, Yang Tianlong will put a company under the guise of his society.

But even so, he walked carefully every step, like walking on thin ice, not daring to leave the slightest loophole and flaw.

What I am afraid of is that once the clues are caught by the people above, what awaits him is destruction!

But fortunately, he finally let the Tianlong Group spend decades safely.

As a result, Jiang Chen had only been pouring for a month, and he actually let his underground society be completely rationalized? Groove!

It made him almost spurt blood.


Gritting his teeth tightly, Yang Tianlong scolded, “Can anyone tell me how Jiang Chen did it?” ”

“Did he give Commander Liu a lot of benefits?”

The old housekeeper was crying and laughing, and he quickly said: “Boss, what kind of person is Chief Liu, don’t you still understand?” He has always been fair-minded and upright? ”

“Didn’t we think about getting him a sum of money and asking him to agree to some of our requirements, what was the final result?”

Yang Tianlong didn’t speak, he knew that the old butler was right.

It was a rather terrifying and terrifying person, and Boss Yang could hardly find any flaws in him.

No matter which way he lobbied Chief Liu, the final result was the same.

Then how did Jiang Chen let him go?


The old butler said cautiously: “How about we let our brothers go to Jiang Chen to study?” ”

“Maybe you can get some experience from him?”

“Fuck me!”

Yang Tianlong cursed: “Let Laozi go to Jiang Chen to study, I see that you are sick.” ”

The old housekeeper felt the anger of the other party, silently lowered his head, and now did not dare to speak at all.

Obviously, the anger that Yang Tianlong had just shown made the old butler tremble and frighten.


The old butler said: “Now Jiang Chen is indeed a particularly terrifying existence, and his means have reached a point where we can all look up. ”

“Especially his society has developed to an extremely terrifying position, what should we do?”

He didn’t speak right away, and what the old butler had just said also made Yang Tianlong particularly annoyed.

“That’s right.”

Yang Tianlong asked, “Is there any news from the people over there in the Jianghe Organization?” ”


The old butler silently bowed his head and said, “They haven’t given a response until now?” ”

“What did you say?”

Yang Tianlong, who learned the news, was shocked.

The river killer organization has always been fierce, the most important thing is that there is revenge, and someone kills the people under them…

It’s been almost a week now, and they’re not ready to take revenge?

This is simply not in line with the rules and style of their river killer organization?

“It’s fun.”

Yang Tianlong said: “Now it seems that I underestimated them. ”

“What do you think should be done?”

Yang Tianlong said: “You immediately send someone to me to focus on finding the people of the Jiang River Killer Organization, I believe they should not have no response.” ”


The old butler quickly nodded and agreed.

When the old housekeeper left the room, Yang Tianlong silently looked out the window, with a hint of resentment in his expression.

“Jiang Chen, you wait for me, one day I will let you understand that no matter how powerful you are, in front of our Tianlong Group, you are still just an ant beggar.”

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