Chapter 141 isn’t it? The river organization is ready to surrender directly?!!

River Organization.

As the most famous killer organization in the entire Jianghe City, they have a certain status even if they look at the underground society of the Dragon Kingdom.

At least it can be ranked in the top ten.


Wang Kun, the boss of the Jianghe Organization, has always been quite low-key and rarely shows his face outside.

Any business is also actively approached by several hall masters under him, and then let them complete it.

How strong Wang Kun is, until now this matter is still a mystery.

Few people have seen Wang Kun’s true appearance, and he always wears a mask and a black cloak on his face.

The mask looks particularly terrifying and hideous.

The four hall masters of the Jiang River Organization generally did not dare to disturb Wang Kun unless there was something extremely important.

Today, several of their hall masters all gathered and stood in the center of Wang Kun’s retreat hall, all with nervous faces and serious expressions.

Today, they had to come to find Wang Kun? Everyone stood in front of the door, and their bodies couldn’t stop shaking slightly.

If Wang Kun knew that the Jianghe Organization branch was now under their leadership, it was actually destroyed by a guy named Jiang Chen, the impact that would be…

It’s immeasurable.


The second hall master swallowed and said, “You said that the old assembly will not kill us? ”

“How do I know?”

The lobby master replied a little impatiently, the sweat on his forehead continued to drip and his body was shaking slightly.

At this moment, the lobby master secretly prayed in his heart.

I hope Wang Kun will not hold them accountable, otherwise none of you here today will want to live.

“It won’t be long before the boss comes out, what is the result? Won’t you know then? ”


A clear and huge sound came, and the bronze giant door in front of them slowly opened, and the eyes of several of them fell together.

Everyone had a respectful look on their faces.

I don’t know how long it took, that familiar figure finally appeared in front of all of them, still as majestic as before.

The tall and tall body looks exceptionally strong and majestic.

His gaze swept over everyone and asked, “What is going on?” Can all four of you come over at the same time? ”

The extremely majestic voice was like rolling thunder exploding in their ears.

After everyone heard this, their bodies trembled unconsciously.

The second hall master swallowed his spit, and he took the lead in kneeling down in front of Wang Kun and spoke: “Boss, I’m sorry, it’s a few of us who are incompetent. ”

“Get up from the ground.”

His tone was soothing, but there was something unquestionable in his words: “I will not allow anyone to kneel for me.” ”


He gritted his teeth and finally got up from the ground and said, “More than a hundred brothers in our Jianghe Organization branch have all been killed!” ”

“And such a thing?”

His voice is always calm as water, and he does not feel any mood fluctuations.

But it is precisely because of this that he is terrible.

The more angry he is, the calmer he will be.

“Yes, that’s right.”

The lobby master stiffened and said, “It was a guy named Jiang Chen who did it, and this stinky boy’s means are terrible.” ”

“Killing more than a hundred of our brothers, not even using a minute, he invented a rather terrible weapon, we… Not an opponent at all. ”

Wang Kun frowned and asked, “How terrifying can a terrible weapon be?” ”

“We brought the video from the scene.”

When Wang Kun saw Jiang Chen destroy his brothers, a chill flashed in his deep pupils.

No one could see his face, and now it was impossible to judge how Wang Kun reacted.

He smiled faintly and said: “It’s really interesting, I didn’t expect that such a number one figure appeared in Jiangbei.” ”


The lobby master said, “What exactly should we do with that bastard named Jiang Chen now?” ”

“He killed so many of our brothers, do we really ignore it?”

Wang Kun said: “Don’t you understand what it means to be small, and if you can’t bear it, you will make a big plan?” He did kill many of our brothers, but don’t you see his potential? ”

Everyone looked at each other, and their eyes were confused.

What exactly does Wang Kun want to say?

“I think that Jiang Chen is a rare talent, we should control the opportunity well and take him for our own use.”

“Tomorrow, you go to Jiang Chen to discuss with him in detail, just say that I can not hold him accountable. You can also let him join our river organization and see what he thinks? ”

The lobby master directly blindfolded 0… Did I make a mistake?

Is there nothing wrong with his head?

Now Jiang Chen has killed so many of their brothers, even if you don’t avenge them, you actually want to win him over.

“Boss, I think…”

“Since you still call me the boss, then you should listen to me and hurry down.”

Even if he felt very unhappy in his heart, he could only nod helplessly in the end.

“Okay, I see.”


That night, the next movement of the Jianghe Organization quickly spread all over the Internet, and many netizens were extremely shocked and unbelievable when they learned about it.

They really didn’t expect that even the Jianghe Organization would take the initiative to curry favor with Jiang Chen and hope that he could join the Jianghe Organization.

No way?

Is this young man’s face so big? It’s unimaginable.

“I’ll go! Originally, I thought that the Jianghe Organization wanted to take revenge on Jiang Chen, but I didn’t expect him to change hands for us to give us a wave of such a commotion? ”

“I’m really getting more and more confused about what they’re trying to do?”

“Do you still need to ask? Everything was obvious, and even the people of the Jiang He Organization were particularly afraid of Jiang Chen. ”

“Awesome, awesome! He not only rationalized his own society, but also let the only river organization that could pose a threat to him actively choose to curry favor. ”

“I really can’t think of anyone other than Jiang Chen who can do this?”

“I feel that this should be a sign that the Jianghe Organization is about to surrender to Jiang Chen. I can guarantee that it won’t be long before Jiang Chen turns everyone in the Jianghe Organization into his subordinates. ”

“Isn’t it? If this is really the case, doesn’t that mean that Jiang Chen’s association will span the two cities of Jiangbei and Jianghe? ”

“It seems likely to be the case at the moment.”

The information on the Internet made Yang Tianlong almost crazy.

He slammed his fist on the table, his body trembled slightly, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: “Bastard! ”

“Why didn’t I expect that your Wang Kun is actually a shrunken turtle! Wouldn’t it be enough to kill Jiang Chen directly? Actually prepare to make him your subordinate! ”

“You’re a coward?”

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