Chapter 153 When he heard Jiang Chen’s name, he was scared to turn himself in?!!

Wang Kun roared loudly: “Don’t listen to his nonsense, everyone listen to my orders, hurry up, I believe he will definitely not be able to stop you.” ”

“Don’t turn yourself in!”

Jiang Chen’s face did not change color and said: “Lao Wang, I really admire your courage, when is it now, still forcing Lai Lai in front of me?” ”

“Do you want to ask your subordinates, do they dare to continue fighting with me now?”

At this moment, everyone fell into silence and hesitation, and they looked at the weapon in their hands and did not dare to rush forward to make a move on Jiang Chen.

In their eyes, the other party is a terrifying killing god, and the power that bursts out is too terrifying.

Who can handle him?

“Why don’t you talk?”

Jiang Chen looked at everyone coldly and said, “Your boss may be killed by me at any time, if you continue to resist, I estimate that your end will not be much better than his.” ”

When he finished saying this, someone finally slowly stood up.

He was quite nervous, put down the weapon in his hand and knelt down in front of Jiang Chen.

Everyone else also knew that it was definitely not Jiang Chen’s to fight like this, and the opponents all obediently imitated his appearance, throwing down their weapons one after another.

Seeing this scene, Wang Kun went crazy directly.

No way?

What the hell do they think? Why not keep fighting?

“Do it for me!”

Wang Kun let out a loud roar, his voice was full of anger in his trembling eyes, and he scolded: “What the hell is going on with you all of you? ”

“Immediately slaughter this bastard for me, didn’t you hear?”

The hall master finally plucked up his courage at this time, and he slowly stepped forward and said, “Boss, don’t force us, okay?” We really are no match for him. ”

“That’s right, boss!”

The fourth hall master trembled and said, “We will turn ourselves in immediately, but I hope you can keep your agreement and stop bothering us in the future.” ”

“Don’t worry, I’m not the kind of person who backtracks.”

The two hall masters were also relieved when they heard this, and they no longer wasted time saying, “Brothers, let’s hurry up and leave now.” ”

“We can’t be Jiang Chen, and our brother’s opponent can’t save our boss, although everyone is very helpless, but now we can only listen to the arrangements of a few people.”

Seeing that his brothers actually obediently turned themselves in, Wang Kun was really frightened and stupid.

He never imagined that one day their organization would end completely and in such a dramatic way?

How could there be such a terrifying person as Jiang Chen in the world?

Seeing that the brothers were getting farther and farther away, Wang Kun’s strength seemed to be drained, and he stood there like this and closed his eyes, his expression full of grief.


Patting Wang Kun’s shoulder, Jiang Chen asked, “How do you feel now?” ”

“You kill me!”

Wang Kun closed his eyes and said bitterly: “I admit that I am not your opponent, I lost, I really lost.” ”

“Cut yourself off!”

He took out a dagger and threw it directly on the ground, and the dazzling cold light flickered, so that Wang Kun did not dare to look directly at it.

Finally, he summoned up enough courage to pick up the dagger on the ground, aimed it at his chest, and stabbed it fiercely.

The battle is over!

Who would have thought that they organized rivers, thousands of people to besiege Jiang Chen, and the final end was so embarrassing?

It’s really funny…

Fan Xiaoyong led his brothers through the woods, but their speed was not fast.


Wang Chenguang said: “I think we can wait a little longer, how about going to the suburbs after dark?” ”

“I can guarantee that Jiang Chen at that time will definitely die.”

Of course, Fan Xiaoyong understood Wang Chenguang’s thoughts.

None of them wanted to save Jiang Chen, but in the face of Chief Liu’s order, everyone could not refuse, so they could only go to Jianghe City with great reluctance.

The closer they are to their destination, the slower they move.

Everyone knew each other, and although they were all clear about the purpose of the slow action, they did not say it.

Now that Wang Chenguang finally picked out his purpose, Fan Xiaoyong said: “What are you worried about so much?” ”

“Even if we go over now, Jiang Chen is estimated to have already been killed.”

“He can never be the opponent of so many people, more than four thousand people alone, spit a spit, it is estimated that he can drown him alive!”

Thinking carefully about what Fan Xiaoyong said, Wang Chenguang also felt that it was not unreasonable, nodded and said: “Understood, captain, then let’s speed up the action!” ”


Fan Xiaoyong nodded and said, “Brothers, let’s hurry over, maybe we can collect Jiang Chen’s body.” ”


Everyone received the order and was about to speed up their actions, when they suddenly saw a large group of people dressed in black in the forest in front of them, rushing towards this side.

Seeing what they are dressed seems to be particularly familiar, where do they seem to have seen it?

“Wait a minute.”

Everyone stopped, Fan Xiaoyong’s gaze fell, and he asked with some curiosity: “Are they people from the Jianghe Organization?” ”

Wang Chenguang quickly judged from their clothes, and the identities of these people nodded and said: “That’s right, they seem to be indeed people from the Jianghe Organization?” ”

“What’s going on?”

Fan Xiaoyong said with a serious expression: “Why are they running this way?” ”

Wang Chenguang’s body was trembling, and a terrible conjecture appeared in his mind and said: “Chief, you said… Did they find out that after we slaughtered Jiang Chen, they were ready to do something to us? ”

Hearing Wang Chenguang’s words, Fan Xiaoyong’s body couldn’t stop trembling, thinking carefully about it, it was not impossible.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, “What you just said makes sense, let your brothers be prepared, if they dare to plot wrong, they will die with them.” ”


The lobby master and his brothers were running wildly, and when they saw Fan Xiaoyong and the others in front of them, they now actually seemed to see a savior.

Instead of being killed alive by Jiang Chen, it is better to be directly locked up in prison! It’s really no joke at all, Jiang Chen is much more limited than these people.

Seeing them rushing towards this side, holding the weapon in their hands, Fan Xiaoyong’s face was full of nervousness.

“Come on, people from the Jianghe Organization!”

Fan Xiaoyong gritted his teeth and said, “If you really dare to mess around, I will fight with you today.” ”

“Captain Fan, don’t do it!”

The team members who rushed to the front shouted loudly, and Fan Xiaoyong shouted: “We are all here to surrender, please arrest us and go to prison!” ”

Hearing this, Fan Xiaoyong was completely frozen.

What’s the thing?

Arrest them and go to jail?

Didn’t you really hear it wrong just now?

“Morning light.”

Fan Xiaoyong asked, “There are so many people in the river killer organization, all of them have turned themselves in?” ”

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