Chapter 154 isn’t it? The high-level will also reward Jiang Chen!!

Wang Chenguang is also confused now.

He just stared blankly ahead and didn’t speak for a long time.

I don’t know how long it took before I finally reluctantly reacted, nodding blankly and saying, “It seems… Did they turn themselves in? ”

Fan Xiaoyong is numb now.

More than 4,000 people turned themselves in at the same time, even if he really agreed, it is estimated that the prison will not be able to hold it?

What the hell is going on?

Will they make such a move?

Fan Xiaoyong said to the lobby master: “You explain it to me, can I tell you that we don’t have time to talk to you now?” ”

“If you don’t make it clear to me today, see how I do…”


The lobby master didn’t wait for Fan Xiaoyong to finish speaking, and he knelt down all of a sudden.

A pair of knees slammed on the ground, his body was shaking slightly, and he said with trepidation: “As long as you can arrest us now, obediently let us turn ourselves in, no matter what you do.” ”

“That’s right, that guy named Jiang Chen is simply not human, he is too terrible.”

“If we fall into his hands, we will surely die.”

“Just when we beg you, take us away?”

When Fan Xiaoyong heard these words, a terrible thought inevitably popped up in his mind.

Could it be said that the more than 4,000 of them combined were not Jiang Chen’s opponents?

“You, what do you mean 417?”

The subordinate trembled and said: “Jiang Chen is really not a person, he is too terrifying!” He didn’t know where he got so much black technology. ”

“We really are not his opponents!”

After listening to what his subordinates had just said, each of them froze at this moment

A fine layer of cold sweat broke out on Fan Xiaoyong’s forehead, and he was now shocked and almost numb.

Although he had long known that Jiang Chen was quite terrifying, he had never thought that the means could reach such a point.

Demon! He’s so devilish.


Wang Chenguang asked cautiously, “What should we do next?” ”

“How do I know?”

Fan Xiaoyong was very upset in his heart and said: “I didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be so terrible. ”


As soon as Fan Xiaoyong finished speaking, the hall master said with a embarrassed face: “Now we just want to at least arrest us quickly!” ”

“We really don’t want to live that kind of life anymore, Jiang Chen is really not a person!”

Fan Xiaoyong held his forehead with his hand, quite embarrassed, and said helplessly: “Okay, brothers, take them away.” ”

Wang Chenguang showed a look of embarrassment.

He touched his head and said, “Have you forgotten something?” ”

“What’s going on?”

Wang Chenguang smiled awkwardly and said, “Bring more than four thousand people back at the same time, we don’t have so many prisons?” ”

Fan Xiaoyong froze when he heard this.

How did he forget about this stubble?

Fan Xiaoyong said: “Brothers, you also see it now, it’s not that I won’t bring you back, it’s just, we also have difficulties?” ”

“Our prison is a little inadequate, how about I arrest you again later?”

Hearing this, the lobby owner was quite unhappy.

He quickly took out a dagger and put it on his neck and said, “Captain, no matter what, you have to catch us in?” ”

“If you don’t agree, believe it or not, I will die in front of you now!” I don’t want to live anyway! ”

“It doesn’t matter if there is no prison, we can build prisons to keep ourselves in prison! Fan Xiaoyong was stunned. ”

Made, this is really a long time to see!

For the first time, he saw terrorists so self-conscious, and actually obediently took the initiative to build prisons to detain them themselves?

It’s just weird enough!

“I said are you guys…”

“Please, Captain Fan!”

His voice was trembling and he said, “Just agree to my request, okay?” ”

Fan Xiaoyong was particularly helpless, he sighed and said, “Okay, then you guys will go back and build your own prison now.” ”

Everyone was quite excited when they heard this, as if Fan Xiaoyong had done something good.

Everyone no longer wasted time and urged Fan Xiaoyong to take them back quickly.

“Captain Fan, don’t worry, the prison we built can definitely take yourself.”

“This prison is trying to keep us locked up for decades and a hundred years! Let’s rot inside the prison! ”

Jiang Chen’s black technology can now be regarded as they have seen, this guy is simply a demon from another world.

They never thought that the other party could be terrifying to such a point.

It’s hard to believe!

Comparisons are odious……

Yang Tianlong, who was staying in the study, unconsciously had a smile on his handsome face.

Many things are happening now far more smoothly than he imagined.

This made Yang Tianlong especially excited.

It won’t be long before Jiang Chen will be killed, and when the time comes… He could easily call the entire Dragon Kingdom.

He wanted to become a worthy emperor of the underground world, making everyone tremble when they heard Yang Tianlong’s three words.

Then he will no longer be afraid of anyone? Jiang Chen, it’s nothing at all!


At this moment, the old butler suddenly ran in, and he stood at the door trembling and said, “No, it’s not good!” ”

The latter’s eyes were full of fear, and Yang Tianlong did not turn his head, and asked with some curiosity: “Don’t worry about what happened?” ”

The old butler swallowed his spit and said, “I just got news again that everyone in the Jianghe organization died in Jiang Chen’s hands. ”

“He didn’t have a single mouth left?”

“What did you say?”

Yang Tianlong, who learned the news, was completely shocked, and he turned around and said, “More than four thousand people have not been able to take down a single Jiang Chen? ”

“What kind of waste are they?”

The old butler said: “After saying that, you may not believe it, there are more magical things ahead?” ”

“Jiang Chen was actually alone, and he scared them all into turning themselves in! Those people didn’t dare to make a move on Jiang Chen at all? ”


Hearing this, he couldn’t help but gasp, and his eyes also showed a shock that could not be concealed.

Yang Tianlong was really numbed by Jiang Chen now.

It seems that no matter how difficult things he faces, Jiang Chen can calmly and easily solve them.

It’s all people… How is the gap so big?

“The most important thing is that Fan Xiaoyong and their prisons are not enough, and those people in the Jianghe organization actually offered to build their own prisons to detain themselves.”


Yang Tianlong coughed violently, and he stood there blankly, a little at a loss for a while.

I really didn’t expect that the killer organization that had existed in their Dragon Country for decades without falling down would finally end completely in such a dramatic way.

It’s really embarrassing to think about!

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