Chapter 156 bowed down one after another, congratulating the new emperor on his accession to the throne!!

The atmosphere at the scene was particularly dignified.

None of them spoke, and everyone had a look of worry on their faces.

Today’s small societies were completely following the call of the underground organizations of the rivers.

In their minds, the river underground organization is a well-deserved river overlord

It goes without saying how powerful Wang Kun’s means are, and the people under him are also very powerful.

But now…

One Jiang Chen used his name alone to scare thousands of people from the Jianghe Organization into turning themselves in

To be honest, in the entire Dragon Country, they had never heard of such a thing.

Jiang Chen was simply a god.

“I think it’s fine.”

A man named Ouyang Shaohua said: “Let’s go to Jiang Chen tomorrow, I am going to get him a meeting gift of 30 million, what are you planning?” ”

In addition to the Jianghe Organization, the strongest means in the entire Jianghe City is their Ouyang family.

You have now taken out 30 million gifts, if the rest of them do not meet this number, will they not be slapped in the face?

“I will also take 30 million!”

“We are all willing to take 30 million!”

“It seems that our river underground world will enter a new pattern after sprinting.”

“I originally thought that I would submit to the rule of the Jiang He Organization for the rest of my life, who would have thought that Jiang Chen would change the world in just a few days?”

“He’s really a terrifying existence.”

Ouyang Shaohua said: “Since everyone has decided, then let’s rest early today, and go to Jiang Chen tomorrow to make things clear with him.” ”

“Hopefully now he won’t hold us accountable.”

Everyone also nodded gently.

To be honest, they had all been crawling in the underground world for so many years, and they had never encountered a more terrifying existence than Jiang Chen.

His strength is really too strong.

The discussion on this matter on the Internet is also very popular, and the heat is extremely high, almost becoming a hot topic after people’s tea and dinner.

“Jiang Chen is really awesome! I feel that it will not be long before all the underground worlds in the country will listen to his arrangements. ”

“Do you still need to ask? People as powerful as Jiang Chen are really a very few. ”

“Fart! What is a very small minority? Maybe you are well-informed and have seen it before, but I have the impression that no one can be better than Jiang Chen. ”

Many people also expressed their approval.

Jiang Chen refreshed their three views and cognition again and again.

It must be admitted that he is indeed a rather terrible demon.

The means are really too strong.

When Chief Liu was about to decide to give Jiang Chen his parents, this news set off a wave of shock, which stunned everyone.

No one expected that Jiang Chen had destroyed an underground society, and Chief Liu actually had no idea of preparing to hold him accountable.

It was beyond their expectations.

“I feel that Chief Liu must have wanted to destroy the Jianghe Organization before, but for various reasons, he couldn’t do it himself.”

“I feel that what I said upstairs makes sense, he himself can’t achieve his goal at present, so he chose to let Jiang Chen do it.”

“Yes, yes, I agree with that.”

Today, Jiang Chen’s fame is not limited to Jianghe City and Jiangbei City.

Even if you look at the whole country, there are many people who are having heated discussions about him.


As soon as he got up the next morning, Jiang Chen heard a knock on the door outside.

After opening the door, he found that standing in the doorway was a stranger he had never seen before.

Zhang Huaqiang stood beside him.


Zhang Huaqiang said: “This is Ouyang Shaohua, Mr. Ouyang? ”

“I don’t know.”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “What did he come to me for?” ”

“Mr. Jiang Chen.”

Ouyang Shaohua took out a stack of bank cards, respectfully placed them in front of Jiang Chen and said, “This is a little bit of caution on our part, and I hope you can accept it.” ”

Seeing the other party’s attitude full of sincerity, Jiang Chen was still unmoved, which made Ouyang Shaohua a little worried, could it be that 30 million per person was still too little?

He couldn’t help but swallow his spit, and a grunt sound came out of his throat, every second he spent with Jiang Chen.

It is clear that the other party’s face is always light and breezy, and he can’t see any emotions.

But such a powerful and terrifying murderous aura almost suffocated him.

“Mr. Jiang Chen, you are…”

Jiang Chen said: “I don’t want your money to roll as far as it is to me, you just need to do your job well.” ”

“It’s not a big deal, I won’t trouble you.”

Hearing Jiang Chen say this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

“Understood, Mr. Jiang Chen…”

He swallowed and said, “I’ll leave right away.” ”


He nodded lightly and said, “Go back and tell those people in the underground world of Jianghe City that as long as they keep to themselves and don’t do anything harmful to nature, not only will I not trouble them.” ”

“If anyone dares to mess with them, I will not stand idly by.”

Ouyang Shaohua’s eyes lit up, and after listening to Jiang Chen’s words just now, he was particularly excited and hurriedly said: “Understood, understood!” ”

“Boss Jiang Chen, don’t worry, from now on, all of us will obey your words.”


He nodded lightly and did not speak again.

Ouyang Shaohua quickly turned around and left.

Today’s Dragon Kingdom has become a well-deserved king in both Jianghe and Jiangbei, and as long as he says a word, no one dares to disobey his requirements.

At the same time, Chief Liu’s room.

He Tianya, Fan Xiaoyong and the others all gathered in his room, and everyone’s faces were quite solemn and serious.


He Tianya said: “In a few days, the global military games, the day when it officially begins? However, they have not yet found a powerful weapon that can compete with the Star-Spangled Country. ”

Fan Xiaoyong also followed and said: “That’s right, the current situation is quite difficult, what should we do?” ”

“What are you worried about?”

In the face of the concerns of several people, Chief Liu did not pay attention to it, and he calmly said: “When the soldiers come to cover the water, I naturally have a way to solve the problem.” ”

“What, what do you mean?”

Hearing this, Fan Xiaoyong was particularly curious, and he asked cautiously: “Is what you just said true?” Do you have an idea to deal with the Star-Spangled Country? ”

“Of course.”

He replied calmly, saying: “For me, this is just a trivial matter, and it is not enough to take it to heart. ”

“You guys go down first!”

A few of them still stood there, showing no sign of leaving.

The various performances of these people made him feel a little unhappy in his heart, and he said directly: “Didn’t you hear what I just said? I’ll tell you to go down right away! ”


Fan Xiaoyong said: “No matter what it is this time, our Dragon Kingdom cannot lose, otherwise it will be over.” ”

“Don’t worry, I know.”

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