Chapter 157 The Attack of the Star-Spangled Country, a terrifying weapon!!

Both of them looked confident when they saw each other, and their eyes were full of curiosity

In the recent period, Chief Liu has not been anywhere, where did he get the mysterious weapon?

Can you compete with the high-tech of the Star-Spangled Country?

Whether they want to accept it or not, they must admit that the high-tech of the Star-Spangled Country today is definitely among the best in the world.

Let people be impressed and admired from the bottom of their hearts!

The speed of improvement in all aspects of the Dragon Kingdom is very fast, but the gap between it and the Star-Spangled Country in terms of high technology is obvious.

It’s all on the bright side!

“Chief Liu.”

Standing in front of Chief Liu, Fan Xiaoyong said, “I wonder if you can conveniently reveal what kind of weapon we are using against the Star-Spangled Country?” ”


Chief Liu refused and said bluntly: “There is nothing else, you guys go down first, right?” ”


Both of them were a little helpless, although they didn’t know what Chief Liu thought, but in the end they chose to agree and left the room.

Their 09 hearts have never been heavier.

The Global Military Games is an extremely rare event for many people.

After all, this is an opportunity to show the comprehensive military strength of various countries, and everyone hopes that their country can shine at the military games.

Dragon Kingdom is certainly no exception.

The results of the previous Dragon Kingdom, although remarkable, were also lackluster and did not get the first good ranking.

Every time the Star-Spangled Country can come out on top, the Dragon Country is only in second place.

This year’s military games added another program that despises the top weapons of various countries.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is the Star-Spangled Country specifically trying to disgust the people of the Dragon Country.

From an objective point of view, the Dragon Kingdom currently has an insurmountable huge gap between the Stars and Stripes in terms of science and technology.

This gap will take at least a dozen or even twenty years or so to barely catch up

If it is really compared with this content, it is estimated that the results of the Dragon Country will only be worse, because many countries around the world are actively currying favor with the Star-Spangled Country.

Whether the Dragon Kingdom can be an opponent is really still in suspense…

It was late at night.

Inside the Star-Spangled Country room.

Robert looked at the representatives sent by the various countries present, and a proud look appeared on his face.

The rest of the people stood in front of Robert, with a respectful attitude that had never been before, and they all bowed their heads silently and did not say a word.


Robert said loudly, “I called you here today to ask you a question.” ”

“What problem? Mr. Robert? ”

Robert smiled and asked, “Don’t you think that the ranking of the Dragon Kingdom Military Games every year is too high?” ”

“You mean…”

Edogawa Tenryu of the Ghost Country asked, “This time, we want to pull the ranking of the Dragon Country lower?” ”

“Mr. Edogawa is indeed a smart man.”

Robert replied: “To be precise, I don’t just want to bring him lower, I want them to be completely first.” ”

When everyone heard this, their faces changed slightly, and surprise and disbelief flashed in their eyes, even if the comprehensive strength of the Dragon Country was indeed unable to compare with the Star-Spangled Country.

But when many small countries faced him, they were still pressed and beaten, and there was no room for resistance at all, what he just said, was it a little too much?


Robert said coldly: “It seems that you are quite dissatisfied with this? ”

“Mr. Robert.”

Edogawa Tenryu said: “There is a long history of contradiction between our ghost country and the dragon country, and to be honest, I especially hate this country and everything related to him. ”

“But there are some things I must also admit, now his comprehensive strength is probably above us.”

He listened quietly.

“What the hell are you trying to say?”

Edogawa Tenryu plucked up the courage to say, “It’s Mr. Robert, I think… It is somewhat difficult for us to make the Dragon Kingdom the last one. ”

Robert couldn’t help but be a little stoic.

“You’re stupid.”

He clasped his hands to his chest and said, “If I didn’t think of a way to make the Dragon Kingdom the last one today, then why do you think I will call you over?” ”

Everyone’s eyes lit up slightly when they heard this.

What does Robert mean?

“You guys come with me.”

Robert said, “I have something great for you to see. ”

Everyone was a little excited when they heard this, and not long after following Robert, he came to the warehouse not far ahead.

The door of the warehouse was opened, and people found a tall truck inside, with a particularly cool appearance, and the golden yellow light shone brightly under the light.

People look at each other with confused expressions?

What is this truck?

“Show me everything.”

Robert said loudly: “This truck will be our most powerful weapon of terror, as long as you obey me, each of you will get one.” ”

“At the Military Games, it can definitely form a terrifying crush on the Dragon Country!”

Everyone froze.

This is Robert’s secret weapon?

Obviously, the big 740 don’t want to believe it.

It’s just an ordinary truck, how powerful and terrifying can it be?

“I don’t believe it, do I?”

Robert smiled mysteriously and said, “Then you can show me now.” ”

When his voice fell, he took out a remote control and gently pressed the button, and a rumbling sound came.

The tall truck suddenly changed shape, and soon turned into a robot nearly three meters tall, with many gun holes on its body.

People were shocked to see the latter! What a powerful weapon.


Robert said proudly: “Isn’t it interesting?” I’ll tell you, the real fun is yet to come. ”

He pressed the button once, and people felt the ground tremble violently, and everyone was surprised to find that at the bottom of the robot, a blue flame shot out.

People were shocked and speechless, no one expected that this tall robot could actually fly.

No…… No way? Is it so terrifying?

They were really shocked.

I have to admit that the technology of the Star-Spangled Country is indeed leading the world, which is enough to amaze and shock everyone from the heart.

It’s amazing…

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