Chapter 159: The crushing of the Star-Spangled Country, the whole network kneels and begs Jiang Chen to make a move!!

The moment Wang Chenguang said Jiang Chen’s two words, the atmosphere in the office suddenly became particularly strange.

Everyone looked at each other, with quite complicated emotions in their eyes.

Now Jiang Chen’s status in the Dragon Kingdom is quite special.

In just a few months, he rose against the sky and single-handedly dominated Jianghe City and Jiangbei City.

Arouse the amazement of countless people!

I don’t know how many people died under his hands, and it stands to reason that he made such a grave mistake and should be held accountable!

But Chief Liu’s groundbreaking rationalization of his underground society is indeed incredible.

Seeing that He Tianya did not speak, Wang Chenguang once again plucked up the courage and said: “Captain, now is not the time to pay attention to right and wrong. ”

“I admit that Jiang Chen is a member of the underground society, but if you think about it, it seems that he has not done anything harmful to heaven and reason in the past few months?”

“The people he killed were all heinous terrorists, wanted criminals on the list, and in a way, he helped us maintain social order.”

“Now is the time when it comes to national honor, even if we really let him take action to solve the current dilemma facing our Dragon Kingdom, it’s okay, right?”

He Tianya frowned and said, “Do you think Jiang Chen will agree?” ”

“I don’t know.”

Wang Chenguang shook his head and said, “But according to my current research and understanding of Jiang Chen 070, if you really show enough sincerity, he probably won’t refuse.” ”

“Let’s talk about it then!”

He Tianya was a little helpless, he looked out the window blankly, and he was a little lost for a while

If they really let others know that they actually needed to ask for help with Jiang Chen, it would really be too much of a slap!

But at present, except for Jiang Chen, they really can’t think of a more suitable candidate.

Only Jiang Chen can truly stand up at a critical moment and turn the tide! There seems to be no other way.

However, He Tianya is a rather face-loving and particularly stubborn person.

It was absolutely impossible for him to really ask Jiang Chen for help in such a short period of time! For him He Tianya, it was really a bit humiliating, and he had to think about whether there was any other way.

More and more netizens have come to Jiang Chen’s social platform to leave messages.

I hope he can hurry up and don’t waste any more time to help the Dragon Kingdom get out of trouble!

“Just when we beg you, Brother Jiang Chen, all of us need you.”

“We believe in your strength, and those top and excellent black technologies under your hands can definitely uproot them!”

“That’s right, Brother Jiang Chen, don’t continue to endure it! There is a saying that when it’s time to strike, strike? ”

“Brother Jiang Chen, are you really willing to watch the Star-Spangled Country and flaunt your might in front of our Dragon Country?”

No matter how high and enthusiastic everyone’s voice was, Jiang Chen was as calm as ever, and did not give any response on the Internet.

This is quite disappointing for everyone!

It seems that Jiang Chen is not ready to make a move!

Seeing that he has been silent, more and more people have begun to vent their dissatisfaction on the Internet, and even directly curse him.

“He’s sick in the head, isn’t he?”

“I’m getting more and more confused about what he thinks!”

“This guy is a shrunken-headed turtle, I really saw him wrong before!”

Many of Jiang Chen’s black powder trolls felt that this was a rare opportunity, and they all frantically attacked him on the Internet.

“Don’t say anything about Jiang Chen as a hero in the future, he is clearly a dog bear!” It’s a complete bear-wrapped soft egg! ”

“It’s a bit of a skill to bully his own people in the den, and when he really wants to let him appear, he can’t even let out a fart!”

“Yes, yes, yes! I feel that what they said is very reasonable, Jiang Chen is a useless bear product! ”


Zhang Huaqiang looked at those comments on the Internet, and his heart was very uncomfortable, he paused for a moment and asked: “I really want to know, what do you think?” ”


He looked at Zhang Huaqiang and said, “Are the thoughts in your heart now the same as others?” ”

“Do you really think I’m a shrunken-headed turtle through and through?”

He quickly shook his head in front of Jiang Chen and said, “No, it’s not! Don’t get me wrong. ”

“So what do you mean?”

He hesitated for a moment and said: “Boss, the Star-Spangled Country has made it clear this time, and if you want to maliciously target our Dragon Country, I want to ask, do you plan to make a move?” ”

“The heavenly machine must not be leaked.”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s mysterious face, this made his heart full of expectation and curiosity.

What is Jiang Chen going to do next?


Zhang Huaqiang said: “No matter what others think of you now, anyway, I will always believe in you, and you will definitely make the right decision.” ”


No matter when you can get the affirmation of others, it is good to return it in the end.

Jiang Chen smiled lightly and didn’t speak again…

He Tianya never took the initiative to go to Jiang Chen, and at the same time, the call on the Internet about Jiang Chen making a move was still high.

However, because Jiang Chen was always silent and refused to show up, he now scolded “Shangwork.” ”

The Global Military Games finally officially began.

He Tianya Wang Chenguang and the others followed behind Chief Liu, and everyone’s mood was quite heavy.

Especially worried about the next game.

When they arrived at the door of the venue, they saw a familiar figure.

It was none other than Robert of the Stars and Stripes.

When Robert saw Chief Liu, a smile appeared on his face, and he quickly stepped forward to greet him warmly.

“Chief Liu!”

Robert said with a smile: “I really didn’t expect that four years later, you would still bring people over to participate in the Global Military Games!” ”

The smile on his face seemed so amiable that it must be hard for anyone to believe that he was actually a ruthless person.

“Mr. Robert, you’re right!”

Chief Liu could not see any nervousness on his face.

Robert continued to ask, “Chief Liu, you must have known about the weapons cultivated by our Star-Spangled Country before, right? ”


Chief Liu did not shy away from nodding and acknowledging.

Robert asked expectantly, “How?” Aren’t you very scared now? This is the result of years of research by our Star-Spangled Country! ”

“As far as I know, it seems that your Dragon Kingdom doesn’t have any weapons that can be obtained at the moment, right?”

Chief Liu calmly replied: “It’s okay for Mr. Robert to say anything, let’s speak with facts when the time comes!” ”

Robert burst out laughing.

It seems to have heard something particularly funny.

“A good word to speak with facts, my dear Chief Liu, I am almost frightened by you! I tell you that this global military games, your dragon country will definitely be ranked first from the bottom! ”

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