Chapter 160 is defeated, and Jiang Chen finally appears!!

Chief Liu himself was light, and calmly coped with Robert’s provocation.

However, Fan Xiaoyong and them do not have such good cultivation.

I was quite angry when I heard this.

“What do you mean? Robert? ”

Fan Xiaoyong roared loudly: “I tell you, our Dragon Kingdom is definitely not a place where you can come and kill the wild casually?” ”

“This is…”

Robert looked at Fan Xiaoyong and said in surprise: “A wordy guy running from somewhere?” Who gave him the qualifications to interject, the conversation between the two of us? ”

“My dear Chief Liu, I really need to remind you that you must take good care of the dog under your hand and don’t let him bite people casually, do you understand?”

Chief Liu’s face turned cold and said, “Mr. Robert seems to have enough confidence in this global military games, right?” ~”

“Of course.”

Robert replied sincerely and said, “It’s not that I look down on you, Chief Liu, I can guarantee that this global military games, your dragon country should be deservedly the first from the bottom.” ”

“The high-tech products you have developed really impressed us from the bottom of our hearts, and we have also carefully investigated them, and their destructive power is quite amazing!”

“But how do you guarantee that we won’t perform well in other areas?”

Robert laughed loudly: “Chief Liu, I hope that everything really falls as you say, and Robert will no longer waste time and turn around and enter the venue.” ”

As a rare event in agricultural countries, the Global Military Games were broadcast throughout the country at almost the same time.

Therefore, everyone can see clearly what is happening on the scene.

The vast number of netizens in the Dragon Kingdom, seeing Robert’s arrogant performance, were all quite dissatisfied.

“Robert is so much, he’s a self-righteous guy!”

“No way, who let others have that kind of capital, if our Dragon Kingdom also has such a powerful weapon, maybe I am even crazier than Robert!”

“Now our situation is very bad, maybe our Dragon Country will really be the last one in this global military games!”

“Don’t grow other people’s morale here, destroy your own prestige!”

“We will definitely succeed!”

Netizens are all infinite feelings, and every Dragon Country netizen has a deep love for their country.

But there is no way, the technology of the Star-Spangled Country is powerful.

A few hours later, the military games officially began.

Dragon Kingdom’s achievements in other aspects are still very good on the whole. It can completely reach the point where it is on par with the Star-Spangled Country and is indistinguishable.

Even in physical combat, the Dragon Kingdom led the Star-Spangled Country by a slight advantage.

However, everyone was not happy.

They know very well that the real test is yet to come.

After the three aspects of physical fitness, mixed martial arts and shooting, Ryukuni was in second place as before.

The Star-Spangled Country temporarily overwhelmed the Dragon Country with a two-point lead.

The host slowly walked up to the stage, obviously he was also biased towards the Star-Spangled Country in his heart, and his face was full of excitement when he thought of the upcoming competition.


The host shouted loudly: “There are still audience friends in front of the TV, today we finally ushered in the most exciting moment of the entire Military Games.” ”

“In modern warfare, the most important thing is technology!”

“Without powerful technology, it would be absolutely difficult to support the position that this country has in the world.”

“I think everyone must be very curious, who is the most powerful technology in all countries in the world at present?”

Everyone listened quietly, and the host spoke: “I now announce that the third project of the Military Games, the Science and Technology Weapons Competition, is officially launched!” ”

“Each member of the delegation took out their own weapon and demonstrated it on the field, or directly competed to see who could laugh last and who was the first place!”

“Now let’s ask for it, the weapons of the Star-Spangled Country!”

As his words fell, everyone felt that the ground was shaking slightly, and people’s attention was inevitably attracted to it.

The audience in the audience involuntarily stood up slowly.

This moment is finally coming!

Everyone’s faces were full of excitement and expectation, and they all wanted to see what kind of weapons the Star-Spangled Country was.


The tall robot appeared in their field of vision.

Although many people have seen related videos on the Internet not long ago

However, it is still shocking to see it with my own eyes now.

There he was standing, burly as a mountain.

Strong and tall!

The body also erupted with great power! People dare not look directly.

“Dear audience friends!”

The host was very excited and said loudly: “Did you see it?” See? This is the greatest invention of the Star-Spangled Nation and a great masterpiece that will surpass the entire era! ”

“This is not only the harvest of the Star-Spangled Country, but also the harvest of all our mankind!”

Many people in the Dragon Kingdom were particularly dissatisfied when they saw the host’s performance.

Is this guy disgusting to talk evil?

Isn’t it deliberately insulting them Dragon Kingdom?

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became particularly solemn, and every Dragon Kingdom person sat on their respective chairs, they didn’t say a word, and their faces were bleak.

No one knows what kind of situation their Dragon Kingdom will face next?

“Let’s look at other delegations, what kind of excellent masterpieces have they contributed to us?”

When he finished saying this, another booming sound, one after another, sounded in people’s ears!

Inevitably, everyone’s attention was drawn to the past.

All of them are robots exactly like the Star-Spangled Country.

The moment they walked on the ground, everyone’s eyes were firmly locked on them.

No one dared to blink.

The audience was in an uproar!

Finished! It’s completely over.

The Star-Spangled Country seemed to have an iron heart, and to let the Dragon Kingdom delegation lose the game this time, everyone held their breath and did not dare to speak.

Before the Star-Spangled Country said that it was necessary to make the Dragon Country the first to last, and few people took it to heart.

Now it seems…

Maybe they can really do it!

“Mr. Liu.”

Robert asked loudly, “How?” Do you still like this gift I gave you? ”

“Do you know that the score of technological weapons is the heaviest of all the points? Up to sixty percent, your dragon kingdom is estimated to be unable to come up with a decent weapon, right? ”

Many people of the Dragon Kingdom bowed their heads silently, and they couldn’t say anything now.

Everyone knows what Robert said, in fact, it is not unreasonable.

Unless it is Jiang Chen’s weapon, it can appear at such a critical time, and it may be able to turn the tide.

However, that is just their good guess.

The chances of this happening are extremely low!

Everyone bowed their heads silently and did not say a word! Finished.

This time maybe it’s really over!

People are very curious, how will Chief Liu respond?

“Who the hell told you that our Dragon Kingdom does not have an advanced weapon gate?”

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