Chapter 161: The horror of Jiang Chen’s weapons, crushing everything!!

Robert couldn’t help but hear this.

It seems to have heard a particularly funny joke! Does he know what he’s talking about? Does the Dragon Kingdom have powerful weapons? It’s just nonsense!

“Less with me!”

Robert squinted and said, “Why do you think I’ll believe you’re talking nonsense here, chirping crookedly?” ”

“Do you think Lao Tzu will believe you? Your Dragon Kingdom has never come up with a weapon that can really get on the table. ”

Not only Robert, but even many people of the Dragon Kingdom were suspicious of what he had just said, and they did not have any malicious intentions.

I just think that it is too difficult to come up with a weapon that can get on the table.


Chief Liu slowly walked up to the stage, and he looked at the people below and said, “I know that many people are doubting my strength and level, thinking that I was lying just now. ”

“But I want to say now that everything I say is true.”

“Our Dragon Country has indeed had an insurmountable gap with the Star-Spangled Country in weapons technology for many years, and I have always attached great importance to this issue before.”

“To be honest, I have also wondered more than once whether we are opponents of the Star-Spangled Country!”

“But fortunately, I met a young man, and it was the appearance of this young man that made me realize that I was thinking wrong.”

When everyone heard this, their bodies couldn’t help but tremble slightly, and their emotions became extremely excited.

Many people have already guessed who the young man he just said is? Could it really be Jiang Chen?

People from other countries looked at Chief Liu with a good posture, and people did not believe half a word of what he said.

Now it’s not just Robert them, even the host can’t bear it.

“Are you finished?”

The host said loudly: “Don’t waste time with me every day.” ”

“If you can really come up with such a powerful weapon, let him appear quickly, and don’t force Lai Lai with us anymore!”

The tone and attitude of the other party just spoke was extremely bad, and many viewers were particularly dissatisfied after seeing it, is he from the Dragon Kingdom?


With a smile on his face, he said, “Then you will show me next!” ”

Chief Liu gently slapped his palm, and the rumbling sound came again.

People were full of excitement, their eyes fell in unison, and everyone was curious to know, what kind of weapon is next?

Bright light flashed in the sky, and a red robot nearly two or three meters tall appeared in people’s field of vision, with an extremely cool appearance.

Under the bright sunlight, his shimmering luster was so brilliant and dazzling, it was shocking.

People watched from afar, their bodies could not stop, trembling slightly.

Everyone shouted and cheered.

“I knew that Brother Jiang Chen would not stand idly by!”

“As long as his battle robot appears, I believe that our Dragon Kingdom will definitely have the last laugh!”

“I want to see now, who else looks down on our Dragon Kingdom?”

Looking at the blue robot suspended in mid-air, Robert didn’t have any fear in his eyes, he just felt quite ridiculous, and said coldly: “Old Liu, I seriously doubt that this robot of yours is a copy of our Star-Spangled Country’s work?” ”

“I tell you that plagiarism is plagiarism after all, and it is certainly impossible to have our weapons as powerful!”

Seeing the other party’s smug look, the latter felt particularly ridiculous, and he squinted and said, “Is it? It seems that you have a strong confidence in your own weapons, don’t you? ”

“Of course.”

He replied cheerfully and said, “Our weapons can definitely crush your robot easily, don’t you believe it?” ”

Chief Liu smiled coldly and said, “Then let all your robots come together, let me see how strong his skills are.” ”

The audience was in an uproar.

He Tianya and Fan Xiaoyong were all stunned now, unable to speak, did Chief Liu know what he was talking about?

Bring those robots along?

Surely this is not pushing yourself into the fire pit? What the hell was he thinking?

“Chief Liu.”

He Tianya ran to Chief Liu and said, “I know that Jiang Chen’s strength is very strong, but now is definitely not the time to take risks, if you are true…”

“Don’t talk nonsense!”

He squinted and said, “I know exactly what I’m doing now, don’t I need you to point at me next to me?” ”

“How far to roll me!”

Originally, He Tianya wanted to say something more, but feeling the firmness of the other party’s attitude, he finally closed his mouth and did not speak.

Slowly retreated to the side.

“I see.”

Chief Liu looked at Robert and said, “Robert, why don’t you start now?” Don’t tell me you’re afraid? ”

“Now you want to be a shrunken-headed turtle, don’t you? Then I’ll tell you, you’ll only make me look down on you! ”

After listening to what Chief Liu just said, Robert’s gaze suddenly became extremely cold.

“Have the ability to say it again?”

Chief Liu replied, “No matter how many times I say it now, the result is still the same, you just don’t have the courage and guts to challenge us!” ”

“Stop making excuses for your cowardice!”

Gritting his teeth tightly, Robert said: “Good, you said all this yourself!” ”

“I’ll show you now how terrifying our combat machine really is.”

After saying this, the combat machines around him no longer wasted time, and immediately flew towards Jiang Chen’s robot.

Surrounded him from all sides, the battle was on the verge of breaking out.

Everyone took it for granted that Jiang Chen’s robot was absolutely certain to lose, and there was no possibility of survival.

But the scene that happened next slapped each of them in the face

When those robots approached Jiang Chen’s robot, everyone was surprised

When he found it, he immediately flew into the air.

Although other robots can also fly in the air, their speed is much slower than Jiang Chen’s robot.

No matter how they tried their best to catch up, in front of Jiang Chen’s robot, it seemed so worthless that it could not be compared with it at all.

People were directly stunned when they saw it.

No one would have thought that the robot’s speed could be so violent.

The other robots were left behind by him, and everyone’s eyes were full of shock and surprise.

I couldn’t say a word for a long time.

I don’t know how long it took, and finally someone in the crowd exclaimed.

“Is that Jiang Chen’s robot? To be honest, it’s really amazing! ”

“That’s awesome!”

“I feel that Jiang Chen’s robot is definitely the most terrifying robot I have ever seen!”

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