
The atmosphere at the scene dropped to freezing.

The surrounding temperature decreases rapidly.

Many people’s bodies can’t help but tremble.

They retreated one after another, not daring to get too close to Jiang Chen, lest they be affected.

Find death!

This is just fatal.

The one who stepped on the horse, I don’t know who the person standing in front of him is?

Dare to talk to him like that?

How many lives do you have?

Hua Mian Hu’s face was slightly cold, he took a sharp sip of the cigar in his hand, and then threw the cigarette butt aside.

“Stinky boy!”

The flower-faced tiger bent down, and its burly body one or two meters tall was like a hill, and its strong and powerful muscles were like steel.

Endless power.

That huge sense of oppression makes people almost unable to breathe.

“Lao Tzu gives you another chance!”

Hua Mian Hu said coldly: “If you make the right decision, maybe you can still let you go out, otherwise…”

“Even if I kill you now, I don’t dare to hold me accountable, do you believe it?”

Several of the subordinates around Hua Mian Hu are now ready to start.

Each of them held machetes in their hands, which looked particularly dazzling under the light.

Many spectators retreated to the side corner.

I am afraid that when the time comes, the two sides will fight, and it will affect the pond fish.

Jiang Chen said calmly, “Why can’t I take away the money I won?” ”

“You have a disease in the head?”

Hua Mian Hu scolded with a gloomy face: “You can’t understand what Lao Tzu just said, do you?” You step on the horse by cheating to win money! ”

“Now Lao Tzu asked you to keep the money, you must stay!”

“Or I…”


Jiang Chen didn’t want to talk to him, and his backhand was a slap directly on his face.

This slap is extremely fast and powerful.

People could only see an afterimage in the air, and Hua Mian Hu suddenly felt a sharp pain in his face.

The whole person’s body retreated continuously and slammed into the wall next to it.

Blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and several teeth were broken.


Everyone present gasped one by one!

This…… This Nima is a madman, right?

Dare to make a move on the Fancy Tiger?

It’s just looking for death!

The eyes of the flower-faced tiger were full of stunned, and others did not notice it, and he was an old jianghu who had licked blood at the knife’s edge for many years, and he could naturally detect the strength of Jiang Chen’s slap just now.

The most important thing is his speed, so fast that he can hardly dodge.

Even if the Flower-faced Tiger is faced, the top special forces of the Dragon Kingdom can retreat with their whole body.

But when he faced Jiang Chen just now, what he felt was a deep sense of powerlessness.

Let him have no way to resist!

This guy is strong!!!


Spit and scolded: “Who gave your dog guts and dared to run to Lao Tzu’s territory to make trouble, brothers beat me!” ”

“Be sure to chop him into meat sauce today! Feed him to the dog again! ”

After receiving the order of the Flower Faced Tiger, the others no longer wasted time, and the machete was held in their hands and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Many onlookers retreated one after another, they all cowered in corners, and some did not dare to step forward.

Knives and guns don’t have eyes!

Many people covered their eyes, as if they could imagine how miserable Jiang Chen would be later.

Absolutely dead!

There were quite a few who were more daring, and they summoned up the courage to look over quietly.

But the scene in front of him made everyone stunned.

They didn’t have time to get close to Jiang Chen at all, and even as soon as they walked into the latter, their fists suddenly fell.

Crisp and clean, calm and powerful!

Each punch landed directly on their chest.


A loud and dull sound came.

A black shadow immediately flew out and slammed into the wall next to it.

The man’s ribs were broken!

Two, three, four….

One after another, black shadows slammed into the table next to it, on the ceiling.

The wailing continued, and the screams continued.

The steel knives in their hands also fell to the ground.

Several Jiang Chen directly punched them to death, hitting them at their Adam’s apple.

They looked pained, covered their throats and fell to the ground, their bodies convulsed and trembled, and it didn’t take long for them to close their eyes forever.

Now Jiang Chen is like a fierce tiger descending from the mountain.

As for those around him, they were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered before him.

You can only bear the fate of being crushed and killed.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Isn’t this guy too scary?

No wonder you dare to run to the casino of Fancy Tiger to make trouble!

The skill is indeed not small.

After about three minutes, all of them were knocked to the ground.

All lost their combat effectiveness.

There was silence.


This guy is terrible.

Huamianhu swallowed his spit.

A grunt came out of his throat.

Now they all dare not step forward to make a move on Jiang Chen.

He asked himself that even if it was himself, he might not necessarily be Jiang Chen’s opponent.

“I said I would choose the third way, do you believe it now?”

The Flower Faced Tiger reacted from the shock, and he quickly rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Stop about two meters away from him and take out the gun directly and aim it directly at his forehead.

“Lao Tzu broke you!”

Hua Mian Hu scolded: “You don’t go out to inquire and inquire, who dares to run to Lao Tzu’s territory to make trouble?” ”

“Believe it or not, I’ll send you to the West Heaven now!”

Others stiffened.

I didn’t expect that the flower-faced tiger was now carrying a gun.

That Jiang Chen is finished.

No matter how fast others are, can they be faster than bullets?

Who knew that Jiang Chen was not the slightest bit afraid, and he said in a calm tone: “I bet you don’t have bullets in your gun?” ”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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