People were all stunned.

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen incredulously.

What was he just talking about?

Bet that there are no bullets in his gun?

Eldest brother.

Are you sure there’s nothing wrong with your head?

Now the gun is in someone else’s hand, and you only need to pull the trigger lightly, and your head will bloom.

Still playing psychological tactics with him here?

“Fuck your mother’s shit!”

The flower-faced tiger scolded: “Is there any bullet in Lao Tzu’s gun, I didn’t count it myself?” Ten rounds just put in the magazine this afternoon, no more, no less! ”

“Believe it or not, Lao Tzu will burst your head right away?”

Jiang Chen did not speak, but drank methodically, and the tea that was almost exhausted.

His eyes were full of contempt.

Jiang Chen just felt ridiculous about the anger of the Huamian Tiger.

“You can try it.”

Jiang Chen continued: “Also, I hate it when people put a gun at my head. ”

“Whoever does it, I’ll let him see his brain pulp in three seconds.”

“Wang Baegg!”

The flower-faced tiger is really confused now.

No matter how fast you are alone, you will never be faster than a bullet!

Now the initiative is completely in his hands, and as a result, Jiang Chen is still forcing Lai Lai with him.

I didn’t take him seriously at all.

This kind of thing is absolutely unforgivable.

The other onlookers on the side were also shocked and terrified.

They all knew that Jiang Chen was probably finished.

“Lao Tzu will let you die now!”

Hua Mian Hu’s voice fell, and he pulled the trigger without saying a word.

Several timid girls covered their ears with their hands, afraid to look.

I’m afraid that Jiang Chen has long died without a corpse now.

But who would have thought that the gun did not go off!


The audience was as silent as death!!!

Even if a needle falls to the ground, everyone can clearly hear it.

Is there really no bullet in it?


Hua Mian Hu pointed at Jiang Chen, with panic and disbelief in his eyes, and he couldn’t believe what had just happened.

Why is this happening?

“What the hell did you do?”

The others were also stunned, they really couldn’t understand how Jiang Chen did it.

Did he really empty all the bullets in his magazine?

“You don’t check your weapons before you do anything to the enemy?”

He threw the magazine directly on the table.

Hua Mian Hu took a look at his gun, and sure enough, it was exactly the same as Jiang Chen described, and it was empty.

His expression had never been ugly.

This guy is too strong!

Where did the demon come from?


Jiang Chen stood up and said, “I said that if I want to kill you, I will kill you, and there is no negotiation. ”


His right hand reached out and pinched the neck of the Flower Faced Tiger, who was even a head taller than him, but there was no room for resistance.

He was struggling with all his strength, but in front of Jiang Chen, he was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

It didn’t take long for his neck to be completely broken.

Head tilted and closed eyes forever.

Throwing his body on the table, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but pick up the machete, and one knife after another fell, slaughtering his head.

The bloody scene makes people dare not look at it directly.

When he finished all this, Jiang Chen packed the things in the box and left.

“He… He didn’t know that this was Brother Scar’s field? ”

“He offended Brother Scar, it’s over!”

“This guy is just looking for death.”


Jiang Chen ignored the comments of others, and now he got everything he deserved.

There are tens of millions of money and the head of the flower tiger, and he also saved Fei Biao from Ouyang Changkong and others.

After doing everything, even if he is suspicious, he should trust him.

He set off towards Fei Biao’s house.

Zhang Xiaojun’s home.

“Brother Jun.”

A one-eyed dragon stood in front of Zhang Xiaojun, his face full of respect and asked, “You gathered the brothers, what is the matter?” ”

Zhang Xiaojun said calmly: “How many of you have followed me? ”

The one-eyed dragon replied: “No more, no less, Brother Jun has just been five years.” ”

“I shouldn’t have failed you in the past five years, right?”

The one-eyed dragon smiled and said: “Of course, we didn’t owe it, if it weren’t for you, how could we have a good life?” ”


Zhang Xiaojun took a puff of cigarette and said: “Laozi can have the current status, I think you should also know that relying on fat biao.” ”

“If that fat boy doesn’t want to care about me, it’s hard to get so much money, and you don’t want to eat fragrant and drink spicy.”

“That thing called Jiang Chen, now wants to replace Lao Tzu’s position, can you agree?”

The one-eyed dragon replied along with several brothers, “No!” ”

“Fortunately, no one knows where that guy from Jiang Chen is now. You guys give me to find him now, and when you find it, hurry up, I’ll kill him.” ”

“You must not leave a living mouth, don’t you understand?”

The one-eyed dragon was a little embarrassed and said: “But Brother Jun, we don’t necessarily…”

“You shut up Lao Tzu!”

Zhang Xiaojun said: “Let you go, you will go, why is it so verbose?” All remember to me that Jiang Chen must not live, and once he joins us, our status will not be preserved. ”


The one-eyed dragon was the first to agree.

Zhang Xiaojun waved his hand and said: “Okay, don’t waste time, let’s go down quickly!” ”


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