When the few of them left the room, Zhang Xiaojun’s face was extremely gloomy.

His right fist was clenched, and his body was murderous.

In any case, this guy must be slaughtered before Fei Biao finds Jiang Chen.

Can’t keep him alive.

He must die!


It was late at night.

In the hall of Scarface’s villa, several tables of wine and food have been set up.

He leaned back in his chair and swayed gently, filled the glass with good red wine, and his face was full of pride.

In another hour at most, Ouyang Changkong will bring back the fat head.

When the time comes, they will celebrate well.

As long as Fei Biao dies, he is in contact with the backers behind him.

The remaining underground societies in the entire Jiangbei will all throw rats at him.

No one dared to disobey his demands anymore.

He will become the entire Jiangbei, a veritable underground emperor.

He spent six or seven years preparing for today.

Fat Biao is suspicious by nature, and it is not an easy task to gain his trust.

Finally, after a few years of lying down, he won the fatal blow that was thrown at him today.

No matter how powerful the fat biao is, he can guarantee that the latter will surely die.

Today is a mortal situation for anyone, unbreakable.

Unless the fat biao has wings, then ….

No, no, no!

Even if Fat Biao really has wings, what can he do?

Definitely can’t run.

I came to the throne of the underground emperor of Jiangbei.

I started from scratch, struggled step by step, endured for several years, passed the days of licking blood at the knife’s edge, and stood up again and again from the sea of blood in the corpse mountain, for today.

I want to raise my arms in the underground world of Jiangbei, and no one can stop me.

I want to be the only emperor of the underworld!

Fat Biao is dead, who can stop me?

Finally the door of the villa was opened.

He had a smile on his face, and he thought that it was Ouyang Changkong who came back, who knew that it was his cousin.

His face was covered in blood, and his expression was extremely ugly.


Fei Biao asked coldly, “Ouyang Changkong, why haven’t they come back yet?” ”

“If you don’t come back, the food will be cold.”

His cousin Ma Kun swallowed his spit and said, “Cousin, they are all dead!” ”

“Back, can’t come back!”

Scarface stood up suddenly, his fists clenched in disbelief and said, “All dead? ”

“How is that possible? Lie to me less! ”

Apparently Scarface didn’t believe it at all.

Before that, they had carefully planned for a long time, and no matter from any point of view, the latter had no possibility of escaping the ascension.

Ouyang Changkong and his brothers are dead?

Absolutely not!

“Yes, it’s true!”

Ma Kun swallowed and said, “Originally, everything was quite smooth, but a guy named Jiang Chen appeared out of nowhere. ”

“He is so terrible, he cut off all thirty or so brothers under us alone!”

“No one can stop him! He is like a devil, he not only saved Fat Biao, but also killed all our brothers. ”


His body shook slightly, as if he had been hit by five thunders.

After working hard for several years, it was destroyed because of a Jiang Chen?

Not only failed to kill Fei Biao!

Instead, more than thirty brothers were sacrificed.

These brothers have followed him for many years, and no matter who they are, they are among the best.

As a result, they were all killed by Jiang Chen!


Why did it become like this?!


Just as Scarface was extremely angry, a person watching the scene in the Tianlong Underground Casino also ran in, and he quickly said: “Brother Scar, no, it’s not good!” ”

“Our underground casino was put on by someone, and Brother Hu Hu made people die!”

Scarface felt like it was drained.

Whether it is a fancy-faced tiger or a two-headed dragon under him, all of them are quite rare and rare warriors.

It’s his veritable right-hand man.

As a result, they are all killed now?

And who did it?

He gasped, trying his best not to fall down and asked, “Which bastard did it?” ”

“His name seems to be Jiang Chen!”

Jiang Chen?

How is it Jiang Chen again?

Where the hell did he run from?

It only took one day to cause him such a big loss?

Scarface clenched his fists tightly, and the terrifying murderous aura on his body was uncontrollable.

“Jiang Chen! I don’t share the sky with you! ”


Fat Biao at home.

Fei Biao and several hall masters under him all gathered in his home.

“Lao Tzu doesn’t beat around with you either, I came to you today just to ask, how are you going to take revenge on Scarface?”

Fat Biao said: “Lao Tzu really looked away before, and always thought he was a fake tailed dog? I didn’t expect it to be a poisonous snake! Still ready to kill me? ”

“Thanks to my great fortune, otherwise it would have been over.”

The bald crane smiled and said: “Let’s directly slaughter Scarface, I’m afraid there is something wrong, on the one hand, just kill him like this, some are too cheap for him.” ”

“On the other hand, Scarface will definitely prepare in advance, we have to get rid of him, I am afraid that there will be a large-scale battle, and the police above cannot ignore it.”

“Makes sense, go ahead.”

The bald crane said: “I think what is more uncomfortable than killing people is the heart, if we cut off his wealth, do you think Scarface can still be proud?” ”

“Be clear.”

The bald crane said confidently: “Let people serve the Tianlong underground casino.” ”

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