The faces of the others changed slightly when they heard this.

Everyone didn’t say anything, but they secretly admired the trick of drawing salaries from the bottom of the bald crane cauldron.

It’s tough enough.

Everyone knows that the Tianlong underground casino provides sixty or seventy percent of Scarface’s annual revenue.

If he really got the Tianlong Underground Casino, it would definitely hurt his vitality.

Fei Biao thought for a while and said: “It is indeed possible to take down the Tianlong underground casino, but who can deal with the flower face tiger?” ”

“There shouldn’t be any thug under us who can get him? As for the use of guns, it will make things too big, and it will be difficult to clean up when the time comes. ”

As soon as they heard this, everyone froze directly.

No one answered the question that Fat Biao said anymore.

More than a dozen special forces of the Dragon Country were not the opponents of the Fancy Tiger at the beginning.

Under their heavy siege, they can retreat with their whole body.

This is also a ruthless character!

“Brother Biao.”

Zhang Xiaojun stepped forward and patted his chest, and he said quite confidently: “Don’t worry, I will definitely have a way to kill the flower-faced tiger!” ”

“Just you?”

Now as soon as Fei Biao saw Zhang Xiaojun, he couldn’t get angry.

Last time he encountered a little thing, he behaved like a dog.

Cowardly and incompetent, timid and fearful.

What responsibility can he afford?

“I’ll go Nima’s!”

Fat Biao pointed at Zhang Xiaojun’s nose and scolded: “If you go over then, don’t be scared to pee, and prepare to deal with the fancy tiger?” ”

“You think you have such skills? Lao Tzu told you, don’t say it’s against him, even the two-headed dragon you don’t dare. ”

“Don’t embarrass Lao Tzu!”

Zhang Xiaojun is already the most capable person under them, if even he can’t deal with the Fancy Tiger, simply using a machete to chop, it is indeed difficult to take him down.

“Brother Biao.”

A hall master nicknamed Owl said: “Do you want me to simply send a few younger brothers and directly kill him with a gun?” ”

“Shut up!”

He interrupted the other party and scolded: “The Tianlong underground casino is in a busy city, shooting there, are you looking for death?” What to do if the person above knows it? ”

Everyone shut their mouths.

I don’t know what to do.

Fei Biao said with infinite emotion: “It’s a pity, if there is Jiang Chen’s little brother, maybe he can kill the flower face tiger alone.” ”

Several other hall masters also heard about Jiang Chen’s heroic deeds and admired him from the bottom of their hearts.

This little brother has courage and resourcefulness!

At a young age in his early twenties, he has already shown extraordinary calmness and toughness.

If he goes to deal with the Fancy Tiger, maybe he can really do more with half the effort.

Zhang Xiaojun was a little jealous, he clenched his fists and said: “Brother Biao, it may be okay to let that kid deal with others.” ”

“But he’s probably not the opponent of the Fancy Tiger, don’t you know that guy’s means?”

“Do I need you to chirp crookedly?”

Fei Biao scolded: “Shut up Lao Tzu!” ”

Zhang Xiaojun did not dare to speak again.

“Brother Biao, Brother Biao!”

At this moment, the subordinate outside the door ran in, and he said nervously with excitement on his face: “There is a little brother outside who wants to see you, and he said that his name is Jiang Chen?” ”


Many people, including Fei Biao, were quite excited to hear Jiang Chen’s two words.

There is no place to step on iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

Unexpectedly, he actually came back.

“Hurry up and let him in to meet me!”

Zhang Xiaojun next to him looked extremely ugly.

Really afraid of what comes?

Why didn’t he die?

I actually found Fei Biao’s home.

Hopefully, he is not the real Jiang Chen, but someone is pretending to be his name.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to keep your position.

I don’t know how long it took, the door outside was opened.

A young man walked in.

Tall and tall, handsome and extraordinary!

It was none other than Jiang Chen!

Everyone else saw Jiang Chen for the first time, and they all secretly praised each other when they saw each other’s talents.

“It’s really a hero out of a teenager!”

“That’s right, it’s that he saved our brother Biao, and his kid is a talent!”

“Amazing, remarkable, remarkable!”


The more others appreciated it, the more Zhang Xiaojun felt that it was not a taste in his heart now.


“I’ve seen Brother Biao.”

Jiang Chen’s face was calm and calm, and he could not see any emotion on his face.

“Little brother, you can be counted as coming.”

Fei Biao came to him and said, “Do you know how long Laozi has been looking for you? ”

“Made, I really didn’t expect you to take down Ouyang Changkong and dozens of them alone.”

“Thanks to you last time, otherwise I wouldn’t have survived.”

Jiang Chen calmly said, “Brother Biao, everything is what I should do.” ”


Fat Biao patted him on the shoulder and said, “Since you are back, then it’s okay, how about letting you be a hall master under my hands?” ”

“Don’t worry, as long as you are loyal to me, and you will make merit in the future, your benefits will definitely be indispensable.”

None of the others had any opinions.

Saved Fei Biao under the heavy siege of the enemy, and gave a hall master nothing to blame.

Jiang Chen nodded lightly and said, “Thank you Brother Biao!” ”

“I came here for two purposes, the first is to continue to follow Brother Biao.”

“Second, I have two gifts for you?”

Whether it was Fei Biao or others, they were quite curious about what the gift Jiang Chen said in his mouth, what was it?

“So what kind of gift are you?”

Fei Biao suddenly became very interested.

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