Zhang Xiaojun was very unconvinced, he wanted to say something, but the bald crane pulled him back and shook his head continuously.

Now Fei Biao is angry, if Zhang Xiaojun doesn’t know how to be evil, he will still force Lai Lai there.

It’s definitely fierce later!

“Shut up.”

The bald crane kept making eyes at Zhang Xiaojun and said, “Don’t hurry up and apologize to Brother Biao!” ”

Zhang Xiaojun clenched his fists, his nails were embedded in the flesh and blood, and I don’t know how long it took for his complexion to ease a little.

Finally, Zhang Xiaojun came to Fei Biao and said, “Brother Biao, I’m sorry!” ”

“Everything before was my bad!”

Fei Biao nodded and said: “From tomorrow, you are our new hall master, you must listen to Jiang Chen’s arrangement in the future, what he asks you to do, you must do something, do you know?” ”


He clenched his teeth tightly, word by word, and promised quite forcefully.

Looking at Jiang Chen’s eyes, there was a hint of murder.

But now Jiang Chen did not pay attention to it.

It worked.

Now he has successfully broken into the top of the Fei Biao Society in just one day.

Gained his trust.

Of course, this is only the first step.

Jiang Chen wanted to get the relevant information of the Tianlong criminal group from Fei Biao’s mouth, I am afraid that it would be a long time.

He is sure enough, with his current strength, he can uproot the fat biao.

But he can’t do that.

Don’t let the small lose the big!

“Brother Jiang Chen.”

Fei Biao said: “You go down and rest well, and after recuperating your strength, we will do a big job in two days.” ”

“I believe that with your help, we will definitely be able to finish Scarface completely.”

“Understood, Brother Biao.”

He nodded his head in agreement and exited the room.

Zhang Xiaojun, who was standing in the corner, had an extremely gloomy expression.



At present, there are five major underground societies in Jiangbei, with the greatest influence and the highest ranking is Fei Biao.

In third place is Wuhumen.

Their founders are five biological brothers who started from scratch more than a decade ago and have worked step by step to get to where they are today.

The boss’s name is Zhang Huaqiang, who is ruthless and sophisticated.

At this moment, Zhang Huaqiang was sitting in the study, quietly listening to the latest news brought to him by his younger brother Zhang Huatian.

“Zhang Xiaojun was taken down?”

Zhang Huaqiang was a little surprised and said, “What’s going on?” Didn’t Fei Biao always attach great importance to Zhang Xiaojun? ”

“Why don’t you let him be the third in command now?”

Zhang Huatian replied, “It is said that he was replaced by a guy named Jiang Chen, and now he is the third in command under Fat Biao. ”

“Jiang Chen? How have I not heard. ”

Zhang Huatian swallowed his spit and said, “I was a little surprised to get the news at first!” I hadn’t heard who this person named Jiang Chen was, and later sent someone to investigate. ”

“I found out that he had just joined the Feibao Group for a day, but he had done two big things.”

“First killed Ouyang Changkong and the two-headed dragon, and then killed the Fancy Tiger.”

Zhang Huaqiang, who had always been calm, could no longer sit still now, and suddenly stood up and said, “He killed the Flower Tiger? ”


Zhang Huaqiang was not speaking, his eyes were full of thick shock.

Where did such a talent come from?

Killed the two-headed dragon and the flower-faced tiger in one day, these two guys are well-known characters in the underground world of Jiangbei.

He was easily slaughtered by him?

No wonder he gets so much attention from Fat Biao!

Zhang Huaqiang said with a serious expression: “Fei Biao got such a talent, I am afraid that the life of our several associations will be more difficult in the future.” ”

Zhang Huatian did not speak, but in his heart he also agreed with his brother’s opinion.

“You’re right.”

Zhang Huaqiang said coldly: “Be sure to pay close attention to me, this person named Jiang Chen, see if there is a chance to dig him over.” ”

“No problem.”


Star Society.

“What? One person killed both the two-headed dragon and the flower-faced tiger in one day? ”

Zhao Tianxing said with some disbelief: “Is the news unreliable? ”

“Big brother is absolutely reliable.”

The subordinate standing in front of him said: “At that time, we couldn’t believe it, and we specially asked someone to confirm it repeatedly, and we didn’t dare to tell you until it was confirmed.” ”

“This news is true! There is no half a word, that kid, really powerful. It is said that when he killed the two-headed dragon, he had dozens of other brothers around him, all armed with guns. ”

“But that kid held a watermelon knife and hacked more than thirty people to death alive, killing a bloody road.”

Cold sweat broke out on Zhao Tianxing’s forehead.

“Made, it seems that we can’t provoke Fat Biao even more in the future.”

Zhao Tianxing swallowed and said: “If you dare to provoke him again, it is estimated that the murder will be few!” ”

There is such a powerful ruthless person, in the future, fat Biao in Jiangbei, I am afraid that he will be invincible.


Ma family.

Ma Tianyun opened his mobile phone, and there was an extra email in his mailbox.

After reading the email, a smile finally appeared on his always solemn face, and the haze in his expression disappeared.

I have successfully gained Fei Biao’s trust and become the third in command under him.

The undercover agents they sent before could not necessarily do in two or three years, Jiang Chen only took one day to do it.

He’s a kid, he’s a talent!

Perhaps the Tianlong Group, which has stood for more than ten years, can really go to destruction at Jiang Chen’s hands!


Ma Tianyun said secretly: “You have worked hard.” ”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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