Undercover is an extremely difficult road.

And the road Jiang Chen took became more and more dangerous.

On both sides are abysses, and if he is not careful, he is likely to be shattered.

Because what they have to face is the Tianlong criminal group that makes many people fearful!

Not only their Jiangbei City police, but also many other urban police have the idea of uprooting it.

But their influence is too terrifying.

It is entirely possible to commit crimes invisibly, even though everyone knows that they have done something harmful to nature.

But there is no evidence.

Over the years, countless undercover agents, in order to eradicate this terrorist organization, returned the Dragon Country to a bright and blue sky, scrambling.

Unfortunately, no one can do it.

The undercover agents sent out by the major police officers add up to at least several hundred.

Ninety-five percent of the people failed to enter the core of the Tianlong Group and get evidence of their crime!

The most important thing is the Tianlong criminal group, with hands and eyes in the sky, they are likely to also have undercover agents inside Ma Tianyun.

In order to protect the safety of the undercover agent, Ma Tianyun could not reveal Jiang Chen’s identity to anyone.

He must treat the other party as a real terrorist.

Just like with Fei Biao and others, try to send him to prison.

Jiang Chen not only has to face the suspicions and temptations of Fei Biao and others, but most importantly, the police will also attack.

Hopefully he can carry it.

“If you really succeed one day, I thank you on behalf of thousands of ordinary people in the Dragon Kingdom, as well as the innocent people who died at the hands of the Tianlong criminal group!”

Originally, Ma Tianyun wondered if it was too risky to let a college student in his twenties who had just graduated do this.

Now it seems….

It was perhaps the most correct decision he had ever made in his life.

Half an hour later.


Because Chen Pingren sent it in a timely manner, coupled with the blessing of modern medical technology, their lives were not in danger after being rescued.

Now Chen Ping is lying on the hospital bed.

He clenched his fists and said to Ma Tianyun full of resentment: “Chief Ma, no matter what, you must catch Jiang Chen!” ”

“This guy will threaten our Jiangbei police more than any terrorist in the future.”

“Now while he has not grown, we may be able to start more smoothly, otherwise when he grows in the future, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

Ma Tianyun nodded lightly and said, “Don’t worry, regarding Jiang Chen’s matter, I have already reported to the people above, and they will send the special forces of the Dragon Kingdom to assist us after a while.” ”

“After the injury is healed, you will go to work in the neighboring city, and don’t stay in Jiangbei for the time being.”

Jiang Chen said before that Chen Ping and they had to leave once they recovered from their injuries.

Otherwise, when Fei Biao and the others found that they were still alive, they would definitely suspect that Jiang Chen did not kill that day, and thus doubt his identity.

I am afraid that the previous efforts will be in vain.


Chen Ping said with some emotion: “I must personally arrest that guy Jiang Chen in prison, how can I transfer to another place before I get rid of him?” ”

“You have to be obedient.”

Ma Tianyun said: “The most important thing for you at the moment is to obey orders, and I will personally handle everything else. ”


Chen Ping gritted his teeth and said: “Absolutely not, you have also seen which king bastard Jiang Chen.” He is indeed a ruthless character, and at present, apart from him, I can’t think of anyone else who can hack more than thirty people without blinking their eyes. ”

“I seriously suspect that he has an antisocial personality, how can a normal person kill more than thirty people and still be indifferent?”

“Even if he kills the most vicious terrorists! We have to bring him back. ”

Ma Tianyun didn’t speak.

Some of the thoughts in his heart coincided with Chen Ping.

The latter is right, sometimes even Ma Tianyun wonders if Jiang Chen really took advantage of the opportunity to go undercover and pass a terrorist addiction.

For the first time, he saw undercover agents who were more terrorist than terrorists.

Alive, Ouyang Changkong and the others were so frightened that they took the initiative to surrender to him.

At present, except for Jiang Chen, he has not met a similar person.

Ma Tianyun thought for a moment and said, “Regarding Jiang Chen’s affairs, I will handle it properly, and in two or three days, the people from the Dragon Country Special Team will come.” ”

“You don’t have to meddle in other things, recuperate well, and then I will transfer you away.”

“I must remember that I must strictly follow my orders and do not leave the hospital at will while recuperating.”

“Don’t even provoke Fei Biao and the others again!”

Chen Ping clenched his fists and said, “Sir, what do you mean? ”

“Are you afraid of Fat Biao? Why don’t we do it to him? ”

Ma Tianyun sighed.

He really wanted to tell Chen Ping now that Jiang Chen had arranged for him to go undercover.

After thinking about it, he gave up, and said: “I’m for your good, nothing else, I’ll leave first.” ”

Dropping this sentence, Ma Tianyun left the room.

Chen Ping looked at the other party’s disappearing back, clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes were full of anger.

It is absolutely impossible for him to work in another urban area.

If he didn’t kill Fat Biao, even if he really left, he would definitely not be at ease.

No matter what, he will also make Jiang Chen and Fei Biao pay!

These two extremely vicious guys, as long as they live for one day, the people of Jiangbei City will not be peaceful for a day.

PS: Thanks to the 15235 guy for the monthly pass, the author Jun continues to work hard to update!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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