After Zhang Xiaojun said this, he did not dare to look at Fei Biao.

He has repeatedly ordered that no matter what, the brothers under him must not engage in infighting.

Moreover, Jiang Chen had rescued him from so many people before.

As a result, he Zhang Xiaojun, when Fei Biao was ready to reuse Jiang Chen, also let his brothers put him to death?

Did you take this big brother of him to heart?

“Who can testify?”

Jiang Chen smiled and said, “By what? What do you say? Why should we all trust you? ”

He clenched his fists and scolded Jiang Chen: “My brothers can prove it for me, Brother Biao, I admit that I did something wrong.” ”

“But at that time, Jiang Chen had not officially joined us, and he could not be regarded as our brother, I just felt that he was a little unreliable.”

“That’s why… I want to get rid of him. ”

He didn’t even believe his own words, and his voice became smaller and quieter after he talked about it.

Now for this trivial matter, Fei Biao was not prepared to pursue it, he waved his hand and said: “Jiang Chen, now I can not kill you.” ”

“But you remember for me, I will lock you up in the next few days, and release you when I investigate what happened.”

“If there is not enough evidence to prove your innocence, I will still chop you up and feed you to the dog.”

Jiang Chen smiled and said, “Brother Biao, can you listen to me finish my words?” ”

“If I don’t have enough evidence, how can I just recognize Zhang Xiaojun as an undercover agent? What I just said is just one of the doubts, and there is another very important doubt. ”

Everyone looked at each other, their eyes full of confusion.

Important doubts?

What did he say?

“Keep talking.”

Jiang Chen replied, “Brother Biao, if you think about it, if Ma Tianyun really brought Chen Ping back to the hospital, and they were seriously injured, they would definitely send someone to guard him strictly.” ”

“But why did Zhang Xiaojun bring them out so easily?”

“If he didn’t negotiate with the police, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be so easy, right?”

Zhang Xiaojun scolded loudly: “Jiang Chen, are you less verbose with me here?” Did I contact our brother inside the police station in advance and ask him to help me? ”

“What are you talking about here?”

Jiang Chen turned around and said, “Zhang Xiaojun, you have reached this step, you still pretend to be in front of your brothers?” ”

“To be honest, from the moment I met you, I felt like you were. If you think about it, the last time someone dealt with Brother Biao, you, as the number one bodyguard beside him, why didn’t you rush up at the first time? ”

Instead, he was like a shrunken turtle, hiding behind Brother Biao. I seriously doubt … Everything was done by you on purpose, and that time you just wanted to find an opportunity to let Biao die. ”

“But you didn’t expect that there was another me, and I rescued Biao at a critical moment. You saw that those people were not my opponents, and they were angry and corrupted, so they simply let Chen Ping do it. ”

“But you didn’t expect that I would seriously injure Chen Ping and them all again.”

“So you took your brothers away that afternoon, and quietly sent someone to send Chen Ping to the hospital.”

“Since then, you have held a grudge against me because I saved Brother Biao and ruined your plan.”

“Zhang Xiaojun, you are really vicious!”

Zhang Xiaojun’s body trembled with anger, obviously knowing that Jiang Chen was spraying people with blood, but everything he said was reasonable and reasonable.

The logic between the front and back doesn’t seem to be much of a problem.

“Brother Biao.”

Zhang Xiaojun gritted his teeth and said: “He is lying to you, you absolutely can’t believe this bastard!” ”

“I really asked my brothers in the hospital to help me and support the policemen guarding me, so I could bring Chen Ping out of the window.”

“If you don’t believe it now, you can go to the hospital and check the monitoring directly.”

Fat Biao didn’t speak.

Originally, he believed in Zhang Xiaojun, after all, others followed him for several years.

Whether it was undercover or not, he still had a bit in his heart.


The various analyses made by Jiang Chen just now really didn’t seem like talking nonsense.

All the details make sense.

There is only one suspicion that Jiang Chen is an undercover agent.

However, it is proved that Zhang Xiaojun is undercover, but I don’t know how many there are.

“Brother Biao.”

Zhang Xiaojun came to Fei Biao and said, “How loyal I am to you, you should know better than anyone?” ”

“If you really believe this bastard, then you will chill your brothers too much?”

“Letting something like this live will only make our brothers divorce from you, and if I want to say, it’s better to…”

Fei Biao interrupted him and said, “Okay, let’s go to the hospital to see the monitoring.” ”

“I guess you shouldn’t be afraid of that? Since you say that surveillance can prove your innocence? So let’s just go and see? ”

Zhang Xiaojun quickly nodded and said, “Yes, yes, Brother Biao, you are right.” ”

“Let’s go directly to the surveillance now, and the information in the monitoring screen can definitely prove my innocence.”

“That bastard is framing me!”

At this moment, Zhang Xiaojun is very confident, as long as Jiang Chen promises Fei Biao to take him to watch the surveillance video, then his lie will be debunked.

“Jiang Chen!”

Zhang Xiaojun scolded: “If you can’t find evidence that I’m undercover, then I’ll tell you, I’m not done with you!” ”

“Of course, no problem.”

PS: Brothers, the flower evaluation vote has not risen in the past few days, and the data is very dismal! Not even comments. In order not to disturb everyone from reading, I have never opened my mouth to ask for flowers and tickets. But this look, really… Trouble the big guys to give some free flower tickets! Readers, poor children!

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