Now Zhang Xiaojun is full of confidence.

He remembers very well what happened yesterday afternoon.

It was he who specially found his brothers inside the police station to dredge up relations and transferred the guards outside the ward, so they took advantage of the void and took Chen Ping away.

As a result, what did Jiang Chen say……

Did he take the initiative to let the people in the police station leave directly?

Isn’t that pure joking?

His icy gaze fell on Jiang Chen, with obvious resentment in his eyes.

“Brother Biao.”

Zhang Xiaojun hugged his fists and said: “Brother, I will follow you for five or six years and accompany you to the Daoshan hot oil pot.” ”

“Born into death, I never complained, but now this dog thing that has only been here for a few days insults me in front of so many people.”

“If the surveillance video shows that I am innocent. I hope you cut off this stinky boy’s tongue! ”

“Give us brothers an explanation!”

Fat Biao did not speak immediately, he leaned back in his chair and leisurely lit a cigarette.

After a long time, he nodded slowly.

Zhang Xiaojun was right just now, if Jiang Chen really insulted his brother.

He also chose to sit on the sidelines, so what’s going on?

Didn’t it chill them?


When Zhang Xiaojun saw the dart agree, his heart was full of excitement and said to Jiang Chen coldly: “Stinky boy, you will die later!” ”

“You don’t go out to inquire, Laozi has followed Brother Biao for so many years, I will do something to betray him?”

“Brother Biao, let’s go, go to the hospital to see the monitoring.”

Fei Biao waved his hand and said: “No need, I just called my brother over there, and in two minutes at most, he will transmit yesterday’s surveillance video.” ”

“Take so many brothers to the hospital, some of them will move the crowd, so as not to startle the grass.”

When Zhang Xiaojun heard this, he said even more smugly: “It’s okay, anyway, it only takes two minutes to prove my innocence.” ”

“As for some people, it’s miserable.”

Xiaokang and the others next to him had already loaded the bullet, and they could make a move on Jiang Chen at any time.

Isn’t framing their boss the same as framing them?

There can be absolutely no forgiveness.

The atmosphere at the scene was particularly dignified.

Everyone did not say a word, waiting quietly.

Two minutes later, the fat biao’s computer received a video.

The interception was the surveillance video inside the hospital yesterday afternoon.

After receiving the video, Zhang Xiaojun’s eyes lit up and said: “Brother Jun, you hurry up and take a look to prove my innocence.” ”

“As long as the video inside shows that Jiang Chen was just talking nonsense, Lao Tzu immediately cut his tongue.”

“Just this kind of thing, chirping crookedly behind your back like a long-tongued woman? Lao Tzu hates it the most! ”

Fat Biao nodded.

He didn’t speak, and turned on the computer video directly.

At first, his expression eased slightly, but after a while, his whole body trembled slightly.

A chill appeared in his eyes.

Zhang Xiaojun also noticed the abnormality of Fei Biao, and he pointed at Jiang Chen’s nose and scolded: “Jiang Chen, did you see it?” ”

“Brother Biao is very angry about the behavior you just lied?”

“He will definitely not spare you!”

Then Zhang Xiaojun turned to Fei Biao and said, “Brother Biao, do you want me to let our brothers start immediately?” ”

“If I want to say that sowing discord, the relationship between our brothers is to cut off his tongue, which is really a little cheap for him.”

“How about chopping him up directly?”

Fei Biao closed his eyes, and he sighed and said: “What you just said is right, to sow discord between brothers, just cutting your tongue is not enough. ”

“Did you hear Jiang Chen?”

Zhang Xiaojun scolded fiercely: “Our brother Biao can’t spare you!” ”


“Do it to Lao Tzu right away!”

With Zhang Xiaojun’s order, those brothers around him held their weapons and aimed at Jiang Chen to pull the trigger.


Fei Biao suddenly slammed his palm on the table and scolded: “I think the person who should really do it is you!” ”

“The person who sow discord between the brothers is also you, open your dog’s eyes to Lao Tzu clearly?”

“The clear display on the surveillance video is that you negotiated with the police yesterday and asked them to transfer people.”

“They just left obediently, giving you a chance? Your face is actually bigger than me, you let the police go and the police leave? If you say you have nothing to do with them, who will believe it? ”

“As a result, you blame someone else now?”


Zhang Xiaojun’s face turned pale.

Now not only him, but even everyone else froze.


Is there anything wrong with this?

No, not scientific.

How did it come to this?

Of course, Zhang Xiaojun could not accept such a cruel fact.

He suddenly rushed to the computer and replayed the intercepted surveillance.

After watching the scene, he thundered.

Yes, is it true?

“Brother Biao.”

Zhang Xiaojun scolded: “You heard me say that things are not what you think? ”

“It’s definitely that bastard who is framing me!”

“It can’t be true!”

Fei Biao said: “This is a video from our brothers inside the police department, do you think what he said can be fake?” ”

“He is much more faithful to me than you.”

“Zhang Xiaojun, do you need to give me a reasonable explanation?”

The others looked at Zhang Xiaojun in shock.

More and more evidence is showing that the undercover agent seems to be him?

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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