“What exactly did you do?”

Today’s Ma Tianyun was full of unparalleled curiosity about the hour when Jiang Chen disappeared.

I really want to find out, what’s going on?

Can he retreat all over and kill Zhang Xiaojun?

Leaning on the chair, Jiang Chen said a series of ins and outs in front of Ma Tianyun.

After Ma Tianyun listened, his eyes were full of shock, and he said with some disbelief: “This is why you called me to directly say in front of everyone that we have undercover agents under Fei Biao?” ”


Jiang Chen had long calculated that there were undercover agents sent by Fei Biao within the police station, and he was still very close to Ma Tianyun.

Every move he made with him, as well as every word Ma Tianyun said, would definitely be clearly seen by that undercover agent.

So I deliberately put out the message.

He nodded in front of Jiang Chen, revealing a look of sudden realization.

“I see, you deliberately let that undercover agent hear, and then let him out fake news, Fei Biao’s trust in undercover is far more than Zhang Xiaojun.”

“So he will do something to Zhang Xiaojun?”


Jiang Chen answered in the affirmative.

Ma Tianyun touched his chin with his hand, and he paused for a moment and said, “I understand what you just said, but I still don’t understand a question.” ”

“How did you get your number into Zhang Xiaojun’s number?”

“Also, I haven’t called Zhang Xiaojun before? How can he have a call record with me in his mobile phone? ”

Jiang Chen poured a glass of water.

He said calmly and indifferently: “When I was studying at the police academy, I was a very powerful senior hacker. ”

“For a super hacker, modifying surveillance video and falsifying call records is just a piece of cake.”

Ma Tianyun was surprised and speechless.

What else could Jiang Chen not do?

Why did things seem ordinary and easy in his eyes, no matter how difficult they seemed?

Originally, Ma Tianyun was mentally prepared, maybe Jiang Chen would be exposed and pay the price of his life.

But who would have thought that he actually successfully resolved the crisis and let Zhang Xiaojun be killed by Fat Biao.

Step by step, interlocked.

Step by step, no matter which link, if there is the slightest problem, his plan will definitely not succeed.

But Jiang Chen did it all.

It’s really impressive.

His medical skills are outstanding, and his hacking skills are also very impressive, as for the combat ability, not to mention more.

There are hardly any shortcomings in him.

He’s just perfect!

Maybe Jiang Chen will make a move, and the case of the Tianlong criminal group will be solved soon.

“Brother Jiang Chen.”

Ma Tianyun said: “If there is anything you need my help in the future, just tell me, I will definitely cooperate with you fully.” ”

The previous Tianlong criminal group was an insurmountable peak for Ma Tianyun.

But Jiang Chen’s appearance gave him a glimmer of hope.

Perhaps, he can really succeed.

Uproot that mountain.

“I’ll go first.”

Jiang Chen stood up and said, “I’m afraid going back too late will arouse their suspicions.” ”

“Okay, go slowly!”


As soon as he reached the door, Jiang Chenyou stopped and said: “By the way, the identity of our police undercover agent, I have just sent it to you through my mobile phone, and I will arrest him tomorrow.” ”


After Jiang Chen left, Ma Tianyun glanced at his mobile phone and did not expect that it was him who went undercover.

His most trusted partner.

After dormant in the police station for several years without being discovered, Jiang Chen caught him in less than five days.

It’s really impressive.

The stone hanging in Ma Tianyun’s heart finally landed.

Jiang Chen is brave and resourceful, calm and calm, no matter what kind of huge crisis he faces, he can face it calmly.

This mentality alone is enough to be admired.

Now he pinned all his hopes on Jiang Chen.

He must not have any accidents.


“Brother Dao.”

Scarface’s junior brother, Jiang Xiaoming, asked, “What’s the matter with gathering the brothers so late?” ”

Scarface drank a glass of wine and said, “Brothers, Ouyang Changkong has followed Lao Tzu for many years. ”

“He was loyal to me and has always been my brother who values and cares the most.”

Everyone listened quietly and did not say a word.

“But what happened some time ago, all of you also know.”

“That Wang Baegg, named Jiang Chen, killed him, and also killed the Flower Face Tiger, and directly took away more than 30 million of me.”

“You say something like this, we can keep him alive?”

Jiang Xiaoming asked, “Big brother, then you mean to say…”


Scarface replied, “Lao Tzu wants to take revenge on that thing called Jiang Chen, and I want him to know that my Scarface is not a bully.” ”

“I not only have to deal with him this time, but also the son of the fat biao, and I also want him to understand that I am not the hairy smelly boy who can be slaughtered by him back then.”

“Kill my brother and rob me of my money, you have to pay the price?”

Jiang Xiaoming asked cautiously, “Brother Dao, are you preparing to start a full-scale war with Fat Biao?” ”

“We don’t have as many people under him as he has, they have more than four hundred brothers before and after, but we only have more than three hundred.”

“The most important thing is that our two-headed dragon and flower-faced tiger were all slaughtered by that guy named Jiang Chen.”

“I’m afraid of…”

Scarface smiled coldly and said, “Could it be that you really think that we only have more than three hundred brothers?” ”

“Brother Dao, what do you mean by this?”

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