Not only Jiang Xiaoming, but also the other brothers under him were also full of curiosity.

They are full of calculations, even the aunt who sweeps the floor, but there are only more than three hundred and thirty people.

There are four hundred and sixty of them.

The most important thing is that others have more guns, plus there is a ruthless Jiang Chen.

From any point of view, they do not have the slightest advantage.

“I didn’t tell you before, I also found a backer?”

Scarface said: “If there is no one behind me, do you think I will go head-to-head with Fat Biao?” ”

I see.

No wonder I feel that Scarface has a lot of confidence when he speaks.

It turns out that there is someone above?

“Who are you looking for?” Brother Dao? ”

Scarface took out the phone directly, dialed a number, said a few words simply, hung up and said to everyone: “You’ll know in a while, they will come over in three minutes at most!” ”

Everyone nodded gently.

Sure enough, the door was opened three minutes later.

A group of sturdy men dressed in black walked into the room side by side with each other.

They are all quite tall and burly!

The front one is almost two meters three, and standing there is like a big mountain.

The muscles on your body are like steel, strong and powerful.

“I’ve seen Brother Dao!”

The man in black at the front said, “I will bring sixty brothers under my command and wait for Brother Dao to send me at any time.” ”

“Good work, Owl.”

The moment the words of the owl sounded, the room suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

Everyone looked at Scar’s face in unison, their eyes full of horror.

Jiang Xiaoming stepped forward slowly, and he said carefully: “Brother Dao, this owl you just mentioned, the owl we thought… Could it be the same person? ”


Scarface replied confidently: “He is the owl in Jiangdong City, next door, one of the three killers of the Jianghe underground killer organization.” ”

After confirming the conjecture, everyone present showed excitement.

The river killer organization in Jiangdong City next door adds up to more than a thousand people.

Their main business is to kill!

As long as the commission you give is high enough, there is no one they can’t kill.

Among them, the most famous and at the same time the most capable of business is the owl.

It is said that he joined the River Killers organization when he was twelve years old.

At the age of fifteen, he began to act alone, and has killed no less than two hundred people.

All without a single defeat.

His comprehensive ability is very strong.

No matter what kind of master you encounter, no matter how many bodyguards the person to assassinate is hired.

He can always complete the task within the allotted time and never drag the mud.

He alone is scary enough.

Destroying Jiang Chen was definitely easy.

More importantly, this time, he also brought sixty brothers.

Not to mention that Jiang Chen was slaughtered, even if it was easy to kill the entire Fat Biao Society.

No wonder Scarface is so confident.

“Brother Dao.”

Jiang Xiaoming didn’t understand and asked, “But I remember very well, owls don’t help others casually?” Why would he…”

“Didn’t I tell you that I had a backer?”

Scarface sneered and said, “Don’t you think this is enough? ”

“I see, Brother Dao.”

He said excitedly: “Your backer is the river killer organization? ”


Scarface stood up and came to the owl and said: “Brother Owl, rest well tonight, and officially act tomorrow!” ”

“No problem, Brother Dao.”

Patting the owl’s shoulder, Scarface said, “Hard work on you.” ”

“Brother Dao, everything is what I should do.”

Despite his strong abilities, he will always be a gentle figure no matter who he faces.

It’s hard to anyone associate him with a demon who kills without blinking.

“Let’s go down first.”

“Yes, Brother Dao!”

When dozens of them left the room, Scarface’s eyes flashed coldly.

As long as they are out, the fat biao community will surely die.

After chopping them up, Scarface took all his brothers and directly joined the Jiang He Organization.

He admits ….

The comprehensive strength of the Tianlong criminal group is indeed very strong.

However, he did not believe that they dared to get into trouble with the river killer organization.

There are some bloodthirsty demons who kill without blinking.

Even the Tianlong criminal group probably has to weigh it.

For the sake of a fat biao, directly tear his face with the river killer organization.

I’m afraid they won’t.

“Brother Dao.”

Jiang Xiaoming smiled and said, “Your trick is really wonderful!” ”

“I believe that within three days, Fei Biao and the society under him will completely disappear!”

He wrapped his hands around his chest, and the scar on his face stood out in the light.

“It’s time to die too!”

Scarface said with a gloomy face: “Shouldn’t you pay the price for so long?” ”

“Brother Dao.”

Jiang Xiaoming asked, “Did you directly slaughter Fei Biao by then…”

“Slaughtered him directly, it’s too cheap for him.”

Scarface said coldly: “I want him to experience what it means to be truly alive than dead!” ”

“Understand Brother Dao.”

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