After the owl and all of them left, the guests in the Moonlight Casino also disappeared without a trace.

Except for him, all the other brothers were hacked to death by owls and others.

Their deaths were extremely tragic.

Some were even unloaded eight pieces, which is definitely not an exaggeration, but a real sense of being unloaded eight pieces.

As far as the eye can see, there is a blur of flesh and blood everywhere.

Lao Zhang almost fainted in fright.

Owl, they are so cruel.

This is the end of the gangsters, who flaunt their might in front of others on weekdays.

But if you really encounter a fire fight between gangs, you may lose your life at any time.

Covering his broken arm with his hand, Lao Zhang hurried out of the casino.

He had to tell Fei Biao about this quickly.

The same is not just happening at Moonlight Casino.

In several other casinos, there have also been quite tragic tragedies.

In less than five hours, the people under Fei Biao lost nearly seventy or eighty.

And all of them are right-hand men who have followed him for many years.

As for the economic losses brought to him, it is as many as tens of millions.

But now fat biao, I don’t know about those things.


Fat Biao room.

Next to him lay a woman, graceful and graceful.

“Brother Biao.”

The woman said gently: “You are really amazing, I never thought that one day the gang could grow to such a point under your leadership.” ”

“Now you are a veritable underground emperor of the entire Jiangbei?”

Fei Biao took a puff of cigarette and said, “What do you understand? To do our business is a brilliant moment, a downfall. Maybe you were still drunk in the morning, and by the afternoon you were already taken to the execution ground. ”

“Therefore, Lao Tzu never believed in doing good deeds to accumulate virtue, and people like us cannot accumulate virtue at all.”

“It’s better to just have a timely fun.”

“Brother Biao is right.”

The woman said gently: “Then what arrangements does Brother Biao have tonight?” ”

“Take you to the Imperial Hotel for a good meal.”

The woman’s eyes lit up and said, “No problem, Brother Biao.” ”


At that moment, there was a scream from the door, and the door of the room was pushed open.

The bald crane was full of eagerness, rushed towards Fei Biao, and said nervously: “Brother Biao is not good!” ”

“Are there any rules?”

Fei Biao slapped the table a little angrily and said, “I didn’t know to knock when I came in? What did I tell you before? ”

“Brother Biao.”

The bald crane didn’t care about talking nonsense with the other party, he wiped the sweat on his forehead and said nervously: “Just now, Lao Zhang from the Moonlight Casino came over and said that our casino was served, all the brothers under his hand were hacked to death, and he himself broke a hand.” ”


Fat Biao directly pushed the woman away, he stood up and asked, “Which guy ate the bear heart leopard bile?” Don’t want to live, do you? Dare to move Lao Tzu’s field? ”

He swallowed his spit and said: “Brother Biao, not only the Moonlight Casino, but all the dozen underground casinos under our hands have gone wrong, and the total number of brothers lost adds up to more than eighty. ”

“The money was also robbed!”

Such a major change made Fei Biao calm down, he restrained the anger in his heart, and asked with a breath: “Who did it?” ”

“Brother Biao.”

He said cautiously, “Do you have to be mentally prepared? ”


The white-headed crane trembled and said, “It’s Scarface, but it’s not Scarface either!” ”

“I said your kid was sick, didn’t I?”

Fei Biao said: “Hurry up, what’s going on?” ”

“Scarface brought the owl over, and he brought more than sixty brothers.”

“You, what did you say?”

Fat Biao, who learned the news, had never looked ugly in his whole life.


That famous horror killer?

There is a saying circulating in the Jiangdong region that the owl will die from the third change, and the king of Yan cannot keep you until the fifth change.

His methods are extraordinarily terrifying.

No less than two hundred people died at his hands.

In the entire underground killer organization, it is one of the most terrifying and at the same time the most famous existences.

I really didn’t expect that he would actually listen to Scarface’s arrangement to come and do something to him?

“Brother Biao.”

He said carefully: “If it were someone else, we might be able to easily level it, but if it was an owl, I’m afraid…”

“Let Lao Zhang come first.”


Lao Zhang, who broke off an arm a few minutes later, knelt down in front of Fat Biao and said, “Brother Biao, the owl asked me to bring you a word.” ”

“He said that if you want to live, you must prepare a billion within three days, and if you can’t get the money, he will…”

He was a little afraid to say the following words.

Fei Biao was slightly dissatisfied and said, “What will he do?” There is something to say quickly, and there is a fart to release quickly! ”

“Don’t go around the corner with Lao Tzu?”

“He said that if he can’t take out a billion yuan, he will personally come and cut off your head.”


Fat Biao slapped the table with a burning anger in his eyes.


This is not taking his fat biao to heart at all!

I really thought he was a bully, didn’t he?

“Gather all my brothers for me! I don’t believe I can’t deal with an owl? ”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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