The bald crane did not act immediately.

He was still standing in front of Fat Biao, with obvious nervousness on his face.

This time they are not dealing with ordinary people.

It’s an owl!

An owl carrying hundreds of lives on its back.

One of the most terrifying killers in the underworld!

It is no exaggeration to say that he is alone, and a sneak attack is likely to kill all the brothers in their society.

Not to mention that behind him stood Scarface, as well as fifty or sixty other brothers.

Most of them can’t be opponents!

“Lao Tzu is talking to you, deaf ears?”

Seeing that the other party did not answer, Fei Biao was very angry and said: “I asked you to gather the brothers immediately.” ”

The bald crane stiffened his head and said: “Brother Biao, as the saying goes, break wealth and avoid disasters.” ”

“If we come out to mix, we should be mentally prepared, knowing that sooner or later there will be such a day.” Why not just give him a billion yuan? We can’t take advantage of the real fight. ”

Fei Biao sneered: “Even if I kill seventy or eighty brothers, I still have more than three hundred people, really think that Lao Tzu will be afraid of his scar face?” ”

“I don’t want to shrink the turtle at the time, hurry up and let them come to me.”

He sighed in front of the fat biao.

The bald crane said helplessly: “Got it, Brother Biao.” ”

This time it was mostly fierce.

I didn’t expect that the backers behind Scarface were so hard.

It’s no wonder that he dared to calculate Fat Biao before.

The river killer organization, that is indeed not what ordinary people dare to offend.

He slowly retreated.


At the same time, the news of the owl’s arrival in Jiangbei quickly spread in major communities.

For a while, it set off a stormy wave, and the high-level leaders of major associations paid keen attention and discussion.

That’s an owl.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

It is said that someone once paid a high price for an owl to kill a top rich man.

When the rich man learned of this, he specially invited hundreds of bodyguards to protect him day and night.

Do not leave half a step.

When he slept, there were more than three hundred people, three layers inside and three layers outside, surrounding him.

But when it was time for the owl to notify the death, everyone heard the rich man let out a scream.

Rushing into his room again, the rich man’s head had already landed.

No one knows how the owl got in, let alone how he retreated under the guard of more than three hundred people.

At this point, many people are terrified and shudder when they mention owls.

He brought people over to help, but he was afraid that the underground world in Jiangbei would change sky.


“Big brother.”

Zhang Huaqiang’s younger brother, Zhang Huatian, asked, “What do you think about this matter?” Do you think Fat Biao can escape a disaster? ”

Putting down the book in his hand, Zhang Huaqiang held up his glasses and said, “To be honest, it is very difficult to escape from under the owl’s hand. ”

“Even if the owl doesn’t take matters into his own hands, just the brothers under him are enough to make Fat Biao look good.”

Zhang Huatian asked, “Do you mean that fat will definitely die this time?” ”

“Ninety percent probability.”

A moment later, Zhang Huatian continued: “Do you remember that under Fat Biao, there was a very powerful thug named Jiang Chen? The two-headed dragon and the flower-faced tiger were chopped by him in one day. ”

“Do you think this time, he can still help Fei Biao escape?”

Zhang Huaqiang sneered, and said with a contemptuous look in his eyes: “Four words are as difficult as ascending to the sky!” ”

“The owl’s reputation is very loud, and in the killer-like river killer organization, his comprehensive strength can be ranked at least in the top five.”

Zhang Huatian was directly stunned.


His methods are so terrifying that he can only rank in the top five.

No, isn’t it?

That’s how strong everyone else is.

“Jiang Chen is under the owl, it is estimated that he can’t even carry a move.”

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Huatian said: “Brother Qiang, then do we still need to pay Fei Biao?” ”

“Anyway, he can’t last this month, even if he pays an extra month, it’s nothing, just leave him money for the funeral.”

Zhang Huatian smiled and said, “Understood.” ”


“The owl actually came?”

Zhao Tianxing tapped his fingers on the desktop, and his gaze fell gloomy into the distance.

“So what do you think?”

The military master said: “I think we should wait and see, I sent someone to Wuhumen to inquire before, Zhang Huaqiang also chose to be a wall watcher, and did not prepare to favor the idea of which side.” ”

“Choosing a team in this situation is a very dangerous decision.”

Zhao Tianxing thought for a while and said: “It makes sense, Fei Biao has been running amok in the underground world of Jiangbei for more than ten years?” ”

“The protection fees we have paid him over the years are at least tens of millions.”

“To be honest, feng shui takes turns, and it’s time to move elsewhere.”

The military master said: “The eldest brother is reasonable. ”


“People from the Koto Killer Organization are coming?”

Ma Tianyun, who learned the news, looked extremely solemn.

He leaned back in his chair, a flash of worry in his eyes.

I really didn’t expect Scarface to put such a big hand this time.

I actually directly invited the owl.

People from underground killer organizations like them can be arrested by the local police wherever they go.

However, the current situation is quite complex.

Ma Tianyun did not dare to act rashly.

“That’s right, Captain.”

The undercover agent in the police station last time was investigated by Jiang Chen, and after Ma Tianyun was arrested, he found another person to replace him.

“What do you think we do? Do you want to do it to owls and others? ”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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