No, it won’t!

The owl shook his head gently, and fear was written in his eyes.

He struggled to get up from the ground.

But all the strength in his body seemed to be drained.

He was now even breathing extremely hard.

He was not Jiang Chen’s opponent at all!

The disparity in strength between the two is too great.

In the past, no matter who he faced, it was the owl that showed a crushing posture.

But at this moment everything turned the other way around.

The one who is really crushed is him!


He coughed twice and held the table next to him, slowly stood up and said: “I admit that I lost, I am convinced!” ”

“You kill me!”

Looking at the owl more than two meters tall, Jiang Chen shook his head lightly and said: “Forget it, I can give you decency!” ”

“Okay, I see.”

The owl nodded gently, he didn’t say anything and took out a sharp dagger.

Dazzling cold light flashes!


Next second.

The dagger pierced into the owl’s body, his body trembled slightly, and the whole person fell directly to the ground.

Close my eyes forever!

There was silence.


No one expected that a generation of famous killer owls would face such a tragic end in the end.

He was easily killed by Jiang Chen.

Today’s Jiang Chen in the entire Jiangbei, if he is called second, I am afraid that no one dares to call it first.

Such a talent, Fei Biao actually treated it like this, it was really a violent thing!


Scarface froze in fright when he saw it.


What else is this playing?

Even the helper owl he invited over was not Jiang Chen’s opponent now.

And what about other people?

“Brothers! Avenge the owl. ”

Just when Scarface was struggling with what to do next, the brothers around the owl took out the watermelon knives in their hands one by one.

Quickly rushed towards Jiang Chen!

Even if they knew that they were not Jiang Chen’s opponents, they would definitely not retreat.

The scene that happened next made many people have nightmares for several nights on end.

Jiang Chen also picked up a knife from the ground, and he rushed into the crowd quite calmly.

Directly unfolded a crazy slaughter!

Now he is a fierce tiger, and as for those around him, he is like a sheep.

No matter who it is, he can’t hold a single move under him.

Jiang Chen did not kill them, and the place where the knife fell was not physically critical.

It’s their arms, and their legs!

Whenever Jiang Chen’s big knife fell, if their arms were not broken and fell to the ground, their legs would also be cut off.

Everyone screamed, red blood flowing on the ground.

Shocking, do not dare to look directly!

Jiang Chen’s body was already stained red with blood.

The blood of the steel knife in his hand was also dripping continuously.

One drop, two drops, three drops….

It’s terrible.

They had never seen such a terrifying terrorist.

“He, he’s the real terrorist!”

“That’s right, if we compare with him, it’s just a family affair!”

“It’s so fucking terrible!”

“It’s scary!”


It is no exaggeration to say that Scarface is now scared to pee.

What is it called a husband and a husband?

Now Jiang Chen is!

Even if he was not hacked to death by Jiang Chen, he would be scared to death by him alive.

“Brother Dao!”

Jiang Xiaoming swallowed and said, “What should we do?” ”

Scar’s face turned pale.

If he had known that Jiang Chen was such a terrifying plague, and lent him hundreds of guts, he would not have provoked him.

Isn’t that looking for death?

“Go, hurry up!”

Scarface swallowed, “Let’s go and turn ourselves in, it’s safer to stay in prison than to stay outside.” ”

One sentence immediately made everyone empowered.

“That’s right, let’s go to the prison and find the police to turn themselves in!”

“Uncle Police will definitely help us then.”

“We can only ask the police for help now, otherwise we will be scared to death if we are not hacked to death by him!”


The onlookers were stunned.


Big brothers?

Can you please figure out your identity?

Now you are terrorists, and you actually think about asking the police for help?

Are you really not kidding?

Don’t have a bag in the head?

“Let’s go quickly, only inside the prison is safe now.”

“That’s right, hurry up and run!”

Scarface, they knew that it was useless to continue to resist Jiang Chen.

Still have to hurry up!

Everyone scattered and ran towards the police station.

Uncle police!

Now only the police uncle can save them.

“Want to run?”

Jiang Chen said coldly: “I told you that there are no doors!” ”

Jiang Chen, who was holding the watermelon knife, rushed directly towards the more than a hundred people.

“I tell you, now that I have surrounded a hundred of you alone, it is better not to make senseless resistance.”


Don’t you feel a little shameless when you say such things?

“I feel that the world is so magical, terrorists actually ask the police for help!”

“What kind of terrorists can they be in front of Jiang Chen? Not in the same magnitude at all, okay? ”

“That’s right, that’s right! The real horror should be Jiang Chen, right? ”

“It’s terrible!”

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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