Watching Jiang Chen alone with a watermelon knife, chasing more than two hundred people and cutting several streets.

Everyone froze in fright.

In more than ten years in the Jiangbei region, it seems that it is the first time they have encountered such a ruthless person.

Apart from the two words, they couldn’t think of any other words to summarize Jiang Chen.

It’s so strong!

Hanging more than 200 people alone!

Let them run to the police station and prepare to turn themselves in?

Hoping that the police will put them in jail is simply a big deal!

“It’s good that I’m not Jiang Chen’s enemy!”

“That’s right, who will dare to go against Jiang Chen in the future?”

“It’s a pity, how did such an excellent talent fall into the hands of Fei Biao?”

“It is estimated that Fei Biao has long known that Jiang Chen alone can level all of them with Scarface, so he let him come over.”

“I think you guys have a point, that’s probably how it is!”


For Jiang Chen’s current experience, Fei Biao still didn’t know anything.

He gathered all his brothers with a solemn expression that he had never had before.

The reason is simple, the bald crane’s plan simply does not work.

They originally thought that they would entertain Yang Zihao well, escort him all the way across the sea, and ask for a batch of guns after leaving Jiangbei smoothly.

As long as there are enough guns, they will not have a problem against owls.

But who would have thought that just received heavy news that Fan Xiaoyong, chief of staff of the Dragon Tooth Special Combat Team of the Dragon Kingdom, was blocking Yang Zihao with his newly established white blood cell team.

What exactly the Dragon Tooth Special Combat Team symbolizes, everyone is quite clear.

They are a sacred place in the minds of many soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom.

No matter who can join the dragon’s teeth, it is the elite of the elite, the excellent of the excellent.

What’s more, it was Fan Xiaoyong, chief of staff of Dragon Tooth, who led the team this time.

They are absolutely determined to win.

Heavenly King Laozi came over, and it is estimated that he will not be able to save Fan Xiaoyong.

“What do you say?”

Fei Biao said with a serious expression: “Not only can we not solve the matter of Scarface now, but we also have to find a way to save Yang Zihao from the hands of the Dragon Tooth Special Combat Team.” ”

“In case something happens to the prince in Lao Tzu’s territory, Boss Yang will have to kill me in minutes.”

The atmosphere at the scene was quite dignified.

They don’t know what to do.

Originally, I thought that the bald crane’s plan was seamless, and I could hardly find any flaws.

They already seem to have a way to break the game.

But who would have thought that such an accident would happen again halfway.

“Why, can’t think of a way, can you?”

The bald crane was a little nervous, and he slowly stepped forward and said: “Brother Biao, don’t worry too much, there will be a road before the car reaches the mountain, we will definitely be able to find a way to get through the difficulty.” ”

“Don’t force Lao Lai Lai with Lao Tzu!”

He interrupted what the other party said, and said with anger burning in his eyes: “You told me the same before? What about the way, why haven’t you figured out a way yet? ”

The bald crane plucked up the courage and said: “Brother Biao, I do have an idea, I wonder if you would like to hear it?” ”

“If there is something to say quickly, there is a fart to release quickly!”

The bald crane said a little nervously: “If I want to say that we don’t care about Prince Yang, anyway, no one can rescue people from the hands of the Dragon Tooth Special Combat Team.” ”

“Why don’t you just do one thing and don’t stop at all, just take care of your own affairs?”

“Why don’t you shut up Lao Tzu!”

I thought he came up with some good idea, but I didn’t expect it to be such a stupid method.

If they really turned a blind eye to Yang Zihao, they would choose to turn a blind eye.

Then it will be miserable.

Boss Yang had to send them to hell in minutes.

“Yang Zihao’s problem must be solved, and the problem of Scarface must also be solved.”

Fei Biao let out a long sigh and said, “Otherwise, we all have to die!” ”

Everyone’s complexion was unusually ugly.

It’s a blessing, and it’s not a one-way street.

The house leak coincided with overnight rain.

What’s going on?


Just as a haze appeared in everyone’s hearts, a subordinate outside rushed in.

He was panting, sweat raining down on his forehead, and his face full of excitement.

“What for?”

His subordinate swallowed his spit, and he said nervously: “I have great news for you.” ”

Fat Biao was impatient.

Now his situation is not ordinarily difficult, what good news can he encounter?

He leaned on the chair and waved his hand and said: “Don’t waste time with Lao Tzu, say something quickly, and let it go quickly!” ”

“It’s something related to Jiang Chen.”

Fat Biao sighed.

Do you still use him to say things related to Jiang Chen?

Now the smelly boy is probably dead.

“I see.”

Fei Biao opened his mouth and said: “In that case, it is normal that he can’t escape, take back his body, and bury it properly.” ”

The others had no feelings for Jiang Chen.

After all, he had only joined the Fat Biao Society in less than five days.

Even if they really die, it has little to do with them.

“No, it’s not!”

He quickly spoke, “Brother Biao, you misunderstood me? ”

“So what do you mean?”

Fei Biao was very dissatisfied and said: “What can’t you say directly? Do you want to force Lai Lai there and waste Lao Tzu’s time? ”

“Brother Biao!”

His subordinate hurriedly spoke: “You may not believe it, Jiang Chen killed the owl, and sent Scarface and all his brothers to prison to turn themselves in!” ”


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