A haze appeared in Ma Tianyun’s heart.

It seems that he is still one step late after all.

If Scarface hadn’t solved Jiang Chen, how could he have time for them to police station now?

This group of guys is really wanton and daring!

For the first time, he saw terrorists who dared to run to the police station to make trouble.

But if you think about it, maybe it’s a good thing.

Ma Tianyun has not been able to find evidence of the crimes of these associations before, and even if they do, they will hire lawyers to help exonerate themselves.

This time, he made trouble at the door of the police station, even if he didn’t have a three-inch tongue, he didn’t want to retreat all over his body.


Ma Tianyun clenched his fists and said: “Load the bullets and go out with me, come and hit one by one!” ”


They came to the outside of the police station, and Ma Tianyun’s gaze fell ahead.

There was grief in his expression.

I didn’t expect that such an excellent talent would eventually be damaged in the hands of Scarface.

He’s sorry Jiang Chen!

Don’t worry, I will definitely avenge you today.

Kill Scarface, this bastard, and get justice for you!

After about two minutes or so, he saw Scarface rushing towards this side.

Behind him was a large group of brothers, each with a face full of fear, they seemed to be particularly anxious.

Some ran too fast and even fell to the ground directly with their heads.

Every now and then they looked back, their faces full of fear.

Preliminary estimates put it at least two hundred or so.

Ma Tianyun’s body trembled!

It’s so rampant.

With more than two hundred people running to the police station to find trouble, they really don’t want to live, do they?

“Ready to shoot me!”

Ma Tianyun raised the gun and was about to pull the trigger, and the other armed police behind him were also ready to move.

Scarface turned pale with fright when he saw it, and quickly shouted: “Police uncles don’t shoot!” ”

People were dumbfounded.

What was Scarface shouting just now?

Police uncles?

This, this, this….

What is this special name?

Just as everyone hesitated, Scarface had already rushed in front of Ma Tianyun.

He knelt down at once, directly hugged Ma Tianyun’s legs, and his body was shaking slightly.

His eyes lit up, and he seemed to be very excited.


Why is there something wrong with this painting style?

Didn’t they come running over to make trouble?

Why did you just kneel?

“What are you going to do with Scarface?”

Scarface wailed loudly: “Uncle police, I have finally seen you, you are my closest person, you are the sun in winter.” ”

“I beg you, I’m guilty, I’m mortal, can you put me in jail right away? What judicial process is not required? ”

“I am a beast who has lost my conscience, I am heinous, I am vile and shameless, I am full of evil!”

“Hurry up and put me in jail, it’s really too dangerous outside!”

“I will be afraid after staying outside, and it will be better to live in prison.”

Before Ma Tianyun could figure out what was going on, everyone else fell to their knees one after another.

“That’s right, Captain Ma, we are all guilty and have committed different sins! We should all be locked up, and you will sentence us to at least ten years! ”

“Captain Ma, don’t listen to his nonsense, how to sentence us to ten years, at least twenty years.”

What’s more, he directly held a knife to his neck and said to Ma Tianyun: “Captain Ma, if you don’t put me in a life sentence, I will die in front of you today.” ”

Everyone was stunned.

What’s going on today?

Scarface actually took his subordinates, so many brothers turned themselves in?

They don’t have a problem with their heads, right?

What the hell is going on?


Ma Tianyun coughed twice and asked: “Scarface don’t worry, there is something to say slowly, what happened?” ”

Scarface felt particularly aggrieved.

“Captain Ma, don’t say anything! Jiang Chen’s Wang Baegg, really not a person, he carried a watermelon knife alone, chasing us and chopping eight streets! ”

“Do you know what the concept of Hachijo Street is? None of our brothers are his opponents, and the owls were all hacked to death by him! ”

“It’s really too dangerous outside, I’m going to stay in prison, if you don’t keep me for ten years and eight years, I’ll turn my face with you!”

“I beg you, I beg to close, I really beg to close!”

All the police officers present were stunned.

The owl was slaughtered by Jiang Chen?


Is that big brother so fierce?

Not only did they kill the owl, but they also chased Scarface alone and how many streets did they cut?

It’s outrageous!

Ma Tianyun didn’t speak, and he couldn’t react in shock now.

I remembered that Jiang Chen called yesterday and asked Ma Tianyun to clean up the prison.

It is said that it is very likely that there will be many prisoners living in it today.

He didn’t pay attention to it at the time.

Now I finally understood why Jiang Chen said this.

It seems that others really didn’t lie.

He actually scared Scarface alive into turning themselves in.

Did Jiang Chen forget that he was an undercover agent?

If he continues like this, all the terrorists are estimated to have no room to live.

I actually feel that the inside of the prison is safer than the outside.

They actually think that the police have the best relationship with them.

PS: It will be on the shelves at noon tomorrow, please make a first order! The author must strive to update it so that readers can enjoy watching it.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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