This is the most unexpected thing they have ever seen.

Ma Tianyun held his forehead, quite embarrassed.

He was now thinking about how he should explain to everyone that he was an undercover agent after Jiang Chen completed his task.

It is estimated that no one will believe it when the time comes.

He is much more undercover than a terrorist.

More than 200 terrorists were scared alive and ran to the police station for help.

I’d rather stay in prison and eat three meals a day and live a miserable life than be scared outside.

How ruthless is this Jiang Chen?

Just as everyone hesitated, a strong and burly figure appeared in their field of vision.

Standing in front of them was none other than Jiang Chen.

The watermelon knife in his hand was still dripping blood.

A pair of eyes were as sharp as a knife, and a powerful and terrifying murderous aura erupted from his body.

Scarface was dumbfounded when he saw it.

He quickly hugged Ma Tianyun and swallowed and said, “Please, Captain Ma, stop showing mercy to my subordinates, and quickly take me away.” ”

“I really want to stay in prison!”

“So are we, and so are we.”

“Please, life in prison is really good.”

“It doesn’t matter if Captain Ma is unsafe, the key is that we want to stay in prison.”

They had every reason to suspect that if Jiang Chen really did it now, Ma Tianyun and his brothers would not be enough to see at all.

But it’s fine.

After taking two steps, Jiang Chen stopped, and he looked at Ma Tianyun with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


That kind of smile does look extremely hideous to others.

In full view of everyone, Jiang Chen turned and left.

Except for Ma Tianyun, the other armed police members under him were all stunned.

Are there really such terrifying people in the world?

Ma Tianyun took a deep breath!

How can he actually choose such a powerful person as an undercover agent.

The Tenryu criminal syndicate has been uprooted, and now it seems that the day is just around the corner.



Zhang Huaqiang, who was eating in the house, heard a violent knock on the door outside, followed by his brother’s voice loudly.

“Big brother!”

Zhang Huatian said loudly: “Hurry up and open the door!” ”

“What for?”

Zhang Huaqiang stepped forward, looked at his younger brother with some curiosity and asked, “Is there anything you can’t say slowly?” ”

Zhang Hua was panting.

“You have to be prepared.”

Seeing the other party’s face full of eagerness, Zhang Huaqiang said with a little impatience: “How many years have the two of us been mixed in the underground world?” ”

“What winds and waves haven’t you seen? What the hell can make you exaggerate so much? ”

Zhang Huatian said, “Didn’t you send someone to follow Jiang Chen before? Want to know the latest developments with Scarface and others? ”


Zhang Huatian hurriedly said: “Now they have sent back the news. ”

“What tells me? Is Jiang Chen dead? ”

Zhang Huatian quickly poured a glass of water.

After drinking in one breath, he said: “There are indeed many people who died this time, and the owl and the brothers he brought over under him died. ”

“But Jiang Chen survived, he killed the owl in seconds with only one move, and slaughtered all the fifty or sixty brothers he brought over!”

“As for Scarface, they ended up even worse, almost scared to death by Jiang Chen, and finally simply ran to the police station to turn themselves in, begging Captain Ma Tianyun to put them in prison.”

“It’s a shame that you weren’t there at the time!”

“I can guarantee that this is definitely the most famous and classic battle in our entire Jiangbei.”

“Alas, don’t you know that Jiang Chen chased them eight streets alone with a watermelon knife?”

“They didn’t dare to resist at all, and some people were even scared alive!”

“From now on, the entire underground society in Jiangbei is estimated to act based on Jiang Chen’s face.”


Zhang Huaqiang turned into a puppeteer.

He had never understood why Jiang Chen had made such a stupid decision before.

Is it necessary to go on an adventure alone?

Now Zhang Huaqiang finally knows that others did not admit mistakes in the past.

He was there to take out Scarface.

Zhang Huaqiang let out a long sigh and said, “It seems that our entire underground world in Jiangbei will change from now on, because Jiang Chen’s arrival is only to reshuffle the cards.” ”

“You’re right, big brother.”


After Zhao Tianxing listened to his subordinates, after Jiang Chen’s glorious achievements, the whole person stood there dumbfounded, and did not speak for a long time.

After more than half an hour, Zhao Tianxing couldn’t help but ask, “Is the news reliable?” ”

“Absolutely reliable!”

The subordinate replied firmly: “I saw it with my own eyes at the scene!” ”

“You don’t know how terrifying Jiang Chen’s means are! It is obviously a watermelon knife, but in his hand it is like a dragon slaying knife. ”

“Scarface was so frightened by him that he went directly to the police station to turn himself in, and said that it was much safer to stay inside the prison than outside.”


A clear sound sounded in Zhao Tianxing’s throat.

Sitting on the chair dumbfounded, he said: “This guy is really a demon!” ”

“You’re so right?”

Now while his heart is shocked, he also feels some pity, and even a trace of regret.

Why can’t such an excellent talent become his subordinate?

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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