Chapter 74 Fan Xiaoyong was shocked, Jiang Chen was so shameless!!

Jiang Chen was very calm.

Now that they haven’t found enough evidence, they can’t just arrest him.

He leisurely returned to the sofa in the villa and sat down.

Turn the TV on.

What is played inside is… Digga Ultraman? Everyone was speechless for a while.

It’s really hard to unite this murderous and terrifying man with Digga Ultraman.

“Would you like to come in and sit down?”

Fan Xiaoyong ran to Jiang Chen and said, “I tell you, don’t be proud, my criminal investigation expert has more than twenty years of experience. ”

“Whether your surveillance video is fake or not, he can tell at a glance.”

“As long as it is proved that you are lying to us, we will take you back to the police station for interrogation.”

“If you dare to openly resist arrest, it is a crime plus one.”

Jiang Chen did not speak.

“But take 10,000 steps back, even if you really have that kind of guts, what if you dare to arrest you?”

Fan Xiaoyong smiled and said, “We have more than fifty people who still can’t catch you alone?” Even if you have two pairs of wings, you can’t run. ”

“Why am I running?”

Jiang Chenyi said righteously: “I sit up straight and have a clear conscience. I have never done anything bad in my life, and I am honest, no matter how many experts you hire to investigate, I am also innocent. ”

“Okay, you said it yourself.”

Fan Xiaoyong clenched his fists and said, “Then you won’t regret it then.” ”

Half an hour later, a black car pulled up in front of the door.

Coming down above is an old man in his fifties.

There are already a few silver hairs on the head.

“Expert Li.”

Fan Xiaoyong stepped forward with a smile and said with a respectful look on his face: “You finally came, we have all been waiting for you for a long time.” ”


Expert Li said: “What did you come to let me identify?” ”

“Please come with me to the café opposite.”

In the café opposite Jiang Chen’s villa, surveillance was installed on it.

The surveillance camera was facing the gate of Jiang Chen’s house.

Jiang Chen’s villa had no other doors.

That’s the only entrance.

As long as you find the surveillance video, you can judge whether Jiang Chen is lying.

Then Fan Xiaoyong said the original purpose of Expert Li’s invitation.

“No problem.”

Expert Li nodded and said: “Even the world’s top and best hackers, as long as his surveillance video is a disguise, I can see it at a glance.” ”

“No one can hide from me.”

“Expert Li is wise.”


Expert Li nodded gently.

Everyone present is full of confidence, Jiang Chen, what can you do if you are a hacker? I don’t believe that your disguised surveillance video can still hide from everyone? Jiang Chen, Fan Xiaoyong and the others came directly to the café opposite.

After explaining the reason, the boss quickly tuned out the surveillance video.

The gaze of Fan Xiaoyong and the others fell.

The surveillance video showed that Jiang Chen did not lie.

He stayed in the house twenty-four hours a day, not leaving half a step at all.

Sometimes I read a book in the study, and sometimes I drink tea in the living room.

People were stunned.

How so?

They remember clearly that this morning, the person who did it to them called himself Jiang Chen.


Is the situation so different from what they imagined?


Jiang Chen said very seriously: “I didn’t lie, right? ”

Fan Xiaoyong was unwilling.

“Expert, take a closer look at whether his surveillance video is fake? I’ve never seen anyone more shameless than this guy. ”

“He’s a top hacker with great camouflage skills.”

The expert touched his chin with his hand, he looked at it for a long time, shook his head seriously and said: “I can guarantee that this surveillance video is indeed true.” ”

“There is no sign of camouflage or splicing, and he is indeed at home 24 hours a day and has never left.”

No way? People are staying? Jiang Chen never left?

So what’s going on on the outskirts? Can anyone give a reasonable explanation?

Fan Xiaoyong’s face was full of confusion.

He was originally full of confidence, thinking that he would definitely be able to bring Jiang Chen back easily.

Who would have thought to strike hard, only to end up hitting cotton? Ma Tianyun was also on the side to mend the knife.

“Old Fan, did I tell you before that he didn’t leave yesterday, why don’t you believe it?” ”

Ma Tianyun said: “Although I also want to send Jiang Chen to prison, we need evidence after all, right?” ”

Fan Xiaoyong was numb.

What kind of riot is this? Why he couldn’t understand a little.


Wang Chenguang next to him suddenly stepped forward and said, “Don’t forget that the person who dealt with us has quite a clever camouflage technique. ”

“I have every reason to suspect that that person is what he is disguising for someone else.”

Fan Xiaoyong’s eyes lit up.

What Wang Chenguang said makes sense.

Maybe the person in the room was Jiang Chen disguised himself after looking for someone to change his appearance.

And he himself hid from the sky and went to the suburbs to rescue Yang Zihao.


Fan Xiaoyong said: “Can you bring the monitoring closer now so that we can see his appearance clearly.” ”

“No problem.”

When the surveillance was brought closer, the faces of six or seven members of the white blood cell team were close to the screen.

They all held their breath.

Day Horse… It’s really outrageous enough.

What’s going on?

This person is indeed exactly the same as Jiang Chen, not only the movements, but also the posture, and even some micro-expressions.

He is definitely Jiang Chen.

Such as Jiang Chen who was replaced by a fake bag.


Jiang Chen, who was silent next to him, finally spoke.

“You see it now, don’t you?”

He looked very innocent.

“I really stayed at home all the time, I didn’t go anywhere, I was a law-abiding citizen.”

Ma Tianyun next to him pouted.

If it weren’t for me and your accomplice, I would have believed what you just said.

“Captain Fan.”

Jiang Chen asked next to him, “Let me ask you if the person at that time showed his appearance?” ”

Belch…… Everyone didn’t speak.

They seem to have forgotten that.

At that time, the face of the person who shot did have a terrifying and hideous mask.

“We didn’t see it clearly.”

Jiang Chen continued, “Captain Fan, are you too hasty then? I don’t know what he looks like, so I am sure that I must have done it? ”

“Conscience of heaven and earth, I have been wronged!”

“Then I will ask Captain Fan again, is his voice the same as mine?”

Groove! Captain Fan didn’t speak again.

He found that everything Jiang Chen said seemed to be targeted.

This is simply not refutable?

The two of them didn’t seem to have the same voices.

“Why don’t you talk?”

Captain Fan shook his head.


Jiang Chen spread out his palm and said, “You didn’t see his appearance clearly, even his voice is different from mine, just because someone else said that he is Jiang Chen?” ”

“You’re going to come and do something to me? Isn’t that a little too unreasonable? ”

“I’ve been staying at home and I’m not going out at all today.”

“It’s really chilling that you framed me like this.”

Wang Chenguang was quite angry when he heard this.

Why did Jiang Chen speak so badly? What does it mean to frame him?

“You shut up for me.”

Wang Chenguang shouted loudly: “We didn’t frame you, I don’t believe that this matter really has nothing to do with you.” ”

“Do you dare to let us send someone to search your villa? I can guarantee that Yang Zihao must be hidden inside now. ”

Jiang Chen said nonchalantly: “What don’t you dare to do, you are welcome to send someone to search.” ”


Wang Chenguang said to Fan Xiaoyong: “We must not indulge this person and make him too rampant.” ”


Fan Xiaoyong glanced at Ma Tianyun.

“No problem, if you want to search his villa, of course I will send someone to help.”

Ma Tianyun said with a bulging look: “There are people from the second team of the armed police and the third team, go with them and carefully search Jiang Chen’s villa.” ”

In the blink of an eye, several of their squads quickly began to move.

Without saying a word, he rushed into Jiang Chen’s room and began to rummage through boxes and cabinets to look everywhere.

The inside of the house was turned upside down.

Whether it is the basement or the second and third floors, even the ceiling above is not spared.

Just three feet off an excavator.


I just didn’t see Yang Zihao.

Could it be that they were really not in Jiang Chen Villa?

Or do they really have nothing to do with Jiang Chen? Did they blame each other wrong?

“Captain Fan.”

Jiang Chen pretended to be distressed.

“I am a good person who enforces the law, I have never done anything bad, yesterday I stayed at home reading and drinking tea.”

“As a result, you ran directly over today, trying to arrest me, and say what Yang Zihao did I save?”

“I don’t even know who Yang Zihao is, aren’t you wronged and good people?”


Fan Xiao was so courageous that he was about to spurt blood.

Although he could guarantee that this matter was absolutely inseparable from Jiang Chen, he couldn’t find the slightest bit of evidence now.

Is it a trip for nothing today?

“Jiang Chen.”

Fan Xiaoyong said: “Even if Yang Zihao’s matter has nothing to do with you, we can still arrest you today.” ”

“Why arrested me?”

Fan Xiaoyong gritted his teeth and said: “You killed many brothers under Scarface and owls, although they are terrorists, it is not your turn to do it?” ”

Ma Tianyun next to him held his forehead with his hand.

It seems that Fan Xiaoyong is indeed confused.

Jiang Chen’s innocent eyes widened.

“Captain Fan, can’t you say this nonsense?”

He spoke, “You can ask Captain Ma, did I kill anyone under Scarface?” At best, I cut them. ”

“Besides, in that situation, I was just in legitimate defense. Hundreds of them came with knives to cut me, could it be that I stayed there and chopped them into minced meat? ”

“Legitimate defense should be right, right?”

Ma Tianyun stepped forward in time to prove what Jiang Chen had just said.

“He is indeed in legitimate defense.”


He almost spewed out a mouthful of blood.

O Vozh!

Eldest brother.

You received your magical powers, right? Are you special…

Just in defense, you scared more than two hundred people to run to the prison to defend themselves? Is this called legitimate defense?

“Seeing that there is no Captain Fan.”

Jiang Chen spread out his palms and said: “I should be right to defend myself, they have all already used guns, and I only took chopsticks from beginning to end.” ”

“Also, the owl has killed so many people viciously, and has always been your most wanted criminal.”

“The above has long been strictly ordered to let you catch him early, but you didn’t do it, I helped you, and if you don’t reward me, forget it.”

“You actually want to arrest me? Is there any reason for this? Is there still a royal law here? ”

Fan Xiaoyong and the people in the white blood cell group were stunned.

Obviously knew that Jiang Chen was talking nonsense.

However, it feels like he has a real point.

“Captain Fan.”

Jiang Chen came to Captain Fan and said, “What else do you have to say?” ”

“If there is nothing to say, then I will go back.”

Fan Xiaoyong gritted his teeth.

“Count you ruthless!”

He said to Jiang Chen: “You wait for Jiang Chen for me, one day I will arrest you in prison, and I will find evidence to prove that everything was done by you.” ”

“I’m always available.”

Ma Tianyun was also quite angry.

“Abominable Jiang Chen!”

Ma Tianyun pointed to his back and said, “You gave me what I was waiting for you to do so excessively, we won’t spare you.” ”

The subtext in his heart is, this time you did a great job.

Almost perfectly covered up all his evidence.

Ma Tianyun was also angry and said, “Old Fan, let me say let’s go quickly.” ”

“Don’t waste time with him here, let’s go back and collect evidence of his crime, and sooner or later we can put him in jail.”

Fan Xiaoyong’s eyes were cold, and he clenched his fists and said, “Okay, I must catch him.” ”

Forced into desperation, Fan Xiaoyong and his white blood cell team could only leave.

Originally full of confidence and righteous indignation.

I thought that I would definitely be able to catch Jiang Chen.

The end result… Don’t mention it.

They couldn’t figure out how Jiang Chen did it? The only one who knows the truth is Ma Tianyun alone.

I have to admit that Jiang Chen is really a cow!

Even Ma Tianyun was almost deceived.

Back in his villa, Jiang Chen sat down on the sofa.

He stared at the TV in front of him with a solemn expression.

Looks like it has to be accelerated.

The fat can no longer be allowed to live.

That guy had already wanted to put him to death more than once, posing a serious threat to Jiang Chen.

He must die.

“Fat, your end is coming.”

He drained the water from the table.

It is not clear that Fan Xiaoyong’s actions have failed.

He rightly thought that Jiang Chen would definitely be locked up this time.

Even if the white blood cell team is not his opponent, there are two armed police special combat teams.

Even if the armed police special combat team was not his opponent, Jiang Chen did not dare to openly arrest him.

If he resists arrest, his nature will become extremely bad.

Jiang Chen will become a nationally wanted criminal, and his fate awaits him, and only one is the end of the world.

As long as Jiang Chen left Jiangbei, it would not threaten his status, and it would not matter to him where he went.

He didn’t have to pay too much attention to it.

“Jiang Chen.”

The fat smiled and said: “I’m really sorry, I will trouble you to spend the rest of my life in prison.” ”

“Brother Biao.”

The bald crane asked cautiously, “Although Jiang Chen was locked up today, we still have a very important problem that has not been solved.” ”

“What problem?”

The bald crane replied: “We don’t know where the prince is, it doesn’t matter if Jiang Chen is locked up, if the prince is arrested, I’m afraid we won’t be able to eat and go.” ”

“So where do you think he’ll be?”

The bald crane shook his head and said, “I don’t know, but one thing is certain, Jiang Chen will definitely not be stupid enough to put the prince in his house?” ”

Does this still need to be asked?

Fat nodded and replied, “That makes sense.” ”

The bald crane thought for a moment and said, “Why don’t we send our brothers to find news of the prince?” ”

“How about trying to bring him back early?”

Fat Fat thought about it seriously and said: “Now it seems that it can only be like this, let the brothers speed up, and definitely find the prince before the police.” ”

“If I don’t bring him back, I guess I won’t even sleep well at night.”

“Got it, Brother Biao.”

Then the bald crane asked again: “By the way, Brother Biao, I want to ask if the villa you gave Jiang Chen before can be taken back?” ”

“No problem.”

At this moment, the voice of a subordinate outside suddenly came.

“It’s not good, Brother Biao, the big thing is not good! Brother Jiang Chen is here again? ”

What the?

He wasn’t sent to jail?

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