Chapter 75 Jiang Chen kills fat, the new underground emperor!!

Fei Biao was a little unsure.

Is the person who came over really Jiang Chen? They didn’t get the message wrong?

“Is it reliable?”

Fei Biao rushed forward and said, “Is he impersonating Jiang Chen?” ”

“Brother Biao.”

There were some grievances under him.

It’s someone else who may not recognize it.

But if it was Jiang Chen, how could he not know?

Now Jiang Chen is a well-deserved existence in the Jiangbei underground world.

Few were his opponents.

He cried and laughed and said, “I promise in your face that the person who came is Brother Jiang Chen. ”

“He is waiting right outside the door right now, saying he has something very important to find you. The cold sweat on his forehead couldn’t help but break out. ”


I really didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be caught in it? Didn’t the bald crane report to Ma Tianyun?

“Bald crane?”

The bald crane squeezed out a smile and said, “What’s the matter with you, Brother Biao?” ”

“How can I let you not do a little thing, you have a disease in the head, right?”

The bald crane cried and laughed and said: “Things are not at all what you think, I have done everything you asked me to do.” ”


Fei Biao couldn’t care so much, stood up and said, “Forget it, don’t care about it first, let Jiang Chen come in for me.” ”


It didn’t take long for the gates to be opened.

Jiang Chen walked in from outside the door, still the same as before, his handsome face full of indifference.

“My good brother Jiang Chen.”

Fat Biao quickly squeezed out a smile, and he ran to Jiang Chen and asked with concern: “Hurry up and tell the good brother, where did you go last night?” ”

“Why haven’t I seen you all this time?”

To the question raised by Fei Biao, Jiang Chen did not answer at all.

He came to the chair next to him and sat down, his hands around his chest, and the expression on his face was indifferent.

“Little brother?”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s performance, Fei Biao was slightly dissatisfied.

What does he mean this guy?

Didn’t listen to what you said?

“Why don’t you answer my question?”

Jiang Chen still drank a glass of water.

“You should know better than I do, why didn’t I come back last night?”

Fat Biao’s complexion was a little ugly.

How many does he mean?

Could it be that he already knew what he was doing behind his back?

“Little brother.”

Fei Biao squinted slightly and said, “Why can’t I understand a word of what you say?” ”

The bald crane next to him couldn’t help but say: “Jiang Chen 903, how did you talk to Brother Biao?” ”

“Is there still a bit of preparation in your eyes?”

Jiang Chen glanced at the bald crane, and his sharp gaze made people dare not look directly.

His body took several steps back.

“When will it be your turn to force Lai Lai?”

Jiang Chen said to the bald crane: “Don’t you forget that I am the second-in-command now?” The person who really doesn’t talk about the order of inferiority should be you! ”

The bald crane’s body trembled.

Jiang Chen’s aggressive eyes made his scalp numb when he saw it cold.

He retreated directly behind Fat Biao.

“Little brother.”

Fat Biao smiled far-fetched and said, “Have you already rescued people?” ”


He nodded in agreement.

Fei Biao asked: “It’s really good that you can save the person, quickly tell me where the prince is, can you hand him over to me?” ”

“You really think I have a disease in the head?”

Jiang Chen tapped his temple with his hand.

“If I really give him to you, a normal person can guess what you’re going to do next.”

“You will definitely take him to ask for credit, what does it have to do with me then?”

“Am I right?”

Now that Jiang Chen has saved Yang Zihao, he can use him as a bigger springboard to break into the Tianlong high-level.

Fat Biao such an evil thing, there is no need to let him keep it and kill it directly.

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about?”

Jiang Chen felt ridiculous.

Still pretending to be here with him, isn’t it?

“Less nonsense with me!”

He slapped his hand on the table and stood up abruptly.

“Fat Biao!”

He said with a gloomy face: “There should be an end to the grudge between us today.” ”

“I saved you twice in a row, but you tried to put me to death again and again.”

“What the hell are you motivating?”

“What qualifications do people like you have to be my brother?”

Jiang Chen’s murderous aura suddenly appeared, and the temperature of the surrounding air seemed to have dropped a lot, and his fat body shivered.

But he immediately regained his composure.

He didn’t believe that Jiang Chen really dared to do something to himself?

“I’ll admit that there are a lot of things that I didn’t think about properly, but I’m sure you’d be able to save yourself in that situation.”

“Little brother, I hope you can understand me.”

Understand him?

What did he think he was?


Jiang Chen spoke, “Brother Biao, originally I sincerely regarded you as my good brother. ”

“But a lot of things happened that really disappointed me.”

“So the brotherhood between the two of us ends here.”

Fei Biao was a little excited after hearing this.

What Jiang Chen said just now meant… Ready to cut ties with him? If this is the case, it may still be a good thing for Fei Biao.

Jiang Chen’s continued stay within the society would cause a great shake to his status.

“Brother, you want to leave our society?”

Jiang Chen shook his head.

“Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean that.”

Fei Biao had a sense of foreboding in his heart at this moment.

Doesn’t that mean?

So what exactly was he trying to say?

“Can the little brother tell me what your intentions are?”

Jiang Chen stepped forward and said, “Anyone who betrays his brother should not die well, and you have to pay for your stupidity.” ”

“You’re going to kill…”

Before Fei Biao could finish speaking, Jiang Chen’s right hand had already pinched his neck.

His body was held high in the air, and no matter how hard he tried to resist, it was to no avail.

He felt that his breathing had also become extremely difficult.

The bald crane was dumbfounded when he saw it.

“Brothers, come in, someone is going to kill Brother Biao!”

Something happened inside the house, which instantly alarmed the thugs outside.

They rushed into the house one by one with pistols in hand, surrounding Jiang Chen.

“Don’t spare this bastard!”

The bald crane retreated to the side and pointed at Jiang Chen and said, “This guy is simply mad, he actually wants to kill Brother Biao!” ”

“Hurry up and put Brother Biao down!”

“Jiang Chen, don’t do something stupid, Wang Li can’t hurt Brother Peng!”

“Don’t forget, the most important thing to come out and mix is the two words of righteousness, if you kill Brother Biao now, then Jiangbei will no longer have a foothold for you.”

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows coldly, not afraid at all in the face of their threat.


That’s really nice.

“I ask you, you keep saying that you want me to lecture on righteousness, has he talked about this fat bastard once?”

Jiang Chen said loudly: “It is said that the grace of saving life is nothing to be rewarded as a cow and a horse, I saved him twice, so how should he repay me?” ”

“I don’t believe you don’t know what the fundamental purpose was last time he asked me to save Yang Zihao.”

“He just wanted to kill me with the help of white blood cells, and he felt that I was now a serious threat to his status.”

“People like this, you still want me to lecture him on morality, I ask whether he deserves it or not?”

Fat Biao’s face turned red, he was now in special pain, gritting his teeth and scolding Jiang Chen: “Wang Baegg, if you really dare to kill me… I guarantee you’ll pay a heavy price. ”

“My brothers will not spare you.”

Facing the threat of Fei Biao, Jiang Chen did not pay attention to it.

The force of his right hand was a little greater.

Fei Biao coughed violently, his eyes were almost bulging, and he could be strangled by Jiang Chen’s live cow at any time.

The bald crane stood on the side, looking anxious.

“I told you that this time he treated me this way, and the next time he treats me the same way, it is likely to be you?”

“A guy like him is not worth you to accompany him to the death.”

“He’s a shrunken-headed turtle!”

“The reason why he was able to develop the society into the largest society in Jiangbei was only because of the Tianlong Group. Without Boss Yang’s help, it would be nothing? ”

“Are you going to continue to work for him?”

“I’ll tell you the truth, even if I kill him now and want to go out, all of you go together, I can still leave.”

No one denied what Jiang Chen said.

They both believe that the other party does have such skills.

Seeing that everyone didn’t say a word, Jiang Chen continued: “Don’t you speak. ”

“Very good, since you don’t speak, I will acquiesce on your behalf.”

“I will kill Fei Biao now, if you are willing to follow me in the future, I promise that I will cultivate you into the most powerful society in the entire Jiangbei and even the whole country.”

“You want to do something to me, and I have nothing to say!”

“The future and destiny are in your own hands.”

Everyone was silent.

In fact, everyone followed Fei Biao, and they had long been dissatisfied in their hearts.

Their society is very famous in Jiangbei.

But that didn’t work at all.

Other clubs can eat fragrant and drink spicy.

Look at their community.

Fei Biao is infinitely beautiful outside, but they can only drink a sip of soup behind their backs.

Up the knife mountain and down the oil pot brothers dry.

Eating meat and drinking wine is all his business.

Who will have no idea in their hearts.

At first, Jiang Chen beat the owls all over the ground to find their teeth.

Even walking elsewhere with their brothers in the community is a sight to behold.

In fact, everyone had some admiration for Jiang Chen.

There is courage and resourcefulness, strength and wisdom.

I don’t know how many times stronger than Fat Biao.


They are now Fat Biao’s subordinates, and they must still listen to him.

But now Jiang Chen’s few words completely awakened them.

What he just said makes sense.

“Listen to me.”

Jiang Chen looked at everyone and said: “Don’t care about Fei Biao’s life or death, now he not only offended the people above, but there are also many people in the underground world who want him to die.” ”

“Besides, what benefits have you gained by following him?”

“Do you think you have a future for recognizing such a person as a big brother?”

Everyone fell silent.

No one answered Jiang Chen’s question.

Fei Biao was particularly worried.

Looking at the situation in front of him, if it continues like this, maybe Jiang Chen will really want to rebel them.

“Hack him to death!”

Fei Biao said loudly: “Now as long as you kill him, I will definitely give you a lot of money, and I will let you eat fragrant and drink spicy!” ”

“I can give you money, and I can give you everything you want.”

There were too many pies painted by Fat Biao before.

They have already been fed for a long time, and now they can’t eat at all.

Everyone still stood in place, looking at each other.

None of them were ready to do it.

“You want to rebel, don’t you?”

Now Fat Biao is really panicking.

If he had said such things before, the brothers would have already charged for him and greeted Jiang Chen with machetes.

As a result, one by one, they are deaf.

Do you really want him to die?

“I killed him, you follow me.”

Jiang Chen’s gaze fell on everyone and said: “I am sure that within half a year, our association will become the largest and most famous society in the entire Jianghe Province. ”

“Even the river killer organization does not dare to hurt us in the slightest.”

“Would you like to?”

The threw is loud and sonorous.

Every word, like thunder on the ground.

Everyone’s bodies froze directly.

Within half a year, they became the largest society in Jianghe Province.

It’s really tempting.

Jiang Chen, like Fei Biao, is painting big cakes.

The difference, however, is that the capabilities between the two are vastly different.

Fat Biao can only fight with the mouth.

Jiang Chen is different.

Everyone has seen with their own eyes the spectacular scene of him slashing more than 200 people with a knife alone, crying wolves and howling.

He is now in the underground world of Jiangbei and is a worthy king.

It is also an uncrowned champion in the minds of many people.

The underground emperor looks fat on the surface, but most people are more willing to give Jiang Chen face.


“Don’t listen to him!”

Everyone fell silent.

The bald crane was a little panicked, if Fat Biao died, he would definitely be retaliated by Jiang Chen.

The other brothers can change their minds and become people again, but he is different, he is already firmly bound to Fat Biao.


The bald crane said loudly: “Don’t listen to him, that smelly boy is fooling you.” ”

“Think about how he could really benefit you!”

“We still follow Brother Biao, he will definitely lead us to become bigger and stronger!”

“Don’t be deceived by Jiang Chen’s big cake painted by Wang Baegg!”

There was silence in the crowd.

Everybody wasn’t talking.

“Hurry up, why don’t you do it!”

Jiang Chen continued to ask, “I’ll give you three seconds to think about it, and after three seconds, those who are willing to follow me will stand on my right hand. ”

“If you don’t want to follow me, then you can go, I Jiang Chen will definitely not say a word!”


As soon as he finished saying this, a large knife was thrown on the ground.

A man with a height of one meter and eight nine meters stood on Jiang Chen’s right.

“Jiang Chen, you will be my eldest brother in the future.”

After someone started, more and more people also chose to support Jiang Chen.

“We are willing to follow Jiang Chen in the future.”

“Jiang Chen is the big brother of all of us!”

“We are willing to support him.”

One sharp steel knife after another was thrown on the ground, and the sound was staggered one after another.

Fat Biao’s face turned pale.


He never expected that his brothers would be rebelled by Jiang Chen so easily.


He threw his fat body the opposite wall.

In his mouth, blood spurted out.

“Today is your time to die.”

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