Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 101 Inception made the people of the whole country fall into infinite IQ madness

June 1st, 148 minutes later, 2:30am.

In the major movie theaters in mainland China, countless moviegoers came out of them in amazement.

Until they got home, they were still thinking about what they had just experienced.

Still haven't come out of the suspenseful brain-burning scene on the screen!

Still staying in the spiritual world of the protagonist, and the spinning top!

After a short delay, fans who watched the premiere of "Inception" in mainland China turned on their mobile phones and rushed to Douban.

Can't wait to express my viewing experience and rate this movie!

[Director Qin Feng's control over the movie has reached such a peak!

This makes the other movies released in the same time period feel so bad! 】

【Be sure to watch the full movie patiently, don't miss a second!!

The end of the movie is really intriguing.

Can't sleep after watching it!

Qin Feng is awesome!】

【The more you look back, the more you feel that your IQ is not enough. Salute to Director Qin Feng!】

【This story has a fatal attraction to me, I simply love it! 】

[Many people will doubt reality after watching the movie. I want to say that they don't have to go to the toilet in their dreams.

After watching the movie, the first thing everyone does is to go to the bathroom. This is the easiest way to distinguish between reality and dreams, hehe. 】

[At 2:30 in the morning, watching the entire movie, what I want to say is that Director Qin Feng's brain is so big that the black hole will shake in front of Director Qin Feng...]

[Armstrong said: Director Qin Feng's small step is a giant leap in the history of human cinema. 】

[Finally, I saw this long-awaited movie on the screen in the mainland of Long China.

...really very, very exciting, the plot, special effects, the performances of the actors, and the philosophy that Director Qin Feng infiltrated into the film are all great highlights! 】

【This movie is amazing! Anti-physics discussion, swirling action scenes, punchy back music, etc.

In the second half of the film, these factors work together to hypnotize you and bring you into the movie dream set by Director Qin Feng! 】

[The climax of Avatar is forty minutes, and the climax of Inception actually exceeds an hour.

This movie must go to the theater to experience this super-long anxiety! 】

[A small idea seed will also take root and form, it may make you or destroy you.

So do you want to give it a go, or do you have to wait until you are old and full of regrets and go to Huangquan Road alone? 】

[Super wonderful movie, whether it is the storytelling skills, shooting techniques, or visual sensory experience are all great!

It's a fascinating subject, and it's eye-catching after reading it!

After watching it on the way back, I often wondered if I was dreaming! 】

[The special effects and brain holes are really jaw-dropping, too advanced, and dizzying.

One flower, one world, a subversive worldview triggered by a spinning top! 】

[In terms of brain holes, I am most convinced by this classic work. Qin Feng is really not something that ordinary people can surpass!]

[Cow! Constantly changing scenes, there is dizziness, the spinning top turns around~

Qin Feng's film is very logical, very good-looking, and the actors are well chosen! 】

[The plot is simply a bunker, the screenwriter is amazing!

The director's use of narration techniques makes the plot ups and downs, and even the final ending is suspenseful.

After watching it, I have been recalling the plot in my mind to solve my doubts!

The setting of the dream in the dream is really amazing, the movie is beautiful and brain-burning! 】

[Watching the movie closely followed the plot, even if I saw the ending, I didn't understand whether it was in a dream or in reality.

Brain-burning, really brain-burning.

Such a wonderful movie is worth watching twice and three times, and watching it countless times! 】

At three o'clock in the morning on June 1, the premiere of "Inception" in the Dragon Kingdom just ended half an hour later.

More than 100,000 people have spontaneously rushed to Douban, an authoritative film rating website in the mainland of China, to rate the film.

The score obtained by "Inception" at this time is the same as that on the foreign ibm website, which is an unbelievable 9.9!

More than 98% of the movie fans in the Mainland of China gave the movie a perfect score of 10 after watching the premiere of the movie!

At the same time, on interactive websites such as post bars and forums in mainland China.

Crazy launched the discussion of the ending of "Inception".

After the broadcast of "Inception", the people of the whole country fell into an infinite IQ madness!

Fans have been on the Internet to analyze the dream in the film and discuss whether the top fell to the ground at the end.

Generally, the replies to film review posts are mainly short sentences, but in the analysis post of "Inception", even the replies of passing netizens can be as long as a thousand words!

Some even stand on their own and open a new post to respond to a dispute over a particular detail.

Careful netizens found that Leonardo wore a wedding ring in his dreams, but not in reality.

He doesn't wear a ring at the end, which infers that he finally returns to reality.

In the heated discussion on the ending of "Inception" in the whole network, it can also be divided into many sects.

Academia: Why do you need to find a conclusion in an open ending.

Not only did mainland audiences in the mainland bite the top at the end of the film after watching the movie, but North American audiences were also very keen on the discussion of the ending.

However, academic film critics believe that since Qin Feng gave an open ending, the ending must be inconclusive.

How can "Inception" be "played~||through" by itself?

Roland Barthes said before his death: "The author is dead"—the meaning of the work is read by the reader, and everyone can understand it by himself.

Therefore, Director Qin Feng did not have the priority to explain his own works.

Auditory School: There are "Easter Eggs" behind the subtitles

Some netizens kindly reminded the audience on Weibo that after the ending subtitles of "Inception", there is still a voice-over of the spinning top.

This is the proof that Leonardo has returned to reality at the end of the film.

But it turned out that the voiceover was just their hallucinations.

Zhang Xiaobei, one of the film critics on behalf of the audience, also humbly admitted his mistake after causing the "group fight".

Technical school: subtitles, rings are iron proof!

Among the many analysis posts that firmly believe that Leonardo has returned to reality, the explanation of netizen Mantuner is the most reliable.

The reason he gave is: After watching the subtitles of the film in full, the audience can find that there are two groups of actors who play the two children of the protagonist Cobb, James and Philippa.

One group played 20-month-old James and 3-year-old Philippa.

The other group played James, 3, and Philippa, 5.

Why use two sets of actors?

According to Man Tuner's analysis, Cobb drifted for two years, and his memory of his two children remained forever two years ago, and finally he finally returned to his home in Los Angeles.

It was the first time I saw 3-year-old James and 5-year-old Philippa, so it was necessary to divide the actors into two groups.

More sharp-eyed netizens pointed out that after his viewing argument, Leonardo only wears a wedding ring in a dream, and never wears a wedding ring in reality.

And in the last scene, when he finally spins the top on the table, his fingers are empty, proving that he has indeed returned to his real home!

In addition to countless netizens on the Internet, there has been a frenzy of discussion.

Major media and companies in mainland China also said that after the release of "Inception", their pears were huge.


Shanda announced today: the company's online game "Ghost Blowing Lamp" will be renamed "Tomb Raiders Space", and will launch the sixth layer of tombs at the same time.


As China's No. 1 Internet company and the world's No. 3 Internet company, Tencent held a press conference today: The company will launch a true and original online game masterpiece "QQ Pirates of Dreams".

We firmly believe that this brand-new game will achieve astounding results like other original Tencent games such as "QQ Tang", "QQ Speed", "QQ Hero Kill", and "Plant Elves vs. Gargamel"!


Taobao.com will launch a new section of "Taomeng Space" recently. It is reported that this is a channel dedicated to selling Simmons.


It is reported that Douban, as China's leading (Wang Zhaozhao) male = gay dating network, will be redesigned recently. Channels such as "Douban Reading" and "Douban Movie" will be renamed to "Spring Dreams", "Wet Dreams" and other elegant and enduring names. .

At the same time, "Nine O'clock" will also be renamed "Nine Floors", which they say has nothing to do with "Inception", and they made this decision a few months ago.

In addition to major companies, countless Internet celebrities also said they had something to say after watching "Inception".

Guo Ming: [Fourth Master, I'm a little girl who wears prada today, and I'm telling you~ Evildoers, Fourth Master has a piece of good news for you.

Fourth Master, my true and original new book "How much is stolen from the dream" is about to come out, and I will look up at Fourth Master with melancholy eyes at 45 angles! 】

Han Han: [Love the Internet, love freedom, love to get up late, love food stalls at night.

I'm not a standard bearer, I'm not someone's endorsement.

I only represent myself, I am a dream thief like you. 】

Ling Jueding: [As long as you are a comrade, you are living the life of a dream thief.

If you don't believe me, I will kill you, hum~! I'll beat you back to the eighteenth floor...not a dream, but hell. 】

Matthew: [I am a pure man of Brother Chun, a real man of iron and blood. However, I still have dreams and would like to ask Director Qin Feng, what floor is Chun Meng on? Hehe. 】Remain.

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