Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 102 Mainland Box Office: Inception at a glance

According to the plan, Qin Feng originally planned to attend the premiere of "Inception" in the early morning of June 1.

The next day went straight to Xiangjiang.

However, the plan did not change quickly, and Qin Feng stayed in the mainland for five more days after the strong retention of many parties.

And the five more days he stayed, not only witnessed "Inception" achieved a rather explosive first week box office.

It also witnessed an intellectual carnival between audiences and media across the country and "Inception"!

As of 12:00 noon on June 5, almost all the spotlights of the national media have shone on this "Inception"!

Tencent Entertainment: [Vaguely remember, when the opening of the premiere of "Inception" in the early morning of June 1st at the Magic Capital Theater, the audience burst into applause and cheers after the lights were turned off.

The huge white curtain fell slowly with the symphony "Thus Spoke Zarathustra".

The audience was even more excited, and after a few seconds, everyone had no idea where they were.

The whole movie of "Inception" is about an action of entering other people's dreams and implanting ideas, and the complexity and brilliance of this action are completely beyond people's imagination.

As the highlight of the whole film, the whole action is carried out in one go. Qin Feng leads the audience to shuttle freely between reality and dream, and between dream and dream.

He is like a puppet master manipulating the direction of the story, a timeline will instantly split into several parallel lines,

Paired with plenty of action and unexpected twists, it's as if the audience is unconsciously caught in a storm.

While the sensory stimulation and emotions are exciting, the brain is still spinning rapidly. If there is a slight error, you will not be able to keep up with Qin Feng's narrative pace and get lost in his maze.

And the story is not only about an action, but also the process by which the hero Cobb penetrated into his heart.

And the choice he finally faced also led to the philosophical proposition, what is dream and what is reality.

If all the senses exist in a dream, what is the difference from reality?

Until the last shot before the end of the film, Qin Feng finally successfully threw this question to the audience in front of the white screen, leaving them puzzled.

The soundtrack of "Inception" is quite wonderful, like the metal spinning top that keeps spinning in the film, giving people a feeling of cold, dizzy and blunt shock.

Leonardo's performance is so good that Cobb has surpassed him in all the previous films!

The French actress Marion Cotillard has more and more important roles than expected, and her every appearance is amazing.

Ellen Page and Joseph Gordon also gave good performances, the latter still cool and cute.

Personally, I really like Tom Hardy's character, maybe because he's the only one responsible for the humor in the film.

In the summer of this year, Chinese director Qin Feng, for the people of the world, has created a masterpiece with a complex and delicate script, and at the same time full of connotations and shocking!

During the viewing process, both the senses and the brain are like a roller coaster-like viewing experience, which makes people linger.

After the movie ended, the audience burst into applause again. The most frequently heard comment at the end of the movie was "I didn't fully understand it, but it was still very nice", which is also the feeling of most people.

Maybe Qin Feng's ability lies in this, even if you are lost in his image maze, you will be dazzled and amazed.

And this is also the best reason to let the audience walk into the cinema again to watch "Inception" for the second time! 】

Sina Broadcasting: [As the summer vacation is approaching quietly, this week, the imported blockbuster "Inception", which combines elements of action, science fiction, special effects, and love, makes a strong debut.

Under the eager anticipation of fans, the film grabbed a head start in the summer vacation season.

The five-day premiere week (chej) of "Inception" exceeded 500 million at the box office and topped the weekly list, triggering the first wave of movie viewing in summer.

On June 1, the action sci-fi film "Inception" opened on a large scale.

The story of the film is inspired by Chinese director Qin Feng, who skillfully blurs the boundary between dream and reality in the film.

With wonderful business elements and extremely rich imagination, we took us to explore different levels of "dreamland"


The entire viewing process allowed fans to experience an excellent intellectual carnival, which was very enjoyable.

The 5-day premiere week of the film surpassed 500 million at the national box office, with a crowd of more than 2.9 million. It won the top spot in the weekly chart at the high box office, showing a beautiful start for the summer season.

This result puts "Inception" at No. 1 in this year's new film premiere weekly list!

"Inception" started overseas as early as May 15 and became a master-level blockbuster in the summer market.

It won the championship in North America for two consecutive weeks, and the global box office exceeded 300 million US dollars.

Before, the domestic media had too much information that was difficult to understand in the rendering of the film, which multiplied the mystery of the literary and artistic "Inception".

In fact, the plot line of the movie is not that complicated, and various commercial elements such as mixed action, sci-fi, special effects, love, etc., position the film on "high IQ".

Four dreams, six spaces, the Inception Dream team composed of six people performed a "Inception Dream Space" that made the audience amazed and praised again and again.

Many viewers said that the film is not as difficult to understand as imagined, as long as you watch it carefully, don't let the plot fall, it is not impossible to understand it all at once.

In addition, at the open end of the film, the spinning top seems to be about to stop, which also made the audience exclaim again and again, and caused heated discussions on the Internet.

The film's reputation and topics such as "dreamland" and endings spread geometrically, which will bring the next round of movie viewing for the film.

According to the feedback from the theater market, "Inception" undisputedly ranked first in the weekly box office charts of various theaters.

Almost all of the five major cinema chains have exceeded 10 million yuan per single film, among which, the Wanda Cinemas earned 15.6 million yuan and the Southern Shinkansen 12.65 million yuan.

Due to the strong entry of new films, some gaps in the market due to the change of schedules have been filled to some extent.

On the domestic film list, "Informant" continued to lead, with an income of about 14.5 million and a cumulative box office of about 47 million.

If it weren't for the suppression of "Inception", "Informant" should have a better market performance.

It is now estimated that "Informant" will stop at around 55 million.

The second place is the "Hawthorn Tree", which has been released for 7 weeks, with an income of about 4.9 million, with a total of about 645.9 million.

The third-ranked "Dragon Phoenix Store" has a revenue of about 3.5 million, and a total of about 28.5 million.

In the imported film market, "Inception" grabbed 71% of the market cake, and the screening space of other films suddenly narrowed.

The action film "The Expendables", which has been curbed from attracting gold, earned about 33 million this week, a 71% drop from last week, with a total of about 196 million, but there should be no problem at the box office of 200 million.

The hardest hit was "The Last Airbender", which was released in the second week of its release. The second week's decline can be described as "high diving", down 78%, with an income of about 6.5 million, and the cumulative box office was less than 30 million.

The goal of the 3D cartoon "Shrek 4" to hit the 100 million yuan club was also intercepted by "Inception", which earned about 6.8 million this week, with a total of about 86.8 million.

The start of this week's summer season, due to the strong attack of the new film "Inception", has triggered a new round of movie viewing craze, and also reduced the market shock caused by the market gap between schedule changes.

Compared with last week, the number of screenings nationwide has increased by 18%, and the box office has soared by 24%.

According to incomplete statistics, this year's summer season has the highest output, with a box office of more than 900 million, which is close to the January-February period of the Lunar New Year, with more than 27 million moviegoers.

Among them, "Inception" directed by Qin Feng alone contributed more than half of it!

Due to the emergence of "Inception", the box office is expected to exceed 2.3 billion throughout the summer.

This year may usher in the best and most exciting summer season!

In the same period last year, there were three new Chinese and foreign films in the market, all of which are small and medium-sized films, which cannot be compared with this week's "Inception".

Judging from market data alone, the number of moviegoers this week was more than 4.6 million, a year-on-year increase of 135%, and the total weekly box office was more than 750 million, a year-on-year increase of 151%.

It is really impossible not to marvel at the explosive market power of "Inception"!

It can be said that director Qin Feng alone has saved the sluggish summer season in the mainland of Long Mainland!

But what is unexpected is that, along with the movie tickets, there are the most iconic props in the film, the spinning top.

It is Leonardo's character Cobb, a totem used to distinguish reality from dreams.

Many Taobao sellers have printed the signs of the original authentic totem top of "Inception" with the same proportions and sizes, very heavy hand feel, imported pure stainless steel materials.

And its recent transaction records are also crazy, and some sellers even sold thousands of them.

All stainless steel "Inception" top, each priced at 138 yuan.

In foreign countries, this top has even been fired to 50-100 US dollars.

The owner of Taobao introduced that this small top is about 30mm high and 30g heavy, about the weight of 4-5 coins, polished and bright, just like the top in the movie.

There is also a LOGO with the words "Inception" at the bottom, the handwriting is clear, and it can be turned on the glass for at least 3 minutes.

It is reported that ordinary businesses have sold more than 400.

Some of the fans who buy the top are out of the mentality of collection, and there are also enthusiasts who use the top as an "alarm clock".

"Sometimes I think I've woken up in my sleep, but I'm always confused when I wake up.

With this spinning top, I wake up every day and turn it around. If the spinning top falls, I will wake up and realize that it's time for work and start brushing my teeth. ""

Some people bluntly said, "It can turn for 3 minutes, and sometimes it doesn't stop, and I feel very scary.

Many viewers watched the film many times to understand the dream, including star audiences.

Xue Zhiqian posted on Weibo his experience of watching the movie: [Watching "Inception" with Zhu Zhen and Li Chen for two days.

Some people say that the top of the final scene, there is a shot after the seven-minute subtitles.

Three big men were waiting there, watching everyone leave the cinema, before the staff advised us to leave.

Later, the approval documents came out, and I was very responsible to make sure that the top did not stop.

However, I did see the five-layer dream for the second time!].

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