Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 107 Gangsters can still set up undercover agents in the police?!

"That's right, Liu Tianwang.

The next movie I made in Hong Kong was not a sci-fi movie. ""

Qin Feng raised his head, looked into Liu Dehua's eyes, and said seriously.

He had already seen through what Liu Tianwang was thinking at this time, and knew that in Liu Tianwang's heart, he was regretting why "Inception" was not a Hong Kong film.

You must know that although "Inception" is excellent, it is not suitable for the local customs of Xiangjiang.

It is not impossible if this film is produced and distributed by Heung Kong Film Company and starred by Heung Kong stars.

At the beginning, Qin Feng really thought so, to turn this Hollywood blockbuster into a dragon movie.

Qin Feng can create the original version according to the script in his mind and the shooting method of the movie.

You only need to replace the actors with Hong Kong film people.

He could have done it, but he didn't.

This is what he had already thought about from the beginning of filming "Inception".

The reason why he didn't do that is to ensure the excellence of the film to the greatest extent possible.

Therefore, in making movies in this world, he tries his best to restore 677 one-to-one.

Moreover, taking a step back, even if he produced everything in "Inception" according to the specifications of Hong Kong films, he would use all the big-name actors in Hong Kong.

Then the final effect of shooting must be far less than the original film of "Inception" in the earth period.

So when he first obtained the system, he decided to respect originality and art, and in this world, restore the charm of Earth movies to the greatest extent possible.

And in the next movie he made in Xiangjiang, he really didn't plan to make a science fiction movie.

After all, the ceiling of the world police and bandit movie "Infernal Affairs" during the earth period was his best choice at this moment.

none of them.

Police and bandit films can also best represent Hong Kong and Hong Kong movies.

Although it has now become a bit unbearable under the wasting of time.

But this kind of movie is like a dusty night pearl.

Just need a person with a heart to wipe the dust off it.

Then the light it emits again will surely shock the world again!

"Uh, Director Qin Feng, if you don't plan to make sci-fi films in Xiangjiang.

So, what kind of movie do you want to make in Hong Kong?

After hearing Qin Feng's answer that he would be in Xiangjiang next and not planning to make a sci-fi movie, Liu Tianwang couldn't help but sigh.

Because in this way, it means that it is difficult for people all over the world to see a sci-fi suspense masterpiece produced by Hong Kong that shocked the world like "Inception".

Liu Tianwang was also a little worried at this time. If other films were made, Qin Feng would be able to control it well.

Can the film reach the height of "Inception"?

It's not that he doesn't believe Qin Feng. If Qin Feng chose to make a sci-fi film this time, Liu Dehua wouldn't ask any more questions.

After all, Qin Feng has already shown to the people of this world, his terrifying strength in the field of sci-fi films.

But if in other fields, whether Qin Feng can reach the same level as "Inception", it is unclear to everyone.

In this world, usually a director has his own best field of film.

In this field they can call the wind and call the rain, but outside this field, no one can guarantee it.

Even the world-renowned directors such as James Cameron and Spielberg who were famous before Qin Feng were no exception.

Therefore, when he heard that Qin Feng did not plan to make a sci-fi film this time, Liu Tianwang's heart sank for the most part.

However, Qin Feng's next words, not only did not make him feel better, but made his heart drop to freezing point!

"Liu Tianwang, this time I am preparing in Xiangjiang, a police and bandit movie.

Qin Feng reached out his hand to get the script of "Infernal Affairs" from his bag, and said slowly (chej) to Liu Tianwang.

"Police movie?!"

After hearing Qin Feng's plan to make a police and gangster film, Liu Dehua and Xu Guanwen, president of the Hong Kong Film Association, had the same initial reaction.

They all widened their eyes and let out a roar from their throats.

Qin Feng couldn't help but feel heartache after seeing the two people's reactions to the police and gangster films.

Who would have thought that the film theme that once made Hong Kong the most proud of.

Now it has become the most unwilling thing for all Hong Kong filmmakers to touch.

The current situation of Hong Kong Film is really bleak enough.

Now Xiangjiang really needs a director who has the talent to stand up and help the building to fall.

Turn the tide and pull Hong Kong Movies out of the quagmire!

Qin Feng knew that he was the one and only one.

"Uh, Director Qin Feng, I don't know, what is the specific content of this police and bandit film you are going to shoot in Xiangjiang?

After a while, Liu Tianwang finally calmed down a little, looking at Qin Feng and asking.

He told himself in his heart that he had to trust Director Qin Feng, maybe this police and gangster film created by Qin Feng could produce something new.

However, Qin Feng's next words disappointed Liu Tianwang again. He slumped directly on the sofa and stared at the ground blankly.

"The film I'm going to shoot in Hong Kong tells a story about undercover agents."9

Qin Feng looked at Liu Tianwang and replied.

At this time, he had already taken the script of Infernal Affairs out of his bag and put it on the table.

"Alas, Director Qin Feng.

There is a saying that I don't know if I should say it properly. People got tired of watching your undercover movie many years ago.

If you make another police and gangster film with the theme of undercover, I am afraid it will not have any good results.

Liu Dehua sighed, raised his head, looked at Qin Feng and said.

When he looked up, he suddenly saw Qin Feng on the table in front of him. On the cover of the script, there were three big characters, "Infernal Affairs".

He was also instantly attracted by the name of the movie, and a long-lost light flashed in his eyes, staring at it.

"That's right, Liu Tianwang, you are right.

If it is an undercover movie with ordinary themes, it will indeed not play a role in revitalizing the Hong Kong movie market.

But what if it's a movie about a police and gangster double undercover?

What if gangsters can also put undercover agents in the police?"

Qin Feng looked at Liu Tianwang with a slight smile and said.

His words, like a boulder, were thrown into the lake that had long been silent as death.

Instantly in this room, it caused a huge wave!

"Double undercover movie?!

Can gangsters set up undercover agents in the police?!

After hearing Qin Feng's words, Liu Dehua and Xu Guanwen raised their heads in unison, looked at him, widened their eyes, and shouted in shock.

There is no doubt that at this moment, Qin Feng's double undercover movie has already attracted them deeply.


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